Project Proposal for bridge funding

Peer review 2016

- Maximum 3 pages –

Proposal for IZKF Project Extension in the Bonus Programme

IZKFProject Number: please fill out (Bridge funding max. 10 Months)

I am / we are aware that the bridge funding will only be granted under the condition that a grant application that is conceptually related to the IZKF project is submitted tothe DFG by December 2016 or included into an existing SFB in Münster.
I am / we are also aware that a positive vote of the internal scientific advisory board is merely an invitation to submit a shortened proposal for project extension that will be evaluated by the external Scientific Advisory Board. Votes of the Scientific Advisory Board are binding.
1 / Title of proposal
Arial 11, single-spaced

© IZKF Scientific Office1/3

Project Proposal for bridge funding

Peer review 2016

- Maximum 3 pages –

2 / Applicant[a]/ Institute / Address / Email
Arial 11, single-spaced
3 / Internal collaboratorsa / Participating Institutes. All collaboration agreements signed by all partners should be submitted along with the 3-page project proposal
Arial 11, single-spaced
4 / State of the art and presentation of results derived from theIZKF project
Arial 11, 1.5 spaced
Own, IZKF project related publications:Arial 10, single-spaced. Example: Mustermann AL, … (2009) Title of the paper. Nature 999: 10-111. [IF ]. Please list your publications one below the other as shown in the example and include the Impact Factor of the respective year.
(1) Mustermann AL, … (2009) Title of the paper. Nature 999: 10-111. [IF ]
(2)Mustermann AL, … (2009) Title of the paper. Nature 999: 10-111. [IF ]
5 / Aims and Hypothesis for the remaining funding period
Arial 11, 1.5 spaced
6 / Work programme (experimental design and proposed research methods)
Arial 11, 1.5 spaced
7 / External collaborators (Academic, Industry)
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8 / Other publications of the principal investigator(s)
Arial 10, single-spaced. Example: Mustermann AL, … (2009) Title of the paper. Nature 999: 10-111. [IF ]
9 / Previous and current third-party funding[b] of all applicants of the last 5 years (DFG, BMBF and EU; Foundations and other peer-review funding organisations)
Principal Investigator / Title of the grant / Funding No. and organisation / Duration of funding / Amount p.a.

© IZKF Scientific Office1/3

[a]Applicants are Principal Investigators of the proposed research project and hence the recipients of the IZKF funding. Collaborators support the project with their scientific and methodical expertise and/or technical equipment. Further details can be found in the Guidelines 01.10 and 01.12 IZKF-Research Support

[b]Please only list selected third-party grants! Not the quantity, but the quality of the grants is essential. IZKFand IMFgrants do not count!