Keep Your Sword Bright For Liberty’s Defense

Faithful Navigator Message

24 New Sir Knights joined the ranks of the 4th degree on Saturday, April 18, 2015. The Exemplification was conducted by District Master Michael J. Porter.

Of the 24; 11Sir Knights are members of Fr. Patrick J. Ryan Assembly 1084. New members include SK Christopher Petrin, SK Rip Millard III, SK Ben Grizzel, SK Sonny Yemm II, SK Dennis Meinert, SK Robert Bomar, SK Jason McCulley, SK Jason Taylor, SK Greg Smith, SK Gerry Barone, SK Scott Mitan.

Welcome to the Patriotic arm of the Knights of Columbus – see photo on the last page.

Captain’s Corner

For those of you who have attended an Exemplification of the Fourth Degree by the Chattanooga Team within the last ten years or so, you have heard me say after the ‘official’ closing of the ceremony, “Fellow Sir Knights before we depart let us pay a tribute to our fallen brothers.” The playing of TAPS is then the ‘final’ closing of the exemplification. It is my most sincere wish that this be added to the ceremony instead of just an afterthought by our team. Most everyone equates TAPS with those who have given their all in defense of our country. This is as it should be, because it is those who have given their last measure that has kept our republic a free nation.

Lest we forget, we also have an obligation to remember those Knights who have given a good measure of their time, treasure and dedication to our order. There have been many Grand Nights, State Deputies and, let us not forget their staffs …whoa …and how about those activity chairmen who sometime spend years in positions like pro-life and youth, who have given many years to help support our causes. Did you know that in order to be a State Deputy in Tennessee a man must sit the chairs of his council and then work his way through the chairs of the state? This can take many years of dedicated service to accomplish. On top of that he is under a moral obligation to help those coming up behind him. That is a considerable commitment to an organization. In fact it is like retiring from a branch of the armed forces after twenty plus years of service. The only difference is he doesn’t get a pension. If you attend a state convention, the names of all our departed brothers for the year will be read at the memorial mass. So let’s be mindful of our departed brothers both in the armed forces and in our council who have dedicated so much

Horten’s Highlights

I want to express my thanks to the 146 Sir Knights who have submitted their 2015 Dues.

As of April 21, 2015

Patriotic Fund / $5,642.85 / Members in Arrears / 19
Religious Fund / $541.50 / Honorary Member / 3
4th Degree Fund / $1,766.73 / Honorary Life Members / 25
Certificate of Deposit / $3,000.00 / Sir Knights Paid to date / 118
Total / $10,950.85 / Total / 165

Marv’s Musings

As you grow older

·  Death is the number 1 killer in the world

·  Life is sexually transmitted

·  Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die

·  Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years

·  Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in a hospital dying of nothing.

·  All of us should take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

·  In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.

·  Don’t worry about old age, it doesn’t last that long.

Up Coming Events

5/1 / Convention
Rosary at New Hope 12:30 Central / St. Jude 12:15 (EDST)
5/15 / Walk Around Rosary @ New Hope (12:30 Central)
5/19 / Rosary at 6:30; Business Meeting @ 7:00 – St. Jude
5/30 / Adam Royal Ordination to Transitional Deacon / St. Stephen @ 11am

June 27, 11:00 a.m., Ordination (four for the Priesthood), Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Now This Is Interesting.....

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God: How am I going to live on earth being so small and helpless? Among the angels, I chose one for you. She will care for you. But, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile. Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy. And what am I going to do when I want to talk to You? Your angel will place your hands together and teach you to pray. I've hear that on earth there are bad men.. Who will protect me? Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life. But I will always be sad because I will not see You anymore. Your angel will teach you the way to come back to Me. At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but prayers from earth could already be heard. The child asked softly: Ooh God, please tell me my angel's name. Your angel's name is of no importance, you will call her: “MOMMY”.

Knights to Christ.


Faithful Navigator – (nomination from the floor) / Faithful Admiral – Thomas T. Tidwell Jr.
Faithful Captain – William Soffe / Inner Sentinal – Olath W. Walton
Faithful Comptroller – C. Michael Horten / Outer Sentinel – Wade Wheeler
Faithful Purser – Raleigh Cooper / One Year Trustee – Ed Szelengiewicz
Faithful Pilot – Dwight Ash / Two Year Trustee – Jerry W. Young
Faithful Scribe – Michael Meehan / Three Year Trustee – Phil Daniel


Faithful Friar
Fr. Bertin Glennon
Basilica of St. Peter & Paul / Faithful Captain
Wes Bell
(423) 842-4756
/ Faithful Pilot
Bill Soffe
(423) 991-6864
/ Faithful Scribe
Marv Gabalski
(423) 949-4927

Faithful Purser
Raleigh Cooper
423) 580-6829
/ Asst. Comptroller
Eric J. Pelton
(323) 622-3156
/ Inner Sentinel
Wade Wheeler
(423) 949-4265 / Outer Sentinel
Ed Klim
(423) 842-1140

Trustee 1 Year
Jerry Young
(423) 842-8601
/ Trustee 2 Year
Ed Szelengiewicz
(423) 949-7753
/ Trustee 3 Year
Deacon Paul Nelson
(423) 877-8882
/ Faithful Admiral
Phillip L Daniel
(423) 316-2159

4th Degree Exemplification – April 18, 2015

Photo by State Deputy John Park.