Exmouth Craft Fairs

Booking Form 2017
For 2017 charges remain at the 2010 levels – a 6ft Table is £22 and a 12ft Table £35

The full amount is payable for the first fair with the booking form. A deposit of £5 (non returnable) is required for each subsequent fair booked. You may book as many or as few as you like. At your first fair you then pay the balance for the next one booked. This is repeated at all subsequent fairs, so each fair is paid for in advance. Remember that for the November and December Christmas Fairs (shown in red below) I require at least 4 previous fairs to have been attended in the year in order to make a reservation

/ Table
Size / Sunday
/ Table
Size / Sunday
/ Table
March 26th / April 16th / April 30th
May 28th / June 25th / July 30th
August 20th / September 24th / October 15th
November 19th / December 3rd
Table size required (Insert in box above against each date)
Number of Fairs at £22 or £35
Payment for first fair (£22 or £35)
Deposits for subsequent fairs @£5
Total payable with booking form

Cheque Payment :- Please make cheques payable to R Longhurst. Return the form with a stamped and addressed envelope (for receipt and confirmation) to: R Longhurst, Redcliff, Burgmanns Hill, Lympstone, Devon, EX8 5HP - If no stamped and addressed envelope is provided a receipt will be sent by e-mail to the address given below.

Direct Payment :- If you wish to pay by bank transfer then my details are Sort Code 090151 and

A/C # 66172286 – you may e-mail me the form by attachment to – be sure to put your Surname as your reference and advise me of the direct payment on the form


Name ...... Telephone #:- ...... …......

Address ...... E-Mail :- ......

...... Payment by BACS? ......

I have read and agree the Terms & Conditions for Exmouth Craft Fairs.
Signed ...... Date :- ......

Please list all crafts you wish to exhibit. Please be a descriptive as possible. If you are a new exhibitor please send photos or samples of your work. Please also advise of any special requirements e.g. electricity, no table, special display stands.