Social Watch Global Assembly
Claiming Democracy:
Accountability for Economic and Social Justice
Manila, Philippines
13 - 15 July 2011 /
List of Participants
Name / Organization / Country
1 / Mr. Raz Mohammad Dalili / Sanayee Development Organization / Afghanistan
2 / Ms. Laura Royo / Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales / Argentina
3 / Mr. Abdulla Alderazi / Bahrain Human Rights Society / Bahrain
4 / Mr. Abdulnabi Alekri / Bahrain Transparency Society / Bahrain
5 / Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury / EquityBD / Bangladesh
6 / Md. Akhter Hossain / Unnayan Shamannay / Bangladesh
7 / Ms. Mirjam van Reisen / EEPA / Belgium
8 / Mr. Simon Stocker / European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People / Belgium
9 / Mr. Gustave Benjamin ASSAH / Social Watch Benin / Benin
10 / Mr. Gustavo Luna / CEDLA / Bolivia
11 / Mr. Juan Luis Espada / Red UNITAS / Bolivia
12 / Mr. Milen Neykov / Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation / Bulgaria
13 / Ms. Milena Kadieva / Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation / Bulgaria
14 / Mr. Hkun Okker / Burma Lawyers' Council / Burma
15 / Ms. Thida C. Khus / SILAKA / Cambodia
16 / Mr. Jean MBALLA MBALLA / Centre Régional Africain pour le Développement Endogène et Communautaire / Cameroon
17 / Ms. Julie Lalonde / Feminist Alliance For International Action (FAFIA) / Canada
18 / Mr. Clotaire RODONNE SIRIBI / Groupe d'Action de Paixet de Formation pour la Transformation / Central African Rep.
19 / