John Wheeldon Primary Academy

Job Description

Job Title:Class Teacher

Reporting to:Headteacher

All Teachers are expected to teach to the standards and role expectations as defined by the Teacher’s Standard Framework.

Knowledge and understanding:

  • Have a detailed knowledge of the relevant aspects of the pupils’ Key Stage, National Curriculum and other statutory requirements.
  • Have a secure knowledge and understanding of core and Foundation subjects.
  • Understand progression between Key Stages.

Planning, teaching and class management:

  • Identify clear teaching objectives, content, lesson structures and sequences appropriate to the subject matter and the pupils being taught. These intentions are made clear to pupils through the sharing of a success criteria
  • Set appropriate and demanding expectations for pupils’ learning and motivation. Set clear targets for pupils’ learning, building on prior attainment
  • Identify pupils who have special educational needs, and know where to get help in order to give positive and targeted support. Implement and keep records on Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).
  • Identify groups of children eg EAL or more able and ensure appropriate provision to meet and challenge their needs.
  • Provide clear structures for lessons maintaining pace, motivation and challenge to match the needs of whole class, groups or individuals; the best use is made of teaching time.
  • Use a variety of teaching strategies to:
  1. Engage children in learning, stimulating pupils’ intellectual curiosity and developing appropriate vocabulary and key concepts
  2. Use effective questioning, listen carefully to pupils, give attention to errors and misconceptions
  3. Select appropriate learning resources and develop study skills through library, ICT and other resources
  • Set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, establishing and maintaining a good standard of discipline through well-focused teaching and through positive and productive relationships.

Monitoring and assessment:

  • Making accurate assessments, and using this to inform planning and provision matched to learners needs
  • Assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and use them to improve specific aspects of teaching.
  • Mark and monitor pupils’ work, in line with the school marking policy and monitor pupils’ work providing constructive oral and written feedback, setting targets for pupils’ progress
  • Assess and record pupils’ progress systematically. Analyse data effectively to identify pupils who are underachieving and, where necessary, create and implement effective plans of action to support those pupils.
  • Prepare and present informative oral and written reports to parents.

Managing own performance and development:

  • Understand the need to take responsibility for their professional development and to keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and in the subjects they teach.
  • Understand their professional responsibilities in relation to school policies and practices.
  • Set a good example to the pupils they teach in their presentation and their personal conduct and time management.
  • Understand the need to liaise with agencies responsible for pupils’ welfare.
  • Evaluate their own teaching critically and use this to improve their effectiveness.

Other professional requirements:

  • Contribute to the corporate life of the school through effective participation in meetings and management systems necessary to co-ordinate the management of the school
  • Take responsibility for personal professional development and duties in relation to school policies and practices and make a positive contribution to all aspects of school life
  • Liaise effectively with parents and Local Academy Councillors
  • Effectively liaise and deploy other staff e.g. Teaching Assistants, Lunchtime Supervisors
  • Monitor the welfare and discipline of children in the class to ensure that prompt, effective action is taken if required to support well-being and the development of their self esteem
  • Take on any additional responsibilities which might from time to time be determined
  • To support the activities of the school’s Parents fund raising group by attending some meetings and/or functions

Please note the job description may be amended following discussion between the Headteacher and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually as part of the whole school Performance Management.