University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Department of Classics

Reading List

MA in Classical Archaeology: Roman Sculpture

General Works, touching on topics below and others

Hölscher, T. 2004. The Language of Images in Roman Art. Cambridge.

D’Ambra, E. (ed.) 1993. Roman Art in Context: An Anthology. Englewood Cliffs.

Friedland, E. A. and M. Grunow Sobocinski with Elaine K. Gazda (2015).The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture. Oxford.

Kampen, N. B. (ed.) 1996. Sexuality in Ancient Art. Cambridge. Chapters 10-16, 155-261.

Kleiner, D. 1992. Roman Sculpture. Yale.

Stewart, P. 2008. The Social History of Roman Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-38.

Zanker, P. 1988. The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus. Ann Arbor.

Originals and Copies

Bieber, Margarete, Ancient Copies: Contributions to the History of Greek and Roman Art. New York: New York University Press, 1977.

Gazda, Elaine K. (ed.) The Ancient Art of Emulation: Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2002.

Marvin, Miranda. The Language of the Muses:Dialogue between Roman and Greek Sculpture, Los Angeles: The G. Paul Getty Museum, 2008.

Pollitt, J.J. “The Impact of Greek Art on Rome.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 108 (1978): 155-174.

Ridgway, B. 1984. Roman Copies of Greek Sculpture: the Problems of the Originals. Ann Arbor.

The Question of Style

Fullerton, Mark, “Der Stil der Nachahmer: A Brief Historiography of Stylistic Retrospection,” in A. A. Donohue and M. Fullerton, eds., Ancient Art and its Historiography, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 92–117.

Hölscher, T. “Greek Styles and Greek Art in Augustan Rome: Issues of the Present versus Records of the Past.” In Classical Pasts: The Classical Traditions of Greece and Rome, ed. J. Porter, 237-269. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2006.

Imperial Politics and Sculptural Representation

Davies, Penelope, “The politics of perpetuation: Trajan’s Column and the Art of Commemoration,” AJA 101 (1997): 41-65.

Thill, Elizabeth Wolfram, “Civilization Under Construction: Depictions of Architecture on the Column of Trajan,” AJA 114 (2010): 27-43.


Bartman, Elizabeth, “Hair and Artifice of Roman Female Adornment,” AJA 105 (2001), 1-25.

Fejfer, Jane. 2008. Roman Portraits in Context. De Gruyter.

Kousser, Rachel, “Mythological Group Portraits in Antonine Rome: The Performance of Myth” AJA 111 (2007), 673-691.

Smith, R.R.R. 1998. “Cultural Choice and Political Identity in Honorific Portrait Statues in the Greek East in the Second Century A.D.” Journal of Roman Studies 88, 56-93.

Varner, E. Mutilation and Transformation: Damnatio Memoriae and Roman Imperial Portraiture. Leiden, 2004.

Stevensen, T. “The ‘Problem’ with Nude Statuary and Honorific Portraits in Late Republican and Augustan Rome.” Greece & Rome 45 (1998): 45-69.

Tanner, Jeremy, “Portraits, Power and Patronage in the Late Roman Republic,” Journal of Roman Studies 90 (2000): 18-50.

Roman Sculpture in the Private Sphere

Gazda, E. (ed) 2010. Second edition. Roman Art in the Private Sphere. Ann Arbor.

Zanker, P. and Ewald. (2013) Living with Myths, The Imager of Roman Sarcophagi. Oxford.