News Brief: Progress Across Five Frontiers
(1)Prevention of Cell Death in Neurodegenerative Diseases
(2)Genetics Research
(3)State of the Nation Report
(4)Government’s Response to Francis Inquiry Report
(5)The First G8 Dementia Summit
News Brief: Recent Reports & Announcements
Acute Hospital Care
Carers and Caring
Diagnosis, Screening, Assessment and Symptoms
Epidemiological Studies, Risk Factors and Prevention
Frontotemporal Dementia
Genetic Research
Hip Fracture
Mental Health
Neuroscientific / Neurological Research
Non- Pharmacological Treatments
Parkinson’s Disease
Pharmacological Treatments
Quality of Life
Research & Methodology
Vascular Dementia
Young-Onset Dementia
News Brief: Progress Across Five Frontiers
(1)Potential Prevention of Cell Death in Neurodegenerative Diseases
A chemical which appears to be able to stop brain cell death in neurodegenerative diseases could provide the key (in the long-term) for halting the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Huntingdon’s Disease (plus the rarer prion diseases). For further details, see:
Gallagher, J. (2013). Alzheimer’s breakthrough: cure or hype? London: BBC Health News, October 10th2013. Full Text Link.
This relates to:
Moreno, J. A. Halliday, M. [and] Molloy, C. [et al] (2013). Oral treatment targeting the unfolded protein response prevents neurodegeneration and clinical disease in prion-infected mice. Science Translational Medicine. October 9th2013; 5(206): 206ra138.
Moreno, JA. Radford, H. [and] Peretti, D. [et al] (2012). Sustained translational repression by eIF2α-P mediates prionneurodegeneration. Nature. May 6th2012; 485(7399): 507-11. Full Text Link.
Links to the full-text of other recent articles on dementia and neurodegenerative disease-related research feature in the section entitledNeuroscientific / Neurological Researchbelow.
(2)Genetics Research
Geneticists from 145 academic institutions collaborating internationallyhavemapped the known genetic determinants of Alzheimer’s disease. For further details, see:
More gene changes have role in Alzheimer’s disease. London: NHS Choices; Behind the Headlines, October 28th2013.
This relates to the following article:
Lambert, JC. Ibrahim-Verbaas, CA. [and] Harold, D. [et al] (2013). Meta-analysis of 74,046 individuals identifies 11 new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Genetics, Epub ahead of print: October 27th2013.
Links to the full-text of recent articles on research into genetics appear in the section entitled Genetic below.
(3)State of the Nation Report
A new Department of Health report reviews current practice and knowledge about dementia care, support and research in England. It covers the prevalence and the societal cost of dementia, and gives an overview of progress on: prevention; diagnosis; living well with dementia; dementia awareness, education and training; the development of dementia friendly communities; and dementia-related research. This report also indicates where improvements are needed, including where better data is required. Refer to:
Dementia care and support: review of quality and extent of dementia care. London: Department of Health, November 29th2013.
(4)Government’s Response to Francis Inquiry Report (Department ofHealth)
The Government has released a full response to Robert Francis QC’sreport into poor standards of care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, published in February 2013. It develops the Government’s initial response: Patients First and Foremost, which was published in March 2013. Further details are available at:
Mid Staffordshire NHS FT public inquiry: government response. London: Department of Health, November 19th2013.
Brief references and links to other recent important reports appear in the section entitled Announcements below.
(5)The First G8 Dementia Summit
The UK is hostingthe G8 Summit On DementiaResearchin London onDecember 11th2013. The summit aims to develop a coordinatedinternational approachto researchinto dementia, involving Governments, the research community, non-profit organisations and industry. For a brief overview, see:
Hunt, J. (2013). The world-wide challenge of dementia: Jeremy Hunt talks about using the G8 summit on dementia to seek further international collaboration. London: Department of Health, August 19th2013. See also News Brief: Recent Reports & Announcements below.
A selection of publications which, collectively, are likely to be the subject of discussions at the G8 Dementia Summit appearin the sections entitled Neuroscientific / Neurological Research and Genetic Research below.
