Date: 5Oct 2005 , 1000-1130 hours, Building 1121
EIT Member Organizations Attending:
AFS (4)
Artic Slope (Refuel Contractor)
AVCHEM (HMCC Contractor)
Dep Schools
DPW-Env (5)
ECS 143
Range Control
- Facilitator: DPW Environmental Division
- Recorder: Paige S.
Agenda: Posted at on the Environmental Management System page in the meeting agenda folder.
Old Action Items Status (Unfinished Business):
-Reviewed minutes from previous meeting held on 9Sept 05.
-Oct 1 begins tracking the progress in meeting the EMS goal. Increase amount of office paper recycled by 5% normalized to flying hours by the end of CY 06. The goal was presented at the EQCC meeting on August 16 for final approval. Progress in meeting the goal will be tracked on the EMS page of the Environmental Division website at and presented at upcoming meetings.

Current Plan Status Review (New Business):

-The scheduling tool update (showing status of all necessary tasks required in the EMS
implementation plan) was discussed and will be posted on the website.
-The EMS page on the website has been updated with the addition of folders to organize EMS related documents. All meetings agendas and minutes, presentations, EMS procedures, etc are now be more accessible.
-Suzanne G. briefly reviewed the timeline for the EMS general awareness training. The training plan has been posted on the website under the EMS program section at the bottom of the page. Training CDs were distributed to the team for use in their division. ECOs may burn as many CDs as needed. Also, Paige S. will check on the conversion of the CD to VHS format for organizations that do not have the computer capabilities. Organizations have until March 2006 to complete the training.
-Mr. Mo A. discussed the distribution of Quarterly Compliance Inspection Reports. Reports will only be sent if deficiencies are noted.
-Mr. Alfred T. reported that the Annual Air Inspection conducted by ADEM resulted in no violations. He thanked those that participated.
-Mr. Tony M., FortRucker’s Energy Engineer, presented information on Energy Conservation at FortRucker. Depletion of Natural Resources has been identified as a Significant Aspect in FortRucker’s EMS. Mr. M. presented graphs and data on how much energy and associated costs of energy. Energy usage at FortRucker has increased. The current metric as stated in EO13123 is to decrease energy usage by 35% from 1985 baseline by the year 2010. Mr. M. also discussed the Building Energy Monitor program and our responsibilities for reviewing our work areas for any energy waste. Possible goal for the EMS is to expand BEM program and also adopt current FortRucker energy metrics. See Mr. M.’s presentation for more information.
-The team did not have time to break into the subgroups for Spills, Hazardous Waste, and Solid Waste.
New action items:
-EIT members begin EMS General Awareness Training in their organizations.
-Paige S. check on converting training CDs to VHS tapes.
-EIT members check that their bldg has a Building Energy Monitor.
Other business (not on agenda and time permitting):
Bin List:

Next Meeting Date: 3Nov2005 at 10:00-11:30

Attachments / References:
-Mr. Tony M., Energy Awareness presentation.