Algebra IIA – Seminar

Instructor:Mr. Dockus


Text: Holt, Rinehart and Winston’s “Algebra II”

Website: Username: seminar3 Password: r2k4v

Objective: This course is designed as a continuation of the Holt Math Series for secondary schools, and will prepare students for ordinary math that is used in everyday situations, as well as serve as an excellent college-preparatory course. Topics will include a foundation of functions; several family of functions including linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and radical functions; linear systems, conics, and matrices.

Calculator: A TI-30XIIS scientific calculator will suffice for this class. Occasionally, we will be using graphing calculators, but a classroom supply is available for this purpose. Be aware that there will be many instances when calculators will not be permitted on quizzes or tests. A calculator should not become a crutch and prevent one from being proficient at mental math. There will not be a classroom set of the TI-30XIIS.


Your grade in this class is based on a total point system which is comprised of two parts: class work and exams. There will be one exam at the end of every semester. The exam will make up 15% of your final grade. The class work is made up of homework, class work, quizzes, and tests. This will make up the remaining 85% of your final grade.

Grading Scale:

92 - 100 ……...A

82 - 91………..B

70 - 81………..C

60 - 69………..D

0 - 59 …….....F

You will receive a 0 for incomplete work.

Test retakes are based upon these requirements:

  1. Meet with teacher outside of class to make test corrections.
  2. All homework from chapter must be completed.
  3. Additional practice assignment must be completed.
  4. Test must be retaken outside of normal class time.

Class Expectations:

You will be expected to enter the room in an adult manner, prepared, and ready to learn. If you have respect for yourself, your teacher, and your peers, we will have a very productive year where we can learn from one another. You are to always follow the classroom rules, procedures, and all student handbook rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in detentions and other consequences.


1. RESPECT yourself and others.

2. Come PREPARED with all materials.

3. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on.

4. Be on time and take your seat before the bell rings and begin working on daily warm-ups.

5. Keep hands to yourself.

6. Listen when others are speaking and wait your turn to address the class.

7. Follow the school code of conduct (including but not limited to: electronic

devices, food, drink or profanity including discriminatory language).

8. Come to class ready to LEARN.

Materials: (to bring daily)

  1. Pencil
  2. Paper
  3. Notebook / Folder (3 ring binder with loose-leaf paper is encouraged in order to organize warm-ups, notes, homework, quizzes, tests, and other passed out materials.)
  4. Daily assigned work (homework)
  5. Calculator (There will not be a classroom set)

Homework, Tests, and Quizzes:

  1. Homework will be assigned and graded daily. Most homework will be graded on effort and completion. At times homework could be graded for accuracy.
  2. Absence is the only excuse for late assignments. You will be given one day per day of absence to make up an assignment if you have an excused absence.
  3. Quizzes will be given throughout each unit and may or may not be announced.

4. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. There will be no talking during tests; cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic F for that test grade. The use of a cell phone during a test will also result in an F. If you are absent, and did not know about the test date, you will be expected to make it up the next school day. If it is not made up within 5 days, the test grade will result in an F. I prefer you make up the test during a study hall or after school; please use our class time as a last resort to make up the test.

Extra Information:

1. All personal belongings must be off the desk, only math materials permitted on your


2. Being tardy to class is not acceptable. Consequences will follow the tardy policy.

3. Detentions are served after school until 2:50. No excuses. You earn it, you serve it.

4. No talking during announcements or video displays. Don’t miss somethingimportant.

5. All hats and coats belong in your locker.

Extra Help:

If you are struggling with a topic, please let me know. I will be more than happy to set up a time to meet with you during or after school. Communication is a necessary tool for success in this class. Study Tables will take place after school on Mondays and Fridays.