Loveand Relationships on the Spiritual Path

Searching for Love in a World of Illusion

Part 4 Beyond the Physical Body Light is the Magnet

Beyond the Physical Body

In the world today, there is much talk of love, but often this refers only to physical or sensual love. Those who are truly in love know that love goes beyond the boundaries of the physical. Divine lovers know that you are more than your physical body. You are a soul sent forth from God to experience life in the material world. You have four lower bodies--a physical body, an emotional body (known as the astral body), a mental body and an etheric body, or memory body, in which is recorded all of your past. These four lower bodies are interpenetrating sheaths of consciousness that clothe the soul.

Beyond this, there are even higher levels of consciousness, planes beyond the realms of time and space. These are the three higher bodies of pure spirit. Collectively they are your Higher Self. They are illustrated as the two upper figures in the Chart of Your Divine Self.

The three higher bodies and the four lower bodies comprise the seven bodies of man.With this understanding we can see why love is often such an intense experience. We are experiencing love in all four of the lower bodies—in our feeling and thinking world and in our memory as well as with the physical senses. And when love involves our three higher bodies as well, the experience is even more profound.

The Chart of Your Divine Self

The seven bodies of man also enable us to understand why separation or parting from the beloved is so painful. All aspects of ourselves have become enmeshed with another living being.All of life is one at levels of pure Spirit. When you pursue a closer relationship with God and with your Higher Self, you begin to feel that sense of oneness with all life. You begin to draw to yourself more and more of your mission and plan.

Your Seven Energy Centers

We have seven major energy centers, called chakras (a Sanskrit term for “wheel,” or “disc”). These centers regulate the flow of God’s energy throughout our four lower bodies. It is within these centers that we experience the flow of love, of light, of spiritual energy.

The heart center is the most important energy center in the body. It is the hub of life, physically and spiritually. The heart is also the place where we experience love, both human and divine. The real center of love is the twelve-petaled chakra in the center of the chest, the spiritual center associated with the physical heart.

If we focus our energies in the heart, we can build a greater magnet of love. Just as we exercise the physical heart, we can also exercise the spiritual heart so that it can give and receive more love.

Light Is the Magnet

We are intended to garner light in the heart and in all of our chakras for our use in fulfilling our divine plan and our mission in life. This light also becomes a magnet that can attract everything we need for the fulfillment of that plan and mission—including the right partner in life. However, at the end of the day, many people have a net loss of light in their auras and spiritual centers. They lose light on a daily basis instead of storing it in their chakras and using it for positive purposes.

There are many ways to lose this light in all of the chakras.Our lifestyle choices also affect the amount of light we carry. For example tobacco not only damages our physical health but also interferes with the functioning of the third-eye chakra and the crown. If we choose to take drugs or alcohol, we not only risk becoming addicted, we also experience a loss of light because these substances create holes or tears in our auric forcefield and spiritual centers.

Another way to lose light is through relationships that are not healthy for us. In simple terms, some people take light from our aura, if we let them. The more deeply we are involved with them, the more light we may lose.When we don’t have the light we should, we lose the sense of joy and purpose in life. Ultimately, we have less energy for the activities and projects we really want to do. Losing our light also makes us less attractive to others and gives us the tired and spent look often seen in those who overindulge in negative practices.

Spiritual exercise is the means to bring more light to the aura and all levels of consciousness, including the physical body. And ultimately, it is the light within the aura that makes one person attractive to another, even more than mere physical appearance.

The Base Chakra

If you want to keep the light in your aura to attract the right partner in life, one of the most important chakras to understand is the base-of-the-spine chakra. Many people lose a lot of light through this chakra, and especially through inappropriate sexual activity. All too often they seem driven by their desires, and in particular their sexual impulses. They may be looking for love and a relationship of the heart, but they end up in sexual liaisons and relationships at the level of the base chakra.

The base chakra may be the most difficult to master. But when we understand the purpose of this chakra and we gain some mastery of its energy, there are great rewards.

The primal spiritual life-force known as the Kundalini is sealed within the base of the spine. Here we experience the power of creation and the ability to procreate.The base chakra is the lowest point to which the light descends on the spinal column. It is the location of the white light, or the white fire, which is, spiritually speaking, sacred energy, or sacred fire. In fact, sexual energy is sacred energy—sacred energy in motion. Sexual intercourse is intended to be a sacred union between the energies of man and woman.

The light of the Kundalini is not intended to stay only in the base chakra. It is meant to be raised up the spine, nourishing and activating each chakra along the way, causing the “wheel” of the chakra to spin, the “lotus” to blossom.

This light is intended to amplify and strengthen the positive expression of each chakra in turn. In the base chakra, this light is expressed as purity, discipline, wholeness, and the integration of our spiritual and physical beings.

When we conserve the Kundalini energy that resides at the base-of-the-spine chakra and raise it to nourish our other centers, it can activate new levels of spiritual awareness within us. If we lose this light, we reduce the amount of energy available to rise through the other chakras, and thus the latent power of those chakras remains untapped. If we do not raise it, we will also find that energy collects at the base chakra, and it demands an outlet.

This can lead to an inordinate focus on sex and the misuse of sexual energy. Some individuals release this energy in other ways, such as outbursts of anger, physical abuse, addictions to drugs, or other destructive activities. Even endless chatter can be a manifestation of sexual energy gone awry.

