Urban Shelter Rapid Needs Assessment

(Settlement Level)


Province/City (code) / District/Neighbourhood (code)
Place name (code) / GPS coordinates


Accessibility within affected urban centre (circle the most appropriate answer): Poor Moderate Good
Reasons for poor or moderate accessibility (circle the most appropriate answer):
Damaged road Rubble/Obstacles Security issues Other:
Accessible by (circle the most appropriate answer):
Car 4WD Light truck Heavy truck Animal Foot

Affected Population

Population of affected zone before crisis / Population of affected zone after crisis
Females / Males / < 5yrs / > 60yrs / Total / Females / Males / < 5yrs / > 60yrs / Total
Estimated total number of crisis affected casualties
# of deaths caused by crisis: _____ # of missing persons: _____ # of injured persons: _____
Vulnerable persons
# of Unaccompanied elder (someone over 60 yrs): ______
# of Unaccompanied minor (someone under XX yrs): ______
# of Severely disabled persons: ______
# of Persons with a chronic illness: ______
# of Female headed household: ______
# of People from any ethnic minority: ______
# of People belonging to an indigenous groups: ______
# of People of lower casts: ______
Is the settlement hosting affected people from outside the delimitation of that settlement (IDPs)?
If yes, where is the place of origin, and the approximate distance from the place of origin (km)?
What is the nature of displacement? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  <1 km from place of origin
o  <5 km from place of origin
o  >6 km displaced due to risk of potential hazard (example landslide, tsunami, etc.)
o  >6 km displaced due to conflict
o  Refugees (from outside of the country)
o  Nomadic population
Obstacles to return (circle all relevant answers)
Poor security Potential hazards Lack of shelter Lack of water Lack of livelihood Lack of food
If none of the above, than describe other:
Priority needs (circle most appropriate answer)
Health / WASH / Food/Nutrition / Shelter / Security
Low / High
Low / High
Low / High
Low / High


Total percentage of housing units in affected area / Uninhabitable / %
Inhabitable / %
If homes in affected area are severely damaged or destroyed, where are people living? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  In the damaged housing units
o  In makeshift shelters
o  With friends/family
o  In collective centres/unused buildings
o  In camps/informal settlements
Are the affected persons paying rent for the following, and if so, how much?
o  Land: $ ______
o  Shelter: $ ______
o  Room: $ ______
o  Other services: ______, $ ______
Possible forthcoming hazards (check those which have a high potential of occurring)
Can the current shelters withstand the most possible hazard? (Yes / No)
What are the most probable forthcoming climatic conditions?
o  Sun/heat
o  Rain/strong winds
o  Cold/snow
Can the current shelter withstand the forthcoming climatic conditions? (Yes/No)
Can materials be salvaged from destroyed houses/buildings (circle the all relevant)
wood plank CGIs bricks rebar wood poles metal poles bamboo other

Housing Land and Property

Are tenancy and ownership agreements formal or informal? (documents)
If formal, are affected persons in possession of tenancy/ownership documents (post-crisis)? / (yes/no)
What is the affected peoples’ risk of eviction from current sites? (circle the most appropriate)
o  Low
o  Moderate
o  High
o  Unknown
Is the following real estate available? (Temporary sheltering solutions)
Free land (for the possibility of self-settled/planned camps) / (yes/no)
Unused public buildings (for the possibility of setting up collective centres) / (yes/no)
Spare rooms in homes (for the possibility of host family/community) / (yes/no)
Spare apartments units (for the possibility of setting rental schemes) / (yes/no)

Building damage assessment

Building typologies in affected area
What types of buildings exist in the settlement? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Temporary housing structures (ex: slums)
o  Single story houses
o  Multiple story houses
o  Multiple story apartment buildings
What are the buildings in the settlement made from? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Reinforced concrete
o  Concrete bloc masonry
o  Brick masonry
o  Other (describe):
Housing damage assessment
What type of damage has occurred to housing in the settlement? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
/ / /
___ / ___ / ___ / ___
Community resources (infrastructure and utilities)
Infrastructure/utilities / Intact (Y/N) / Needs repair (Y/N) / Destroyed (Y/N)
Plans for future
What are the affected persons’ future plans? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Repair/build in same location within settlement
o  Build in new location within settlement
o  Build in new location outside of settlement
o  Rent/buy in new location within settlement
o  Rent/buy in new location outside of settlement
o  Not sure what plans are as of yet
Priority perceived support needed (prioritize in ascending order)
o  Building materials
o  Skilled labour
o  Technical training
o  Financial assistance
o  Other (describe):
If financial assistance please explain what the cash is intended for:
Tools/materials/means needed for local repair or relocation (provide a short list):


Do households have the following: / 2 containers to carry/store water / (yes/no)
Appropriate cooking + eating equipment / (yes/no)
Access to fuel (cooking/heating) / (yes/no)
Hygiene and sanitation items / (yes/no)
Bedding available / (yes/no)
2 full sets of clothing per person / (yes/no)
Additional winterization items / (yes/no)

Livelihoods / Food security

For what purpose other than sleeping do people use their homes (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Storing tools and/or equipment
o  Business activities
o  Storing food/animals
o  Other (specify):
Food is available? (circle the most appropriate)
>3months 2months 1month 2weeks 1week 1-3days none
What ways do people obtain food?
o  Purchased
o  Bartered
o  Home grown
o  Other (specify):
Has this been disrupted (explain)?
Is there potable water available in the settlement? (circle the most appropriate)
·  Sufficient
·  Insufficient
·  None / Is there non-potable water available in the settlement? (circle the most appropriate)
·  Sufficient
·  Insufficient
·  None
Where do they collect water from? (circle the most appropriate)
City water water tower water tank rain harvesting Dug well Spring River
Other (specify):
What were the means of excretal disposal pre-crisis? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Inside toilets
o  Latrines
o  Pit
o  Open air defecation
o  Other (specify):
What were the means of excretal disposal post-crisis? (check all corresponding and rank the 3 most prevalent)
o  Inside toilets
o  Latrines
o  Pit
o  Open air defecation
o  Other (specify):
