CecilCounty Alcohol and Drug Council

Matrix of Services

Entity / Primary/
Secondary / Program Name / Function
/Mission / Target Population / Category of Service & Activity / Funding Source / Funding Amount (FY05)
CecilCounty Board of Education / Secondary / Maryland Student Assistance Program / Early intervention and referral services / Middle and High School Students in Public Schools / Intervention / SDFS Grant / $77,000
CecilCounty Board of Education / Secondary / Substance Abuse Health Education / Substance abuse health education / Elementary, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th Grade Students in Public Schools / Prevention / Local / Part of local
CecilCounty Board of Education / Secondary / SADD / Peer education program / High School Students in Public Schools / Prevention / SDFS Grant / $77,000
CecilCounty Board of Education / Secondary / SHOP/SHOUT / Peer education/
resistance program / Middle and High School Students in Public Schools / Prevention / SDFS Grant / $77,000
Haven House / Primary / Men’s Halfway House / 10 bed halfway house / Males completing residential care and incarceration / Treatment / ADAA / $135,521
Cecil County Health Department
Health Promotion / Primary / Safe Summer Kids Camp / Life skills training for drug resistance / Students aged 6-13 years / Prevention / ADAA / $25,465
Cecil County Health Department
Health Promotion / Primary / Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month / Awareness campaign targeting environmental change / CecilCounty residents / Prevention / Cecil County Health Department and Accidents Task Force / In kind contributions
Entity / Primary/
Secondary / Program Name / Function
/Mission / Target Population / Category of Service & Activity / Funding Source / Funding Amount (FY05)
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Detox Purchase of Care Program / Referral of clients in immediate need of detox / CecilCounty residents / Treatment / Tobacco Restitution Fund / $89,456
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Temporary Cash Assistance Assessor / Screening and referral / Applicants for Temporary Cash Assistance / Intervention / Department of Human Resources / $45,750
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Jail Based Treatment / Treatment / Offenders at CecilCountyDetentionCenter and CommunityAdultRehabilitationCenter / Treatment / ADAA / $103,751
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Court Assessment / Screening and referral of offenders with court orders for evaluations / Sentenced offenders / Intervention / ADAA / $93,375
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Outpatient Treatment / Substance abuse treatment and referral / Adults / Treatment / ADAA / $726,255
Cecil County Health Department
Alcohol and DrugCenter / Primary / Outpatient Treatment and Education / Substance abuse treatment and education and referral / Adolescents 18 years of age and under / Treatment/
Intervention / ADAA / $114,127
Entity / Primary/
Secondary / Program Name / Function
/Mission / Target Population / Category of Service & Activity / Funding Source / Funding Amount (FY05)
Cecil County Health Department
Health Promotion / Primary / Life Skills Training/
After school Program / Life skills training for drug resistance / Students aged 10-14 in Leeds community / Prevention / ADAA / $25,465
Cecil County Health Department
Health Promotion / Primary / Prom Promise / Prevention of drinking/
drugging and driving / PublicHigh School students / Prevention / Cecil County Health Department and Accidents Task Force / In kind contributions
Cecil County Health Department
Health Promotion
and Department of Juvenile Justice / Primary/
Secondary / Basic Alcohol Education Prevention Program / Reducing at risk behaviors / Youth offenders / Intervention / Cecil County Health Department and Department of Juvenile Justice / In kind contributions
VA Hospital
Perry Point / Primary / Substance Abuse Services / Substance abuse treatment / Veterans / Treatment / Federal Government / Undetermined