The G8 Dementia Summit will not be restricted to big-budget laboratory-based scientific research. It will also address new models of care, socialinvestment, researchfinance and encouraging collaboration between industry and academics.
News Brief: Recent Reports & Announcements
Black and minority ethnic communities and dementia: Where are we now? Better Health. London: Race Equality Foundation, November 2013. Better Health Briefing No. 30.
Cold weather plan for England 2013. London: Public Health England, October 25th2013.
Commissioning for Value: CCGinsights packs [official website]. London: NHS Right Care, October 2013.
Co-ordinated care for people with complex chronic conditions. London: The King’s Fund / Aetna and the Aetna Foundation, October 2013.
Co-production in social care: what it is and how to do it. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), October 2013.
Delivering better services for people with long-term conditions. London: King’s Fund, October 2013.
Dementia care and support: review of quality and extent of dementia care. London: Department of Health, November 29th2013.
Dementia self-assessment framework. London: Department of Health, October 16th2013.
Department of Health 2013-14 Corporate Plan (updated). London: Department of Health, October 2nd2013.
Diagnostics: The NHS Atlas of Variation in Diagnostic Services. Oxford: NHS Right Care, November 2013.
Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales, 2012/13 (Provisional) and 2011/12 (Final). London: Office for National Statistics, November 26th2012.
announced. London: NHS England, November 1st 2013.
Mid Staffordshire NHS FT public inquiry: government response. London: Department of Health, November 19th2013.
National Audit of Intermediate Care Report 2013. London: NHS Benchmarking Network, November 2012.
New report from PHE shows improvements in end of life care. London: Public Health England, November 4th2013.
NHS hospitals complaints system review. London: Department of Health, October 28th2013.
The NHS Mandate. London: Department of Health, November 12th2013.
NHS Outcomes Framework 2014 to 2015. NHS Outcomes Framework 2014 to 2015. London: Department of Health, November 12th2013.
Personalised GP care will bring back old-fashioned family doctors. London: Department of Health, November 15th2013.
Policy Brief: The Global Impact of Dementia 2013-2050. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), December 2013.
Sir Bruce Keogh proposes new blueprint for urgent and emergency care across England. London: NHS England, November 13th2013.
State of Care report shows ‘avoidable’ emergency admissions are increasing. London: Care Quality Commission (CQC), November 2013.
State of Care 2012/13. The state of health care and adult social care in England. Technical Annex 3: Dementia thematic review. London: Care Quality Commission (CQC), November 2013.
Acute Hospital Care
Treacy, D. Sherrington, C.Schurr, K. (2013). Balance circuit classes to improve balance among rehabilitation inpatients: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial.BMC Geriatrics. July 20th2013; 13(1):75. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Goldberg, SE. Bradshaw, LE. Kearney, FC. [et al] (2013). Care in specialist medical and mental health unit compared with standard care for older people with cognitive impairment admitted to general hospital: randomised controlled trial (NIHR TEAM trial). BMJ. July 2nd2013; 347:f4132. Full Text Link.
Whyte, A. (2013). Excuses. Nursing Standard. September 25th2013; 28(4):26-7.
Moore, ZE. Webster, J. (2013). ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online). August 18th2013; Issue 8: No. CD009362. Full Text Link.
Fox, MT.Persaud, M.Maimets, I. [et al] (2013). Effectiveness of early discharge planning in acutely ill or injured hospitalized older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.BMC Geriatrics. July 6th2013;13:70. Full Text Link.
Kosse, NM.Dutmer, AL.Dasenbrock, L. [et al] (2013). Effectiveness and feasibility of early physical rehabilitation programs for geriatric hospitalized patients: a systematic review.BMC Geriatrics. October 10th2013; 13(1):107. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Chan, RJ. Webster, J. (2013). Dying. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online). November 18th2013; Issue 11: No. CD008006. Full Text Link.
Sunnerhagen, KS.Danielsson, A.Rafsten, L. [et al] (2013). Gothenburg very early supported discharge study (GOTVED) NCT01622205: a block randomized trial with superiority design of very early supported discharge for patients with stroke.BMC Neurology. June 24th2013;13:66. Full Text Link.
