Judge Biographies 2017

Geoff Barham

I am also an ambulatory disabled archer, who shoots longbow, recurve and compound, none of them well, but I did beat Graham Harris at Fakenham Bowmen’s May Day Longbow shoot 2016.

I was involved in helping with the practice field for the European Junior Championships at Bedford in 1989, a scorer for the Indoor World Championships at Birmingham in 1995, on the practice field again at the World Junior Championships held in Britain in 2004, and was in charge of the conduct of the shooting on the practice field at the World Archery World Cup event held at Dover in 2007. I was also a volunteer on the field of play at both the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games held in London in 2012.

I am the old man of the team, as I have been an Archery GB Judge since 1984 when I became a Candidate Target Judge, I passed my County Target assessment in 1985, and my Regional Target assessment in 1989. I qualified as a County Field Judge in 1992, and was promoted to become a National Target Judge in 1996. I have served on the SCAS Council for many years in the past, and also was honoured by being elected as Judge Liaison Officer for SCAS twice, in 1998 - 1999, and 2002 - 2010.

Since last year I have been highly honoured by the County of Norfolk by being made a Honorary Life Member.

Katy Lipscomb

I started judging in about 1992/93 after being encouraged by my father who is also a Judge. I was lured into it by the heady mix of tea and cake and before long I was hooked.

I am currently an International Judge which I became in 2011.

I have done lots of really amazing tournaments including International and European Shoots and have got to go to wonderful places such as Georgia, Moscow, Biggleswade, Armenia, Lilleshall, Las Vegas and Fakenham. My stand out memories are the 2012 London Olympics where I was assistant DOS, the first European Games in Baku in 2015 and the 1st Invictus Games in London in 2014 and of course the 1st Beiter Hit and Miss in 2015 in glorious sunny Norwich.

My favourite shoots to judge are the small local shoots where you get a mix of all sorts of archers and abilities. They are the most fun and the ones where I feel I am helping the most.

When I started shooting I shot Recurve, but then moved to Longbow. I haven't picked up a bow for a couple of years now but I was the Norfolk Lady Longbow Clout champion for a couple of years (although it may have been shot under special Norfolk Lady Longbow rules)

Richard Pilkington

I took up archery in 2008 to try and reduce stress from work (like that has happened) and started judging in 2010 as I wanted to give something back to the sport I was enjoying so much and there was way too much paperwork in coaching!

I'm a National judge. Only a couple of years ago I did my first stint as DoS and enjoyed it and I must have done a good job as I kept getting asked to do more.

This has lead to acting as DoS or Assistant at many of the biggest shoots in the country including the first Invictus games, European Indoor Archery Tournament, the European Championships in Nottingham last year, the National Series Finals, National Team Championships, National Junior Championships and the National Indoors.

I shoot recurve and did manage to get into the County Team but since judging have just not had the time.

One of my first judging duties was as stand in for Katy at a shoot so I went away with her chocolate cake - I don't think she has ever forgiven me!

Paul Body

I got into archery after my son took up the sport some 9 years ago. I did shoot for a couple of years but gave up shooting as didn’t have time to practice. I got involved in judging by being volunteered into it by a judge some 5 years ago. The words used were “As you are at most shoots watching you should become a judge”.

Some 5 years later I am now a regional judge and enjoying every moment.

I have enjoyed judging at some big competitions and my very first nation position was DOS at the Back to Back several years ago. This year I was assistant COJ at the biggest Junior national so far that archery GB have put on. But I do enjoy judging at club shoots because they are very different to national ones.

Tori Mill

Been judging since January 2016.

Passed my assessment, to become a Youth Judge (yes I am young enough, just!) in August 2016 (technically during the second week of my honeymoon) at the Youth Festival.

Enjoy judging field, though preferably only in the sunshine (100% record so, well 2/2 but they were both in Wales, I'd call that a victory!)

What I’ve missed, Kieran will probably make up.

