CSAD Minutes

August 18, 2016

Selleck Residence Hall – Presidential Dining room

7:45 a.m. Breakfast; 8:00 a.m. – Meeting

  1. Review Minutes of August 11, 2016

Minutes approved.

  1. Guests: Bruce Currin and Karen Kassebaum

a.Bruce and Karen discussed the efforts to recruit and retain a diverse workforce at UNL.

b.Karen referred to the website: diversity.unl.edu

  1. UHC Building – Jill Lynch-Sosa

a.Jill presented a slide-show containing architectural depictions of the proposed new UHC building.

b.Also Jill gave a brief update on the search process for hiring a new clinic manager.

  1. UHC and 18 Year Olds Update – Jill Lynch-Sosa

a.Jill explained that Power of Attorney forms were sent to the students in the impacted age group, together with an explanation of the need for parental consent.

b.UNL notary publics will be gathered together in a mass effort to notarize the POA forms.

  1. Chancellor’s Administration Team – Dr. Juan Franco

a.No longer referred to as the SAT or the SLT, now called the Chancellor’s Administrative Team or CAT.

b.The academic deans will meet periodically with the Chancellor’s Administrative Team. This meeting will be referred to as the University Leadership Team.

c.What was formerly the “Deans and Directors” meeting will now be called the “University Townhall” meeting.

d.CAT was updated regarding the search process for the Executive VC for Academic Affairs and the VC for IANR job searches. Both have approximately 40 candidates in their applicant pools.

e.Dr. SoniaFeigenbaum, Assoc. VC for International Engagement and Global Strategies has begun her duties.

f.Chancellor Green plans to utilize a smart growth strategy to inform the University’s strategic planning process.

  1. SSD Search Committee – Dr. Franco

a.Dr. Franco distributed copies of the most recent draft of the position announcement in addition to a list of the members of the search committee.

b.Review of the applicants is scheduled to begin on October 7, 2016.

  1. Beginning of Semester Activities

a.Pat McBride indicated all plans are ready to go for BRW but may need to change with rain in the forecast for Friday evening.

b.Stan Campbell reported Campus Rec is prepared for the opening weekend events.

c.Linda Schwartzkopf reported sorority recruitment is well underway.

d.Sue Gildersleeve indicated many students have already moved into campus residence halls and many more will be arriving.

e.Charlie Foster announced OASIS will be hosting an Open House on Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 1:00 – 3:00.

  1. Other

a.Dr. Franco distributed copies of the new Title IX booklet.

b.Linda Major distributed copies of a planning document, which is a grid, being used to link assessment to the Student Affairs Strategic Plan. Directors are asked to review the document and determine who should be responsible for which pieces.

c.Also, Linda announced Husker GROW (from Iowa GROW) will be developed and piloted.

d.And, Linda indicated an effort to identify Student Affairs “cohorts” and assess them regarding their impact on student retention.

e.Dr. Franco mentioned the formation of a consortium for the purpose of enacting effective civil discourse.

f.Cay Yamamoto announced Dr. Collette Price has been named the TRIO Programs’ Asst. Director for Non-Cognitive Leadership.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Matt Hecker, August 24, 2016