Andrews, J. (2013).A guide to creating a dementia-friendly ward.Nursing Times. February 26th – March 4th2013;109(8):20-1.
Zapatero, A.Barba, R.Canora, J. [et al] (2013). Hip fracture in hospitalized medical patients.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. January 8th2013;14:15. Full Text Link.
George, J. Long, S. Vincent, C. (2013). How can we keep patients with dementia safe in our acute hospitals? A review of challenges and solutions.Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. September 2013;106(9):355-61.
Edmans, J. Bradshaw, L.Gladman, JR. [et al] (2013). The Identification of Seniors at Risk (ISAR) score to predict clinical outcomes and health service costs in older people discharged from UK acute medical units.Age and Ageing. November 2013;42(6):747-53. Full Text Link.
Nilsson, A.Lindkvist, M. Rasmussen, BH. [et al](2013). Measuring levels of person-centeredness in acute care of older people with cognitive impairment: evaluation of the POPAC scale.BMC Health Services Research. August 19th2013;13:327. Full Text Link.
Eklund, K.Wilhelmson, K.Gustafsson, H. [et al] (2013). One-year outcome of frailty indicators and activities of daily living following the randomised controlled trial; "Continuum of care for frail older people".BMC Geriatrics. July 22nd2013;13(1):76. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Fayyaz, J.Khursheed, M. Mir, MU. [et al] (2013). Pattern of emergency department visits by elderly patients: study from a tertiary care hospital, Karachi.BMC Geriatrics. August 12th2013;13:83. Full Text Link.
Salvi, F.Mattioli, A.Giannini, E. [et al] (2013). Pattern of use and presenting complaints of older patients visiting an Emergency Department in Italy.Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. October 2013;25(5):583-90
Edvardsson, D. Nilsson, A.Fetherstonhaugh, D. [et al] (2013). The person-centred care of older people with cognitive impairment in acute care scale (POPAC).Journal of Nursing Management. January 2013;21(1):79-86. Full Text Link.
Asmus-Szepesi, KJ. de Vreede, PL.Flinterman, LE. [et al] (2013). Prognosis of hospitalised older people with different levels of functioning: a prospective cohort study.Age and Ageing. November 2013;42(6):803-9.
Saczynski J, McManus D, Gurwitz J, Goldberg R, Kiefe C. PS1-34: Clinical factors associated with cognitive function in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndromes: preliminary findings from TRACE-CORE.Clinical Medicine and Research. September 2013;11(3):135. Full Text Link.
Scheffer, AC. van Hensbroek, PB. van Dijk, N. [et al].Risk factors associated with visiting or not visiting the Accident & Emergency department after a fall.BMC Health Services Research. July 26th2013;13:286. Full Text Link.
Jackson, TA.Naqvi, SH. Sheehan, B. (2013). Screening for dementia in general hospital inpatients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of available instruments.Age and Ageing. November 2013;42(6):689-95
Morris, ZS. Fyfe, M.Momen, N. [et al] (2013). Understanding hospital admissions close to the end of life (ACE) study.BMC Health Services Research. March 11th2013;13:89. Full Text Link.
Carers and Caring
Sheehan, B.Lall, R. Gage, H. [et al] (2013). A 12-month follow-up study of people with dementia referred to general hospital liaison psychiatry services.Age and Ageing. November 2013;42(6):786-90.
Doran, DM.Hirdes, JP.Blais, R. [et al] (2013). Adverse events among Ontario home care clients associated with emergency room visit or hospitalization: a retrospective cohort study.BMC Health Services Research. June 22nd2013;13:227. Full Text Link.
Hazzan, AA.Ploeg, J. Shannon, H. [et al] (2013). Association between caregiver quality of life and the care provided to persons with Alzheimer's disease: protocol for a systematic review.Syst Rev. March 13th2013;2:17. Review. Full Text Link.
