



DATE:Tuesday, July 19, 2016

TIME:6:00 p.m.

LOCATION:Pritchett Water Supply Corporation

3670 ST. Hwy 155 S

Gilmer, TX 75645

I. Call to Order

Mr. Bledsoe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.

II.Acknowledgement of Members and Guests

III.Approval of Minutes

Mr. Casey stated that at the end of the meeting June 21, 2016 he asked why they couldn’t ask the ladies any questions and this was not reflected in the minutes…..After listening to the tape again, Mr. Casey asked why he couldn’t ask questions of the Ladies during Citizen’s Comments, and Mr. Bledsoe replied that they could not respond and Mr. Green tried to explain according to the Open Meeting Act. There was too many talking and covering the tape recording. Mr. Green moved to approve with the additions of Mr. Casey, Mr. Williams seconded and the motion carried.

IV.Committee Reports/Discussion and Possible Action

There were no committee reports.

V.Budget and Financial Statements/Discussion and Possible Action

There were no questions or comments.

VI.Manager’s Reports

Mr. Glenn questioned the check written to Cavender’s, Mr. Casey asked about the check to Hill Electric and Superior Vision…..

Mr. Green moved to approve the bills paid, Mr. Glenn seconded and the motion carried with Mr. Casey opposing.

Mr. Bledsoe introduced Charley Albert of Curtis Blakely and Co. and stated he would be available for questions later.

Mr. Williams moved to approve the forfeitures of Mark Underwood for $348.46 and Jimmy Stanley for $167.65, Mr. Casey seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Mr. Arrington mentioned that we’re working hard on the unaccounted water loss, changing out 30 to 40 meters per month. The AMR’s we have are 10 years old and warranty is 12 yrs. The batteries are playing out and needing to be replaced, so far Master Meters are replacing the transponders under the warranty at no cost. We are purchasing meter bases to change out the complete meters.

Every 3 years we are required to have the meters on the wells tested and calibrated, and this is due in August of this year.

Mr. Arrington stated that C. Miller plugged off the bottom of Well #17 and the taste did not change, they then came up and plugged off the next zone changing the water to a satisfactory taste but reducing the water to 70 GPM. The well is usable, online and no complaints.

C. Miller drilled the test well on Red Cedar, but we have no reports at this time.

VII.Old Business

Consider the subject of a Lack of Communication on Poor Water Quality and Why the Operators don’t give a Call Back, per Lewis Hewitt. Mr. Hewitt was not in attendance and this was not discussed.

VIII.New Business

Texas Premier Investments are selling the property around the location of our Well #23 and the new buyers are asking if we would honor the contract we made with TPI. Mr. Williams moved that we hold up on making any promises until we’re able to see their plat on the entire development, not to hold up what they’re doing and need be put in an exclusion that we don’t give the land back if something goes wrong, that way their contract can go thru, the land was given to us, we have all intentions of living up to what we were going to do, he reiterated that we don’t do anything until we see what they are going to doing and we deal with the people buying the property. Mr. Bledsoe felt that we were obligated to honor just what we had in contract with TPI. Mr. Williams stated that this was too open-ended. Mr. Bledsoe asked Mr. Williams to clarify his motion: To get with the people and find out a little more about what the intent of the land and the plat and what’s going to be and then work with them to revise what was promised, still knowing that we’re going to promise something but we don’t know what that is. So, I don’t want to make it bound, postpone our intentions until we can have a little more discussion about it. He also asked Mr. Arrington to proceed for the board, the cost of what all that’s involved so when they get down to make a commitment they have all the cost in mind anyway. Mr. Green stated to know what we’re committing to. Mr. Casey seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Mr. Bledsoe appointed a Special Committee to Investigate Allegations, Accusations and Innuendoes cast from Members at the last several Director Meetings, they were: Steve Williams (Chairman), Joe Glenn, Robert Green and Tom Bledsoe.

Appointed to the following committees:

Board Policy: Henry Casey, Steve Williams, Robert Nash

Personnel Policy: Billy Davidson, Joe Glenn, Henry Casey, Matthew Patton

Budget: Tom Bledsoe, Paul Wilson, Robert Green, Robert Nash

Long Range: Steve Williams, Joe Glenn, Billy Davidson, Robert Green

The Credentials was appointed previously with the exception of a Member.

IX.Citizen’s Comments

Mrs. Heckendorn asked why the ALERT revenue was under Misc. Income this month when it had not been previously. I (Cindy McMillan) answered that it was under Misc. Income every month. Mrs. Heckendorn stated that she had copies of all the Trial Balances and she knew what was under Misc. Income and it was not. I asked, “Where was it?” She said she couldn’t tell it must have been coming from Accounts Receivable. She did not understand why it was in Misc. Income this month and it hadn’t been previously.

Mr. Bledsoe asked where it had been and again I stated, “Misc. Income”, she again stated that she had the Trial Balances and the income was broken down and it was not there.

Mrs. Heckendorn asked the Auditor if he looked to see if the truck usage and uniforms were reported to the IRS as employee income. She was concerned that the truck usage, uniforms and Medicare Premium reimbursements were employee income and should be reported. Mr. Albert answered from the audit standpoint that they did not look at the W-2’s and he did not have that information with him. Mr. Albert stated that he would look into these issues.

X.Next Board of Directors Meeting

Mr. Patton set the next meeting for Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 6:00 p.m.


Mr. Patton moved to adjourn, Mr. Nash seconded and before the motion was approved Mr. Albert spoke.

Charley Albert mentioned that he worked for the board, and any questions directed to him needed to go through the board of directors. He briefly spoke about the audit and why they made adjusting entries. He stated that the books were in great shape, improving in the last 5 years. He stated that if anyone had questions regarding accounting and auditing to write a letter to the board, copy him and upon the board’s approval, he would be obligated to respond. Make sure questions would be cost effect.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. upon the previous motion.

Minutes taken by

Cindy McMillan

Approved by the Board

August 16, 2016