Selby College Further Education Corporation

minutes of Meeting of full corporation held on Tuesday 15thjuly 2014 at

5.30 pm in the college board room


Vernon Wells- Chair

Alan Brown

Steve Davis

Robert Fell

Jon Furniss

Tina Hardman

Della Heptinstall

David Kellett

Judy Kent

Rev Francis Loftus

Cllr Cliff Lunn

Allan Stewart OBE

Mary Weastell

Ian White

  1. to receive apologies

Noted Apologies were received from Pam Buckton, Elena Frandino and Margaret Hicks-Clarke. Apologies for late arrival from Mary Weastell.

  1. to receive declarations of interest relating to any items on the agenda

Noted There were no declarations of interest raised.

noted At this point the Chair welcomed Della Heptinstall, the newly elected Student Union President, to the meeting and members were introduced to her. Her formal appointment would take place under item 9(b) of the agenda.

  1. any other business

a)Board Membership

Noted The Chair reported the recent decision by Rob Fell to resign from his role of Corporation Member. This would take effect from 31st July 2014. Rob expressed his reluctance to stand down after his current 4 year term of office explaining that this was primarily due to pressures of work and the likelihood of having to be out of the country for periods of time which would make it very difficult for him to fulfil his Board responsibilities.

Rob was thanked by the Chair, on behalf of the Board, for his contribution over the past 4 years and members wished him well for the future.

Noted The Chair reminded members that Steve Davis’s membership would also come to an end on 31st July. He was therefore formally thanked by the Chair, on behalf of the Board, for his contribution over the past 4 years and members wished him well for the future.

b)Agenda Items

Noted The Chair requested that item 10.iii.(g) be taken as the last item on the agenda and that the student member be asked to leave the meeting during discussion under this item. This was agreed by the Board.

However, for the purposes of clarity, minutes would be recorded under agenda order.

  1. To receive and approve minutes of board meeting held on Tuesday 20th may 2014

Received and considered The above minutes circulated with the agenda.

Resolved Unanimously that these minutes be agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

  1. To take matters arising

Item 11 (e) – Cross-College Additional Learning Support Policy

Reported The Director with responsibility for this item had requested that a revised Policy be presented to the Board at the first meeting in the Autumn term instead of at this meeting. She was due to attend an AoC training event at Askham Bryan College on 14th July regarding changes in legislation for SEN learners and the impact of this for the FE sector. The training also included requirements for updating policies in order to meet new requirements. She felt it would be beneficial to the Board therefore to receive a revised Policy after this training had taken place. This was accepted by the Board.

  1. To report on chairman’s action

Noted The following actions were reported by the Chair:

  1. Attended Corporation Members’ Dinner on Wednesday 18th June.
  1. Attended the AoC Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Committee meeting at The Northern College on Thursday 19th June.
  1. Attended the College Fashion Show on the evening of Thursday 19th June in Selby Abbey, reporting that this had been an excellent production and a credit to everyone involved – a good showcase for the College. He also informed members that he had written a letter to Kiku Jackson, the main organiser, sending his congratulations, as Chair, to her and all others involved in making this such a successful event.
  1. Participated in the interview panel for insurance providers on Friday 20th June.
  1. Attended the Barnsley College Excellence Awards on Thursday 26th June..
  1. strategy

a)To receive and note Principal’s Report – July 2014

Received and considered The above report circulated with the agenda.

Noted The Principal talked to his report, expanding on the information provided and providing updates where necessary. He made reference to briefing papers which had been circulated to members prior to the meeting which had included letters and reports from the FE Commissioner and AoC briefings re: Student Loans and Maths and English penalty charges.

Noted Members took the opportunity to ask questions on the information provided, noting a potential funding risk to the College if approval by EFA was stopped with regard to continuing work with Hull Tigers.

Mary Weastell arrived at this point.

b)To receive and note Selby College Performance Dashboard Report (July 2014)

Received and considered The July Dashboard Report, circulated with the agenda.

Noted Janet Meenaghan took members through the report, responding to questions and clarifying as required. The report showed a very positive picture with 7 performance measures achieved, one partly achieved and 2 remaining in the amber category. Members accepted the explanations regarding the funding methodology for SFA 19+ targets with final outcomes available by the end of October. Some discussion took place on Teaching & Learning grades and the impact of student behaviour. Continuing Professional Development will take place during 2014-2015 with regard to meeting targets in this area next year.

c)To receive and approve Selby College Strategic Plan 2014-2017 (including College Mission, Vision and Values)

Received and considered The final draft of the College Strategic Plan for 2014-2017. This had previously been considered by the Board at the April Development Day and the May meeting of the Board.

