Level: intermediate

Time: 45 minutes


Aims: -to present and give practice of the Past Perfect (affirmative, negative, questions, short answers)

-to enable SS to talk about two events happening in the past and show the order of them

Assumed knowledge: SS are familiar with Simple Past and Past Participles of common regular and

irregular verbs, e.g. cook, clean, wash, cut, do, etc.

Anticipated problems: SS might mix the order of the events and use Past Perfect in the other clause (when, before, after)

Aids: visuals, (man, woman, household chores) handouts for "four-in-the-row (Watcyn-Jones, Peter: Grammar games and Activities, Penguin)

  1. Warm-up
Objective: to revise past tense form and past participle of various common verbs
 SS work in pairs. They play "four-in-a-row" to revise verb forms. There is a third S to each pair to act as a resource to check whether answers are correct. / 6-8'
  1. Lead-in to the presentation
Objective: To build up meaning by creating a situation – create need for the language
What happens if you have a birthday? What sort of presents do you get? Do sometimes people surprise you by doing something unexpected? Like a favour?
 T:
This is Maggie and David (elicit names with D and M (might be different)
Yesterday it was Maggie's birthday.
Maggie had to go to work but David had a day off.
He thought: "What can I do to make her happy?"
What did he do?
Elicit from prompts: make the bed / cut the grass / clean the house / do the washing / cook dinner / mop the floor / take dog to the vet
  • After work Maggie waited at the bus stop. It started to rain and she felt tired. She was thinking:
"I've got so many things to do. I‘ve got to make the bed / cook dinner / cut the grass, etc."
But when she got home she felt happy. WHY? / 4-5'
VOC. revision
Objective: SS can now see the new lg. point, first steps to establish form meaning, and use
 Listen to model sentence: (on board)
When she got home, David had made the bed.
David had taken the dog to the vet.
David had mopped the floor.
-Choral and individual drilling
-Individual sentences with the other expressions
Highlight meaning with the time line
D. mopped the floor M. got home
PUT “Past Perfect” as a heading
Write model sentence into substitution table
Elicit patterns using visuals into substitution table
Add pronouns, negatives, interrogative forms
When Mary arrived home, David had notironed the clothes.
Arrive at rule together: had + V3 / 5'
  • Who did the housework? David
  • Was Maggie home when he did it? No
  • Did he finish before she got home? Yes
  • Is it important that he finished before Maggie's return? Yes
  • Do we need to know the order of activities? (Maggie's return, David's finishing the housework) - Yes.
  • etc…….
 elicit rule: what the structure is about / may clarify in L1 when we use it
5) Accurate reproduction
I’m not that lucky to have a husband (a family) like that.
Yesterday I had a long day. I had 6 lessons to teach. I had all sorts of plans what I would do when I get home.
I wanted to walk the dog. But when I got home, my husband………
I wanted to have an ice-cream. But when I got home, my kids………
I wanted to watch a film. But when I got home ….. give prompts: DVD/ library
I wanted to drink some wine. But when I got home, my husband……
I also wanted to read the local daily “Vas Népe”. But when I got home the kids …… prompt: paper plane(can be a flash card) / oral
(flashcards if needed)
6, Controlled practice II: - optional
The next day Maggie talked to her friend, Sue.
Elicit dialogue from prompts
S: Did you have a nice birthday?
M: It was great! When I got home, David had cleaned the house.
S: Fantastic!
M: And he had done the washing.
S: Had he done the ironing, too?
M: No he hadn't but he had cooked a lovely meal.
Build up line by line / model / drill
Practice in open and closed pairs / 10'
S1 has a card with words: breakfast, coffee, do shopping, visit a doctor, etc.
Q: Had you visited a doctor before you came to school this morning,
Q: had you had breakfast before you came to school this morning?
Demonstrate first. / PW