What are we learning this term?

Year 4 Autumn Term

What are we learning this term?

Year 4 Autumn Term

Ways to make writing even better

Ask your child to write a simple sentence and with them use one of these ways to improve their writing!

Make your writing descriptive and exciting. Instead of ‘The fish is in the water’ make your description as exciting as this one:

Flowing water and swirling seaweed surrounded the great, white shark. Glaring excitedly at its prey, its cold eyes glistened at the delicious treat ahead…

Use these guides to start your sentences in different ways.

A connective / While Tom waited…
An ing clause / Waiting for the others, Tom decided to…
An ed clause / Surprised by the bang, Tom stopped ….
A simile / Like a fish, Tom dived in.
An adverb / Carefully, Tom approached him…
Say where / At the end of the street, Tom turned…
Say when / Close to midnight, Tom crept down…

Reading Questions

These questions are to help your child to become an even better reader.

Style / What type of text / genre do you think this might be?
What do you think it will be about / What clues do you get from the title / pictures / cover?
Where? When? / Where do you think the story is set? How do you know?
Does the setting change throughout the story?
Could the story ‘work’ in a different setting or time?
Who? / Who is the most important character in the story?
Who is telling the story?
Which character interested you most?
Did the characters stay the same throughout the story or did they change?
What? / What do you think might happen next?
What is the problem in the story and how is it resolved?
What was your favourite / most exciting part of the story?
Was there anything that puzzled you?
What would happen if the order of events changed?
How does the ending of the story compare to what you thought might happen at the beginning?
Theme / What is the main idea / theme of the story?
Does this text remind you of any others that you have read? Why and how?
What do you think the author is trying to say?

What are we learning this term?

Year 4 Autumn Term