Noted Only minor changes to targets were reported to members since they had previously had sight of this. These were accepted by the Board.

Resolved Unanimously that the Selby College Strategic Plan 2014-2017 be approved by the Board.

  1. governance

a)To Consider and Agree the Establishment of a Business Development Group

Noted This item followed discussion and a recommendation from the April Development Day.

Discussion followed regarding the remit of the group and whether a committee should be established, or if a working party was more appropriate.

Resolved Unanimously that aBusiness Development Group be established initially and recommendations from an inaugural meeting to be held in September to be brought back to the October board meeting for approval.

b)To consider and agree membership, quoracy and frequency of meetings of the Business Development Group

Received and considered A draft remit for a Business Development Group, circulated with the agenda, which followed on from recent consultation with members.

ResolvedUnanimously the draft remit, membership, quoracy and frequency of meetings be considered at the inaugural meeting of the Business Development Group and further recommendations be brought back to the October board meeting for approval.

c)To consider and approve Selby College Corporation’s Annual Cycle of Meetings & Business for 2014-2015

Received and considered A final draft of the above, circulated with the agenda.

Noted Agreement was reached on the proposed changes included in the final draft.

Resolved Unanimously that, with the inclusion of the agreed changes, the Annual Cycle of Meetings and Business for 2014-2015 be approved by the Board and a final copy be circulated to members with the draft minutes of this meeting.

d)To receive and approve updated Treasury Management Policy

Received and considered The updated Policy, circulated with the agenda.

Noted Two amendments were proposed as follows:

Item 3(e) replaced with: To maximise the rate of return from investment in property to ensure value for money.

Addition of item 6(e): Investment in property requires express approval of Finance Committee/Corporation.

Resolved Unanimously that the updated Treasury Management Policy, with the inclusion of the 2 amendments, be approved by the Board.

  1. student union

a)To receive a verbal update on next year’s Student Union and Student Membership of the Board

Noted Alan Brown informed members that a new Student Union Executive had now been elected. He reported that the updated Student Union Constitution, approved by the Board in July 2013, was working well.

b)To approve the appointment of Della Heptinstall, Student Union President, as the Student Member of the Corporation for a one year term of office

Resolved Unanimously that Della Heptinstall, newly elected Student Union President, be appointed as the Student Member of the Board for a one year term of office.

  1. corporation committees
  1. curriculum & Quality committee

a)To receive and note unconfirmed minutes of Curriculum & Quality Committee held on Tuesday 17th June 2014

Received and noted The above minutes circulated with the agenda.

  1. audit committee

a)To receive and note unconfirmed minutes of Audit Committee meeting held on Tuesday 24th June 2014

Received and noted The above minutes circulated with the agenda.

Noted The Chair informed members that a further follow-up audit had been requested on the area of Recruitment & Payroll. It was reported to the Board that the results of this follow-up audit were positive.

b)To receive and note Internal Audit Report – Third Party Assurance Map

Received and considered Internal Audit Report – Third Party Assurance Map circulated with the agenda.

Noted It had been a request of the Audit Committee that all Board members should receive a copy of this, for information. Members agreed that the Third Party Assurance Map was a very informative document which should be reviewed annually.

c)To receive and approve Internal Audit Plan 2014-2015, following recommendation of Audit Committee

Received and considered The above Internal Audit Plan circulated with the agenda.

Resolved Unanimously that the Internal Audit Plan 2014-2015 be approved by the Board following the recommendation of the Audit Committee.

d)To receive and approve External Audit Strategy Plan for Year Ended 31st July 2014, following recommendation by Audit Committee

Received and considered The above Strategy Plan, circulated with the agenda.

Resolved Unanimously that the External Audit Strategy Plan for Year Ended 31st July 2014 be approved by the Board following the recommendation of the Audit Committee.

Rev Francis Loftus left the meeting at this point.

  1. finance committee

a)To receive and note unconfirmed minutes of Finance Committee meeting held on Thursday 3rd July 2014

Received and noted The above minutes circulated with the agenda.

b)To receive and note period 10 management accounts for financial year 2013-2014

Received and considered The above management accounts circulated with the agenda.

Noted Pam Olbison took members through the key sections of the accounts. These had already been scrutinised by the Finance Committee and their comments noted. No further queries arose.

c)To receive and approve draft 2 Year Financial Plan 2014-2016, following recommendation by Finance Committee

Received and considered The above Draft 2 Year Financial Plan circulated with the agenda.

