Honors American History II Unit 2: Imperialism and Isolationism: American Foreign Policy in the Modern Age

Ms. Turner

KAES Academy

  1. Students should KNOW:

Unit Terms:

American Imperialism & Spanish American War World War I to the 1920s
Vocabulary and Quiz – 2/23
Spheres of Influence
Yellow Journalism
Roosevelt Corollary
Guerilla Fighting Tactics
William Randolph Hearst
Matthew C. Perry
Queen Liluokalani
Joseph Pulitzer
George Dewey
Rough Riders
Spanish American War
Foraker Act
Platt Amendment
Dollar Diplomacy
Big Stick Policy
Open Door Policy / Vocabulary due 3/3Test – 3/6-3/10
Treaty of Versailles
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Red Scare
Kellog Briand Pact
Espionage Act
Francis Ferdinand
Great Migration
League of Nations
Palmer Raids
Sacco & Vanzetti
Selective Service Act
Spanish Influenza
Zimmerman Note
Sedition Act
Schneck v. United States
Espionage Act
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Trench Warfare
Sussex Pledge
War Industries Board
Food Administration Act
  1. Students Should BE ABLE TO: Students will need to demonstrate content mastery through answering of these questions/statements. In answering these Essential Learning Questions,make sure you can provide answers to the following questions using SFI (Specific Factual Information)Full credit will only be given to answers that include content vocabulary from the unit.

Imperialism and Isolationism (Study Guide)

  1. When should the United States get involved in the affairs of other countries?
  2. When, if ever, should the freedom of the press be limited?
  3. To what extent should public opinion influence foreign policy?
  4. When is war justified?
  5. When should America get involved in global affairs?
  6. How can social movements create change?
  7. How has equality been expanded throughout American history?
  8. What is the United States' proper role in the world?
  9. How has the American Dream been limited?
  10. Should free speech ever be limited?
  11. What influences US foreign policy?
  12. Describe Hawaii’s path to statehood.
  13. What is yellow journalism
  14. What two events pulled the United States into the Spanish American War? Be sure to describe each event in detail.
  15. Discuss the outcomes of the Spanish American War.
  16. What are the 4 elements of American Imperialism?
  17. Describe the events that led to the creation of the Panama Canal.
  18. Discuss the American involvement in Mexico during the Wilson administration.
  19. What was the spark that caused WWI?
  20. Discuss the events that pulled America into WWII.
  21. What were the 4 main causes of WWI?
  22. Describe the Scopes Monkey Trial?