Chief & Council Meeting Minutes / 2017

April 5, 2017-CONTINUED APRIL 11, 2017 Gathering Place, Regina, SK

Present: Chief: Elsie Jack

Councilor: Morris Pasap Kurt Adams

Shawn Spencer (April 11-A) Eric Hassler

Barret Prettyshield (April 11-A) Sheryl Thomson

Director of Finance: Sergey (April 11-A)

Director of Human Resources: Darcy Tourangeau (April 11-A)

Director of Operations: Bernie Petit

Councilor Shawn Spencer/Barret Prettyshield were absent due to miscommunication regarding the meeting time and location. Councilor Shawn Spencer attended the Election Act Meeting.


With a quorum being present, Chief Elsie Jack called the regular meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.


Opening Prayer-Kurt Adams


ADAMS K/HASSLER E: That the agenda be adopted for April 5, 2017. Additions-Jim Tanner; TransCanada Community Liaison; Cypress Hills Youth Alliance; Al Brabant delegate 2:00 p.m.


: The minutes of February 23, 2017 has been read and accepted.

-MOVED TO APRIL 21, 2017

ADAMS K/PRETTYSHIELD B: The minutes of March 17, 2017 have been read and adopted.



TLE-Renault; Deanna; Kimbal Permits have increased in lease/permit rates

Projected revenue is approx. $700,000.00. There

are approximately 10-15 permits to sign. It was

agreed in 2016 to continue TLE trustee’s

authority to administer TLE reserve status lands

until April 30, 2017. As of May 1, 2017, the

reserve status lands will be administer by

independent administration/trust. $1134 for

crop insurance on hay lands.

PRFA Project-an extension was requested for

Insurance. The buildings were estimated to

have a value of $13,706,370.00. Adjustment for

contents and replacement costs will be

calculated once possession has taken place.

Aquistion costs will require a separate BCR to

request the Federal Gov’t to cover costs. There

will be a tax adjustment.

returned from the lawyer and the band will be

required to purchase the entire year’s taxes this

fiscal year.

BRABANT LAW-AL BRABANT Lands designation documents are prepared. 6

designation votes will be included to include the

original Reserve land base. Previous designation

was only with Shackleton in 2005 and was

limited for oil and gas. The new designation

would be an all-encompassing to include

oil/mining/surface/mineral/gas. Action required

is to how to grandfather the Shackleton

designations into the new designation process.



meeting of Chief and Council on March 28,

2017, that the Band will fund the entry fees,

travel, meals and the rooms for youth (under

18). Adults will not be funded for this




AUTHORIZATION Service Administrator (online banking)

appointment will be Sheryl Thomson and

Sergey Hovasapyan.


017-04-003 RBC BAND CREDIT CARD SPENCER S/HASSLER E: That Chief & Council signed the agreement for a Band Credit Card limit for $10,000.00. Monthly bank/credit card statements from Health and Band Administration will be presented monthly to Chief & Council. A Credit Card policy will be drafted and added to the Finance Policy.


017-04-004 FINANCE PORTFOLIO PRETTYSHIELD B/SPENCER S: That all council will be assigned to the Finance Portfolio.


017-04-005 PFRA INSURANCE ADAMS K/HASSLER E: That the funds required to insure (acquisition costs) for the PFRA buildings and lands be requested from TLE Trust Fund.


017-04-006 LEGAL COUNSEL ADAMS K/PASAP M:That Brabant Law Firm will be appointed Legal Counsel pertaining to the Ivan Thomson Sr. Matters



INAC-4058-2-378-Clothing Allowance INAC-4208-378-16.17.1862-Request for Indian Moneys

Nakoda Industrial-GST Registration On-Reserve Education Surveys

First Nations Trust Release Ministry of Ag-Duty to Consult-Tullmet

Notice to Comply-Shackleton Health Canada-ADI Year Plan Approval

Sask Pastureland-Newsletter Gov’t of Sask-Duty to Consult-Pasture Program

INAC Funding Amendment Health Canada Funding Agreement

PASAP M/THOMSON S: That the following correspondence has been presented and read.



017-04-007 EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT WORKER ADAMS K/THOMSON S: That Band Source funding of $40,000.00 will be allocated for this position in order to support SA clients to transition to work. The amount includes salary and travel expenses.