Noted The Financial Plan had already been scrutinised by the Finance Committee and their comments noted. No further queries arose. Once approved this would be submitted to the SFA.

Resolved Unanimously that the draft 2 Year Financial Plan 2014-2016 be approved by the Board following the recommendation of the Finance Committee.

Judy Kent left the meeting at this point.

d)To receive and approve draft annual operation budget and financial comparisons for period 1st August 2014 to 31st July 2015, following recommendation by Finance Committee

Received and considered The above draft budget and financial comparisons for 2014-2015, circulated with the agenda.

Noted Members of the Finance Committee had already scrutinised this draft budget and their comments were noted. It was acknowledged that this was going to be a very difficult year mainly due to funding cuts by the EFA and SFA.

Resolved Unanimously that the Draft Annual Operating Budget and Financial Comparisons for Period 1st August 2014 to 31st July 2015 be approved by the Board following the recommendation of the Finance Committee.

e)To receive and approve recommendation of Finance Committee for the appointment of College Insurers for 2014-2015

Received and considered Paper outlining the insurance tendering process which had recently taken place.

Noted Members of the Finance Committee had agreed the process and 3 members of that Committee had joined the interview panel meeting with the top two companies.

Resolved Unanimously that Zurich are appointed as the College Insurers for 2014-2015, as recommended by the Finance Committee.

f)To receive and approve recommendation of Finance Committee to invest in the purchase of 3 housing properties

Received and considered A paper outlining proposal to invest in properties.

Resolved Unanimously that the College may purchase 3 domestic properties up to the total cost of £450k, to achieve a rate of return on rental income of target minimum 5%, as recommended by the Finance Committee.

Pam Olbison left the meeting at this point.

g)This item is recorded under “private business” minutes.

h)To receive and approve partnership and franchise provision for 2014-2015, following recommendation by Finance Committee

Received and considered The above paper circulated with the agenda.

Resolved Unanimously that the College’s partnership and franchise provision for 2014-2015 be approved by the Board following the recommendation of the Finance Committee.

i)To receive and approve the opening of a new bank account re: Free School Meals, following recommendation by Finance Committee

Reported This is a statutory requirement of the EFA for audit purposes.

Resolved Unanimously that Board approval be given to the opening of a new bank account, re: Free School Meals, following the recommendation by Finance Committee.

j)To receive and approve a change to College cheque signatories, following recommendation by Finance Committee

Resolved Unanimously that Jeanne Woolford, the newly appointed Clerk, should become a category B cheque signatory, following the recommendation by the Finance Committee.

  1. curriculum & quality

a)To receive and note a report providing early indications of current year success rates, retention and achievement

Received and considered The above report, circulated with the agenda. A further paper was tabled showing in-year retention rates of Selby College, by month, for 2013-2014 benchmarked against national retention rates.

Noted Janet Meenaghan took members through her reports. She referred members to the Strategic Development Plan 2013-2016 and a scorecard of key performance measures approved by the Board in July 2013. From these KPI targets for 2013-2014 were established including success, retention and achievement targets.

Noted Members considered the information presented within the report, asking questions and clarifying where required.

Noted A discussion took place on retention at departmental level. Management were challenged on the areas which had not performed as well as expected and sought assurance on improvement strategies. Members were very pleased to see a big retention improvement in the Engineering department and also Work-based Learning.

Noted Members noted that government plans are to move away from success rates as a key measure of performance. From 2017 (using 2016 data) schools and colleges will be required to publish their performance in relation to Progress (value added), Attainment (learner point scores), English/maths (value added), Retention and Destinations.

b)To receive and note QDP Student Survey – July 2014

Received and considered The above survey circulated with the agenda.

Noted A discussion took place on the outcomes of the survey, in particular, the outcome for student satisfaction which had not reached target. The discussion centred on the methodology and timing of surveys and the views of the student member were taken into consideration. It was also reported that additional ways of listening to the “student voice” were in operation which included groups of students meeting with the Principal on a weekly basis and also focus groups facilitated by the Quality Manager.

Agreed That a review should take place on the methodology and timing of student surveys to ensure maximum response levels.

  1. to agree any private business items or papers

Agreed That supporting papers under items 7(b),(c); 10.ii.(b),(c) & (d); 10.iii.(b),(c),(d), (f), (g) & (h); 11(a). Minutes under item 10.iii.(g) to be recorded under “private business” minutes.

  1. to confirm dates of next full corporation meeting

Confirmed That the next meeting of the Full Corporation would take place on Tuesday 7th October 2014.

Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.