Brian Dunlop

Started shooting back in the 80's 34 years ago. As a recurve archer and got introduced in to coaching in the early 90's along with being a tournament organiser. Whilst organising the Bedfordshire Fita Star I just happened to ask how you Stephanie Pettit and Geoff Barham how to get into judging, wrong question to ask that was back in July 2000, in the August I was judging my first Tournament at Norfolk Fita Star since then I have been regularly judging 40+ days a year.

I qualified in 2007 as a National Judge all down to my fantastic mentor Mrs Katy Lipscomb her patience guidance and inspiration got me through.

I am now mentoring many judges and one of a select team of judges who has assessed many other SCAS judges.

I now shoot longbow and am a member of team judge who compete each year at Fakenham’s longbow shoot against Clickers judges have won ever year so far.

I have been Chairman at many National Series Tournaments and regularly judge at Lillishall along with World Record Status Tournaments County and Club shoots and still enjoying them all even the ones we get wet and frozen at for 10 hours at a time what could be better than watching 12 dozen arrows being shot .

Judging is good fun we make loads of friends judging is great lets get more people doing this fantastic job.

Sean Fox

I’ve not really had an extensive judging career.. not much to mention.

Been around pointy thing for 11 years, 9 of those years teaching others about pointy things. Oldest archer taught is 91, and the youngest independent archer was 4…she's now 6 and still punching holes in paper. I own 86 bows, and have 3 tubes of glue….

Paul Clark

Nickname - Nobby/ NobsAge: 51

Was a Firefighter and retired in 2016 after 30 years service. Fought the biggest peacetime Fire in Europe, was there for 3 days. Accredited with 736 rescues from life threating situations not including cats up trees.

Archery - Shoots Longbow PB on a Portsmouth of 532

At the IFFA 2007 Indoor World Championships I was 3rd Longbow

At the IFFA 2007 European Field Championships I was 1st Longbow

At the IFFA 2008 World Field Championships I was 1st Longbow

At the IFFA 2009 Indoor World Championships I was 2nd Longbow

I have been a member of the AGB Home Nations England Field Team in 2008 and a member of the IFAA England Team in 2006, 2007 and 2008.

I took up judging in 2012, both in target and field, reached the grade of regional for both in 2015, and am taking my National exam in 2017.

Other Sports I have played: Golf with a handicap of 7 and stopped playing seriously when Daisy took up Archery, (and cost all the money!)

I also played Ice Hockey semi professionally from 1989 to 1995

Margaret Marsh

I am relatively new to archery, shooting Barebow. I have shot in local competitions, enjoying the atmosphere so much that when a plea for new Judges came I was excited by the thought. I found out all the information I needed and began in May 2015. I have been lucky to be part of many RS shoots around the region. Consequently I was able to upgrade to a Regional Judge in April this year. Since then I have applied to Judge in four National Tournaments for the 2018 season.

The Better Hit and Miss last year was my first National Judging event. I was a little apprehensive but found the whole experience exciting and satisfying. Although it was very intense at times.

I am looking forward to some great shooting at this years tournament and catching up with the organisers, competitors and fellow Judges.

Alex Purser

I have been involved in archery for the last 21 years! Starting in 1996.

Over that time I have shot Recurve and more recently Compound.

Over the years I have qualified for the County (Essex & Suffolk), and England Teams, both as a junior and senior, I have qualified as both a Master and Grand Master Bowman, and been lucky enough to be one of Clickers Pro-Team.

Off the field, I was Vice-Chairman of my club for 4 years, and served on its committee for 10 years overall. Additionally to this, I was elected Vice-chair of Essex & Suffolk between 2011 – 2013, and since 2013 have been lucky to be their Chairman a role I continue to hold, I also sit on the SCAS committee, and am a Trustee of the society.

In my spare time I have also organised both UK and World record status tournaments, both as a straight WA18m, but also a WA18m with a Head to Head attached, as I am just the correct side of mental… that said and due to Richard and Katy, I enrolled as a Judge in July, and so am the newest judge on the field, but hopefully with the above experience I can bring a balance to judging decisions that I make on the day.