

Weighing Application Data Sheet

Email To: or FAX TO: 972-522-4503 Date:
Instructions:Navigate through the form using the TAB key or mouse. To select a checkbox, click with mouse or press the SPACEBAR. To select units, click and choose from drop-down menu.
Requestor Information / Customer Information / End-User Information
Company Name: / Company Name: / Company Name:
Requestor Name: / City: / City:
Phone: / State*: / State*:
E-mail / Country*: / Country*:
Selected Part Numbers:
Feed rate: / maximum t/hr / normal t/hr / minimum t/hr
Constantfeedrate: / Yes / No
Application: / Inventory / Load out / Control / Blending / Legal for trade
Load, speed, rate and total / Batch control / Ratio controlled blending
Pre-feed: / Rotary valve / Belt / Screw / Vibratory pan / Aerated gravity conveyor
Bucket elevator / Other
Flowrate: / Constant / Variable / Pulsing
Materialtestavailability: / Yes / No
Material: / Particle size: / in ft / Bulkdensity: / lb/ft3 kg/m
Moisturecontent: / % / Angleofrepose: / deg / Temperature: / F C
Materialproperties: / Hygroscopic / Corrosive / Easilyaerated / Abrasive / Other
Materialflowcharacteristic: / Smooth / Sluggish / Sticky/clumping / Other
Is material aerated? / Yes / No
Corrosive state of material: / High / Moderate / Notcorrosive
Material surcharge angle: / deg
Installation (BeltScale)
Profile: / Horizontal / Curved / Incline/Decline deg / Variable incline deg
Beltspeed: / minimum ft/min m/sec / maximum ft/min m/sec
Beltlength: / in ft mm m / Beltwidth: / in ft mm m
Tailpulleydiameter: / in mm / Idlerspacing: / in mm /
Idlerdiameter: / in mm / A / Idler centres / in mm
Troughangle: / deg / Y / Drop clearance / in mm
W / Conveyor width / in mm
Preferred model: / MBS / MUS / MCS / MSI / MMI / MLC
Preferred construction: / Painted mild steel / 304 SS / 316 SS / Other
Installation (Solids Flow Meter)
Flow meter will discharge into: / Headroom available: / in ft mm m
Temp. at flow meter: / maxFC / min FC / Sense plate exposed to air flow: / No / Some
Estimated distance from pre-feed discharge to flow meter: / in ft mm m
Preferredconstruction: / Painted mild steel / 304 SS / 316 SS / Other
Installation (Weighfeeder)
Condition of operating environment: / Wash down / Sanitary / Corrosive
Duty cycle: / Hours per day
Space limitations: / Length: / ft / Width: / in ft m / Height: / in ft m
Inlet dimensions: / (LxW): / in ft m / Centerlength: / ft (inlet to discharge)
Construction: / Open / Closed
Access side looking in direction of belt travel: / Left / Right / Both
Input Power: / AC - Specify / DC - Specify / BatteryDC - Specify
Inputsrequired: / Outputs required: / Communications:
4-20 mA / Digital Input / 4-20mA / Pulse / None / AB Remote I/O
PID / LVDT / 0-10V / Frequency / Modbus 232 / AB DeviceNet
Load Cells / Relay (#) / PID / Modbus 485 / Profibus-DP
Pump Interlocks #: / Remote Totalizer / RS-232 / Profibus-PA
HART ® / Foundation FB
AccuracyRequired: / %


The information contained in this data sheet is believed to be accurate however we do not assume any responsibility for errors or any liability arising from the application or use of any product herein. This data sheet neither states nor implies warranty of any kind, including fitness for any particular application.

Insert a photo or a sketch of the application, if available: Simply copy and paste into this table. Bitmaps should be no larger than 640 X 48

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© Siemens Industry Inc.Form# 2-763R3