Trueland, J. (2013). Bring back memories.Nursing Standard. February 27th - March 5th2013;27(26):16-8. Full Text Link.
van der Steen, JT.Onwuteaka-Philipsen, BD.Knol, DL. [et al] (2013). Caregivers' understanding of dementia predicts patients' comfort at death: a prospective observational study.BMC Medicine. April 11th2013;11:105. Full Text Link.
Watanabe, M. Yamamoto-Mitani, N.Nishigaki, M. [et al] (2013). Care managers' confidence in managing home-based end-of-life care: a cross-sectional study.BMC Geriatrics. July 1st2013;13:67. Full Text Link.
Livingston, G. Barber, J.Rapaport, P. [et al] (2013). Clinical effectiveness of a manual based coping strategy programme (START, STrAtegies for RelaTives) in promoting the mental health of carers of family members with dementia: pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMJ. October 25th2013;347:f6276. Full Text Link.
Jenkins, C. McKay, A. (2013). A collaborative approach to health promotion in early stage dementia.Nursing Standard. May 8-14th2013;27(36):49-57; quiz 58. Full Text Link.
Jenkins, C. McKay, A. (2013). Collaborative health promotion in middle and later stages of dementia.Nursing Standard. May 15-21st2013;27(37):49-56; quiz 58, 60. Full Text Link.
van derPloeg, ES.Bax, D.Boorsma, M. [et al] (2013). A cross-sectional study to compare care needs of individuals with and without dementia in residential homes in the Netherlands.BMC Geriatrics. May 24th2013;13:51. Full Text Link.
Morley, JE. Dementia with Lewy bodies: a common condition in nursing homes?Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. October 2013;14(10):713-4.
Waugh, A. Austin, A.Manthorpe, J. [et al] (2013). Designing a complex intervention for dementia case management in primary care.BMC Family Practice. July 17th2013;14:101. Full Text Link.
Whitney, J. Jackson, SH. Close, JC. [et al] (2013). Development and validation of a fall-related impulsive behaviour scale for residential care.Age and Ageing. November 2013;42(6):754-8.
Moore, ZE. Webster, J. (2013). Dressings and topical agents for preventing pressure ulcers.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online). August 18th2013; Issue 8: No. CD009362. Full Text Link.
Halek, M.Dichter, MN.Quasdorf, T. [et al] (2013). The effects of dementia care mapping on nursing home residents' quality of life and staff attitudes: design of the quasi-experimental study Leben-QD II.BMC Geriatrics. June 1st2013;13:53. Full Text Link.
Kuehn, BM. (2013).Efforts stall to curb nursing home antipsychotic use. JAMA. September 18th2013;310(11):1109-10.
Chan, RJ. Webster, J. (2013). End-of-life care pathways for improving outcomes in caring for the dying.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online). November 18th2013; Issue 11: No. CD008006. Full Text Link.
Carlisle, D. (2013). An end to isolation.Nursing Standard. October 23rd - 29th2013;28(8):26-7.
Logue, MD.Drago, J. (2013). Evaluation of a modified community based care transitions model to reduce costs and improve outcomes.BMC Geriatrics. September 12th2013;13(1):94. [Epub ahead of print.Full Text Link.
Clare, L. Bayer, A. Burns, A. [et al] (2013). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation in early-stage dementia: study protocol for a multi-centre single-blind randomised controlled trial (GREAT). Trials. May 27th2013;14:152. Full Text Link.
Duggleby, W. Schroeder, D.Nekolaichuk, C. (2013). Hope and connection: the experience of family caregivers of persons with dementia living in a long term care facility.BMC Geriatrics. October 20th2013;13(1):112. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Chiu, M. Wesson, V. Sadavoy, J. (2013). Improving caregiving competence, stress coping, and mental well-being in informal dementia carers. World Journal of Psychiatry. September 22nd 2013; 3(3): 65-73. Full Text Link.
Morita, K. Kobayashi, M. (2013). Interactive programs with preschool children bring smiles and conversation to older adults: time-sampling study.BMC Geriatrics. October 18th2013;13(1):111. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Mullick, A. Martin, J.Sallnow, L. (2013). An introduction to advance care planning in practice. BMJ. October 21st2013;347:f6064. Full Text Link.