When we conserve the energy that we receive from the Divine Source, it is available to us for creativity in all of its forms. This light enables us to be more joyous and effective in all we do. It is also available to us to attract the best possible partner in life, the one who is divinely ordained to be our helpmate.

Unfortunately, most people today are not taught how to conserve energy in the spiritual centers. Many are burdened by the energy that gathers in the base-of-the-spine chakra but they do not know how to raise that energy.

Raising the Light

Spiritual exercises can be the anchor that helps us to pull away from and overcome old momentums and bring us to a new place in consciousness. We need the light that the spiritual exercise can bring because we need to deal with our own energies in relation to use or misuses of the sacred fire within us. We want to increase the light within us through spiritual exercises as a divine magnet to magnetize the love of our life. Through spiritual practices we can also bring into play the transformative energies that can balance the karma that separates us from the loving relationship that God may have waiting for us.

A word of caution about working with energies of the base-of-the-spine chakra. There are several techniques taught by teachers and gurus from the East that claim to accelerate the raising of the Kundalini. However, unless the chakras are first balanced and cleared, these practices can be dangerous—as the energy rises, it can activate karmic records and negative in the chakras.

There is a safe way to work with the energies of the chakras and to raise the light. Instead of meditating on raising the kundalini, it best to meditate on the upper chakras, from the heart to the crown. When we intensify the light of these chakras, they become magnets to naturally draw up the energy from the base chakra.

This action is enhanced when we clear the negative energies and blocks from the chakras using the violet flame. The use of the violet flame can be a very effective tool for raising the light. As this energy works in the aura and the chakras, it clears barriers to the raising of the light. It can also clear past records and habit patterns of lowering the light, making it easier to develop new and positive momentums. And when the chakras are cleared by the action of the violet flame, the energy rises of its own accord.

Violet Flame Meditation on the Chakras to Raise the Energy

Sending the violet flame into the chakras, visualizing the flame and meditating on the flame can be most effective. Use the image of the flames of a violet flame campfire, the flame of a gas burner, or whatever visualization conveys to you the intensity and dynamism of a moving, living flame.

Send the violet flame through each chakra in turn, giving each affirmation in multiples of three as you see the violet flame clearing and purifying that chakra.

I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!

My heart is a chakra of violet fire, My heart is the purity God desires!

I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!

My throat chakra is a wheel of violet fire, My throat chakra is the purity God desires!

The Resurrection Flame

Another spiritual exercise to help raise your energy and increase the light within is based on the resurrection mantra of Jesus, “I AM the resurrection and the life.”

To begin, stand with your arms raised over your head. Imagine that you are directing the energy that is rising up the network of your chakras back to your I AM Presence. See and feel the light within you as a mother-of-pearl softness bathing your body in a gentle glow. See the light surround every cell and atom of your body, becoming whiter and whiter. As the cells and atoms accelerate, they begin to spin—releasing the white light to clear and energize your body, mind and emotions.

As you hold this visualization, give the following affirmation three times, nine times, or as many times as you wish.

I AM, I AM, I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my four lower bodies now made manifest!

This mantra is effective in raising the light from the base of the spine to the crown, alleviating the build-up of excess energy around the base-of-the-spine chakra.

The “Hail Mary”

A third exercise for raising the light is one that has been used for hundreds of years, the giving of the “Hail Mary.” The inner meaning of “Hail Mary” is “Hail Ma-Ray,” or “Hail Mother Ray.” This mantra is a salutation to the Universal Mother, and also to the Mother light that is sealed in the base chakra. In the same way that yoga, mantra and meditation have been used in the East for the raising of the Kundalini, “Hail Mary” is the spiritual exercise that has been given to those in the West for raising this energy.

The New Age rosary has slightly different words for the Hail Mary, which affirm that we are sons and daughters of God (rather than that we are sinners) and asks the Blessed Mother to pray for us at the hour, not of our death, but “at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death.”

Hail, Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us, sons and daughters of God,

Now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death.

This prayer can be given as part of the rosary, or it may be given alone as a mantra for the safe and gentle raising of the Mother light within.

Through this prayer, Mary has pledged to assist us in gaining our self-mastery. She has encouraged us to ask her to come into our lives, and she will assist us mastery of the Mother light, or with any problem, great or small.

For Further Study on Love and Relationships

1-800-245-5445 USA

Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships, Pocketbook by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Marriage as an Initiation on the Path [10-7-76, 1 hour 33 min.] Available on CD on Demand—profound lecture on the responsibility of marriage, the attack on marriages today and how to invoke the ring of fire to protect your marriage

Twin Flames in Love I [Tape Album, Available on CD on Demand 3-10-78, 3-11-78 12 hours] —very complete teachings on the meaning of marriage and relationships—twin flames, soul mates and karmic marriages

Twin Flames in Love II [Tape Album, 7-5-82, 4 hours 30 min.]

Family Designs for the Golden Age Elizabeth Clare Prophet [Audio CD 11 hours 15 min]

Your Seven Energy Centers by Elizabeth Clare Prophet contains excellent teaching on the chakras.

The Story of Your Soul—Recovering the Pearl of Your True Identity by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Sacred Psychology series by Dr. Marilyn Barrick

Heart Head and Hand booklet of decrees

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