017-04-008 WTP CONTRACT EXTENSION HASSLER E/THOMSON S: That Rowena Fourhorns contract be extended until June, 2017 until the current staff are certified in level 2 operators certification.


017-04-009 SA CLIENT BANK ACCOUNTS ADAMS K/PASAP M: That all SA clients must get bank accounts by July 1, 2017 as per the federal and provincial automatic deposit initiative.


017-04-010 STAFF CELL PHONES HASSLER E/ADAMS K: That only managers and essential service staff in all departments will be allotted cell phones. Support staff in all departments will no longer receive cell phone allowance. Essential staff will receive $50/month phone allowance.


017-04-011 HEADSTART TEACHER ADAMS K/PASAP M: That Marla Thompson will be approved for the salary increase presented based on funding in place and a new level of education received.


017-04-012 HEALTH DIRECTOR POSITION PASAP M/THOMSON S: That Lorna Audette will be offered the position of Health Director.


017-04-013 HEALTH-HOME COUNSELOR THOMSON S/HASSLER E: That Betty Barter’s counseling contract will be signed for the 2017-18 year. The salary and duties will be reviewed.


017-04-014 RECEPTIONIST HASSLER E/PASAP M: That Rebecca Favel’s salary, education, and job duties be reviewed.


017-04-015 PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER THOMSON S/HASSLER E: That fuel allotment of $300/month will be approved based on a required monthly travel claim to account for the mileage.


017-04-016 ARBOR PROJECT ADAMS K/PASAP M: That a separate capital account will be set up through the RBC for the Arbor Project.


017-04-017 MORTGAGES FOR HOUSING HASSLER E/ADAMS K: That the CMHC housing project will proceed with securing mortgages for the most recent 6 units.


017-04-018 NET CASH POSITION REPORTS PASAP M/THOMSON S: That the net cash position, in ACCPAC format reports will be prepared and shared with Chief and Council every Monday.


017-04-019 BANK RECONCILIATIONS THOMSON S/HASSLER E: That monthly bank reconciliations will be provided to Chief and Council on a monthly basis manually and through the ACCPAC system.


017-04-020 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ADAMS K/THOMSON S: That the Director of Operations must collaborate with the Director of Finance to provide the financial statements requested by Chief and Council. The Director of Operations will make the arrangements necessary to support making the reports.



ALLOCATION $18,255.50 is approved for renovations as submitted by the Housing Department from the Replacement Reserve fund.


017-04-022 ICFS COMMITTEE ADAMS K/HASSLER E: That the ICFS committee associated with Yorkton Tribal Council will be dissolved as of April 28, 2017.


017-04-023 PFRA INSURANCE HASSLER E/THOMSON S: That the Royal Sun Alliance Insurance company be awarded the Insurance agreement for the PFRA Property.


017-04-024 NOEC AWARDS DAY FUNDING PASAP M/THOMSON S: That the $9,000.00 budget presented will be approved and paid by own-source revenue and other entities of CTK.


017-04-025 TREATY DAY ADAMS K/HASSLER E: That $6,000.00 for the Treaty Day will be approved and paid by own-source revenue and other entities of CTK.


017-04-026 CORRESPONDENCE THOMPSON S/PASAP M: That all Chief and Council Correspondence will be send as an electronic file each duly convened meeting.




017-04-027 Band Council Resolutions ADAMCS K/THOMPSON: That the following Band Council Resolutions and agreements signed were adopted:

CTK BCR 16-17/1882-Legal Counsel

INAC Funding Agreement-1617-SK-000025

FHQTC Funding Agreement-Parent Mentor

TLE Trust Request Letter-PFRA Insurance

CTK BCR 16-17/1867-PFRA ATR TLE Request

CTK BCR 16-17/1883-Legal Counsel

CTK BCR 17-18/1890-Minsterial Loan-2 units

CTK BCR 16-17/1888-INAC Reno Submission


FHQ-Child Care Funding Agreement

CTK BCR 16-17/1860-Nakota Junction –ND Corp.

CTK BCR 16-17/1886-Nakota Junction Board

CTK BCR 16-17/1885-Duly Convened Dates

CTK BCR 16-17/1887-Specific Land Claim-Research Loss of Agriculture





Chief Elsie Jack: That this meeting be adjourned. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:45 P.M.



Chief Councilor


Councilor Councilor


Councilor Councilor

