St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel Lutheran Church
Congregation Council Meeting –Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Present: Susan Greig,Barbara Gruenberg, Gene Hiigel,Eric Johnson,Georganne Karvunis, Brian Kurtz, Sarah Sampson,Aaron Thompson,Pastor David Parsons. A quorum was present.

Excused: Kuye Youngblood.

Absent: Vivian Chan.

Devotions: Devotions were led by Pastor Parsons beginning at 7:35 pm.

Election of Officers: The following were nominated and elected to serve as officers of the Congregation Council:

Sarah Sampson-President

Eric Johnson-Vice President

Gene Hiigel-Secretary

Aaron Thompson-Financial Secretary

Tammy Johnson-Treasurer

Approval of Agenda: A resolution was moved, seconded and adopted to approve the agenda as presented.


Financial Reports: A change in the procedures used in preparing the financial reports was made in January but, due to some problems with the presentation, no financial reports could be provided to the Council at the meeting.

Pastor’s Report: Written and oral reports were presented to the Council by Pastor Parsons.

Property: Two bids were received for the capital improvements to the apron of the church, one for $274,000 and the other for $401,000. Both bids provide for a ramp leading to the church and the bidders will be asked to provide bids without the ramp. A suggestion was made that, if no ramp is constructed, handicapped signage be provided for the existing ramp leading into the social hall.

Unfinished/Continuing Business:

Audit Committee: Andrew Kjoller was nominated and elected as chair of the Audit Committee. Andrew will be asked to find two additional members of the Committee for consideration by the Council.

Senior Citizens Center: Aaron Thompson reported on a discussion that he and Pastor had with Carla Zecca, Executive Director of the Senior Center, about the possibility of replacing Trushar Shah as the bookkeeper for the Senior Center and hiring a replacement to keep the books of both the Church and the Senior Center. Carla feels that Tru is indispensable to the Senior Center in its relations with the City Department for the Aging and strongly resists any change.

There was further discussion of the necessity for either combining of the financial accounts and budgets of the Church and Senior Center or the possibility of spinning off the Senior Center as a separate entity wholly owned by the Church. Gene Hiigel will discuss the possibility of spinning off the Senior Center with the General Counsel of the Synod. A resolution was moved, second and adopted instructing the Senior Center Committee to notify Carla that the Congregation will need to approve the Senior Center’s budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year at its meeting in May and will need a draft budget for consideration by April.

Self Study: Susan Greig presented, and the Council discussed, notices of Bible Studies to be held in preparation for a Workshop on the Self Study process. The Workshop is to be held on February 26.

Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Council was scheduled for March 14, 2017.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm with the Lord’s Prayer.

Submitted by:

Gene Hiigel
