NPIF Early Career Researcher Industry Secondments

2017/18Application Form

Please complete all relevant fields and submit with the accompanying documentation via your departmental administrator or research support officer/facilitator. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 06 October2017.
Related documents: Call specification and guidance for applicants (Call document A). References [A.x] direct applicants to the appropriate sections of the guidance in Call Document A.
Project Title
Project start date / Project end date
2. ACADEMIC LEAD [see A.2] The person who will take overall responsibility for the conduct of the project. Early Career Researchers shouldnotapply as Academic Lead and should ask their PI/supervisor/mentor to serve as Academic Lead.
Surname / Name / Title
Post/Job title
Department or Faculty
Email address / Telephone
3. SECONDEE [see A.2]Include details of the Early Career Researcher who will undertake the secondment with an external non-academic industry partner
Surname / Name / Title
Post/Job title
Email address / Telephone
Early Career Researcher status: (If applicable i.e. within 4 years of DPhil/PhD completion)
Date PhD/DPhil awarded / Date of thesis submission
4. NON-ACADEMIC PARTNER All applications should have at least one Non-Academic Partner who will host the secondment. Attach separate sheet for additional Non-Academic Partner organisations.
Non-Academic Partner 1
Organisation name
Organisation web address
Name(s) of Contact(s)
Email of Primary Contact / Telephone
Have you worked with this partner before? / Yes No
Proposed secondment location
BACKGROUND– outline the rationale for this secondment, the background to the proposed partnership and how your research relates to and supports this proposal.Include details of how the proposal aligns with the Industrial Strategy, which pillar(s) or crosscutting challenge it tries to address andhow it addressesthe needs of your industry partner.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVESoutline what you hope to achieve from this collaboration and what impact you hope to have. Include some specific project objectives.
PROJECT PLAN – detail the proposed secondment project including: a description of the planned activities and how knowledge exchange will be embedded in the activity, how the partners will contribute, an outline project timetableincluding key outputs and milestones for the project.
OUTCOMES AND BENEFITSinclude details of the desired successful outcomes from the project, including an explanation of the anticipated benefits to both parties (industry partner and ECR) and the potential impacts of the project. If possible, include details of what the next steps might be and how the collaboration might develop beyond this funding.
PROJECT MANAGEMENTPlease detail how the collaboration will be managed e.g. How much time will be spent working with the industrial partner? How frequently will the Secondee meet with the industrial partner? How will progress be monitored?
6. RELEVANT/RELATED RESEARCH PUBLICATIONSList a maximum of 5 relevant academic publications.
7. RESOURCES [see A.4] Please give a clear breakdown of the resources requested up to a maximum of £12,000. Attach separate sheet for additional budget items. You are also asked to provide an FEC costing (X5) as an attachment.
Category (e.g., travel & subsistence, catering, consultancy, staff cost, etc.) / Itemised description / Amount
Total requested from the IAA (should match PRICE on costing output)
Cash contributions from partners: (£ and description of what this covers):
In-kind contributions from partners: (estimated £ and description of contributions)
Total university project costs
Should match FEC on your costing output
Details of any matched grant funding sought/received (£ and source):
Departmental/College support:
(direct contributions only e.g. support for event costs, but not infrastructure charges)
9. JUSTIFICATION OF RESOURCES– please provide a full explanation and justification of all the resources requested in section 7
Declaration of Interests: If applicable
Does the project require ethical review? / Yes No / Approved CUREC number If applicable
All projects supported by this funding must adhere to the University’s Code of Practice and Procedure for Academic Integrity in Research, and comply with appropriate legal and regulatory requirements. If any form of licence is needed (e.g. Home Office, Intellectual Property, Radiation Protection) these must be in place before the project commences. Please check this box to confirm that you have read and agree to these terms.