Close, H. Hancock, H. Mason, JM. [et al] (2013). "It's Somebody else's responsibility" - perceptions of general practitioners, heart failure nurses, care home staff, and residents towards heart failure diagnosis and management for older people in long-term care: a qualitative interview study.BMC Geriatrics. July 5th2013;13:69. Full Text Link.
Keating, M. Long, J. Wright, J. (2013).Leading culture change to improve dementia care.Nursing Times. February 26th – March 4th2013;109(8):16-8. Full Text Link.
Stevens, E. (2013). The Mental Capacity Act 2005: considerations for nursing practice.Nursing Standard. September 11-17th2013;28(2):35-9.
Iliffe, S. Davies, N.Vernooij-Dassen, M. [et al]; IMPACT research team. (2013). Modelling the landscape of palliative care for people with dementia: a European mixed methods study.BMC Palliative Care. August 12th2013;12(1):30. Full Text Link.
Allen, D. (2013). More than just a listening ear.Nursing Standard. August 7-13th2013;27(49):22-3. Full Text Link.
Cummings, GG. Reid, RC.Estabrooks, CA. [et al] (2013). Older Persons' Transitions in Care (OPTIC): a study protocol.BMC Geriatrics . December 14th2012;12:75. Full Text Link.
Rodríguez-Martín, B.Martínez-Andrés, M.Cervera-Monteagudo, B. [et al] (2013). Perception of quality of care among residents of public nursing-homes in Spain: a grounded theory study.BMC Geriatrics. June 28th2013;13(1):65. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Atkins, J. Naismith, SL.Luscombe, GM. [et al] (2013). A preliminary study of aged care facility staff indicates limitations in awareness of the link between depression and physical morbidity.BMC Geriatrics. April 9th2013;13:30. Full Text Link.
Fu, CY. Moyle, W. Cooke, M. (2013). A randomised controlled trial of the use of aromatherapy and hand massage to reduce disruptive behaviour in people with dementia.BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. July 10th2013;13:165. Full Text Link.
Boyle, G. (2013). 'She's usually quicker than the calculator': financial management and decision-making in couples living with dementia.Health and Social Care in the Community. September 2013;21(5):554-62.
Leontjevas, R.Gerritsen, DL.Smalbrugge, M. [et al] (2013).A structural multidisciplinary approach to depression management in nursing-home residents: a multicentre, stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. June 29th2013;381(9885):2255-64. Full Text Link.
Travers, CM. Beattie, E. Martin-Khan, M. [et al] (2013). A survey of the Queensland healthcare workforce: attitudes towards dementia care and training.BMC Geriatrics. September 30th2013;13(1):101. [Epub ahead of print].Full Text Link.
Minkman, MM.Vermeulen, RP.Ahaus, KT. [et al] (2013).A survey study to validate a four phases development model for integrated care in the Netherlands.BMC Health Services Research. June 13th2013;13:214.
Stokes, G. (2013). Tackling communication challenges in dementia.Nursing Times. February 26th - March 4th2013;109(8):14-5. Full Text Link.
Lynch, E. (2013). Thinking outside the box.Nursing Standard. September 26th – October 2nd2012;27(4):23.
van der Steen, JT.Hertogh, CM. de Graas, T. [et al]. (2013). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a family booklet on comfort care in dementia: sensitive topics revised before implementation.Journal of Medical Ethics. February 2013;39(2):104-9.
White, J. (2013). Turning learning into action.Nursing Standard. August 21-27th2013;27(51):69. Full Text Link.
Connolly, A. Campbell, S.Gaehl, E. [et al] (2013). Under-provision of medical care for vascular diseases for people with dementia in primary care: a cross-sectional review.British Journal of General Practice. February 2013;63(607):e88-96.
Chiatti, C.Masera, F.Rimland, JM. [et al]; UP-TECH research group (2013). The UP-TECH project, an intervention to support caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients in Italy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. May 28th2013;14:155. Full Text Link.