Ch. 6 Quiz

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following countries is a developing country?

a. / Mali / c. / Japan
b. / Australia / d. / France

____ 2. Which country has a totalitarian form of government?

a. / Russia / c. / Mexico
b. / Great Britain / d. / Cuba

____ 3. The division of the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul by the Mississippi River is an example of a(n) _____ boundary.

a. / artificial / c. / cultural
b. / geometric / d. / natural

____ 4. Clusters of concentrated development on the perimeter highways of an urban area are called _____.

a. / edge cities / c. / urban land use zones
b. / world cities / d. / central business districts

____ 5. The most basic economic system is a _____ economy.

a. / market / c. / subsistence
b. / command / d. / free enterprise

____ 6. The most important centers for economic power and wealth are _____.

a. / central business districts / c. / edge cities
b. / world cities / d. / agribusinesses

____ 7. A limit to the amount of a product that can be imported is called _____.

a. / a tariff / c. / a cultural boundary
b. / a quota / d. / free enterprise

____ 8. A steel manufacturing plant is an example of a _____ activity.

a. / tertiary / c. / primary
b. / quaternary / d. / secondary

____ 9. Which of the following is not a type of boundary?

a. / cultural / c. / geometric
b. / demographic / d. / natural

____ 10. What are geometric boundaries often based upon?

a. / ethnic groups / c. / language
b. / religion / d. / lines of latitude and longitude

____ 11. Which of the following is a characteristic of agribusiness?

a. / huge specialized farms
b. / government-owned farms
c. / farms owned by individual families
d. / farms that produce many types of crops

____ 12. The populations of most developed countries _____.

a. / are stable or decreasing / c. / are increasingly young
b. / have high birthrates / d. / are increasing

____ 13. Which of these terms identifies the smallest urban settlement?

a. / world city / c. / town
b. / edge city / d. / village

____ 14. The _____ is the number of people in a country who can read and write.

a. / population density / c. / dialect
b. / demography / d. / literacy rate

____ 15. According to the map above, which plants are native to Africa?

a. / Apricot, peach, and lemon / c. / Cotton, coffee, and watermelon
b. / Clove, nutmeg, and sugarcane / d. / Avocado, cacao, and tomato


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / nationalism / g. / communism
b. / urbanization / h. / domestication
c. / capitalism / i. / shifting cultivation
d. / market economy / j. / tariffs
e. / geometric boundaries / k. / pastoralism
f. / cultural boundaries / l. / infrastructure

____ 16. a practice that involves the clearing of trees and brush for short-term farming

____ 17. a system in which businesses, industries, and resources are privately owned

____ 18. a feeling of pride and loyalty for one's country or culture group

____ 19. a system of roads, ports, and other facilities

____ 20. the growth in the proportion of people living in cities and towns

____ 21. a system in which the government owns or controls all the means of production

____ 22. taxes imposed on imports and exports

____ 23. borders based on factors such as religion or language

____ 24. the taming of plants and animals by humans for their own use

____ 25. borders that are drawn with little regard to environmental or cultural patterns