Perma eco education campsite and field school,Kitgum Uganda;
Is helping communities to redesign their homes and villages with philosophy of harmony with nature, humanity, and divinity through hands-on environmental education programs based on permaculture principles.
Permaculture training in poorcommunities has been one of themost effective means for raisingpeople out of poverty or rebuilding acommunity after a disaster. Aidprojects using permaculture practices
have assisted impoverishedcommunities to rebuild theirenvironment and economies tobecome self reliant as opposed to aid dependence.The costs are low withexcellent results compared toconventional aid. The world is in direneed of permaculture field trainers who can provide effective projectdesign and training in the field. Perma eco education campsite and field school now offersSeveral levels of hands-on training topeople entering the field of aid workthat wish to truly make a difference inthe war on poverty.Led by two of the world’s mostexperienced permaculture trainers,this course offers the ultimate hands-onlearning. Steve Cran and ChakraWidia have between them more than30 years of field experience inbringing peace and stability to conflictand disaster zones throughpermaculture strategies. The fieldknowledge these two trainers impartcannot be found in any book. Formore information on Steve andChakra, please visit the Tri Hita
Karana Bali website:
Field-Ready Course for
Aid Workers
The Field Ready course is aimed at
Preparing people to be aid workers in the field of community sustainability and food security, at the on-ground level. Experienced Project Leaders will pass on their hard earned skills and knowledge to students during this 2- week hands-on, intensive course. Students will build their base camp and live in the field in teams. Each team will construct their base camp, a village field school, a
Community food security garden, as well as several other sustainable development projects during the training. Over half the training is living hands-on. The hands-on activities prepare the students for the challenges they will encounter where effective aid is needed. This is a course for those
People that want to work on the front Lines in communities affected by
Conflict, disaster, climate change events and poverty.
Investment: 14 days, $1500 USD
Next Course: April 25 - May 7, 2011
Field Trainer Internship
The Field Trainer Internship prepares students to be permaculture trainersfor sustainability aid work in impoverished communities and disaster zones. Their aim will be to provide food security and sustainable development assistance in the field. Field trainers learn all aspects of project design and implementation in difficult situations. Students develop the skills to train people of different cultures to rebuild their communities, attain all year food security, and restore local economies using proven strategies and techniques. Students practice in the field the skills needed to bring self-reliance to people in difficult circumstances using whatever resources are available locally. Duringthis course students must completemany small-scale projects needed in apoor community, or disaster area.Constructing safe wells, buildingcommunity infrastructure, wastemanagement, food security, buildingnurseries and community forestry arejust some of the activities these fieldtrainers will be skilled in at the
Completion of this course. Some ofthese projects will be conducted in realcommunities. For those people seriousabout a career in overseas
development work, this course in aMust.
Investment: 3 Months, $3,000 USD
Next Course: May 9, 2011
For more information please contact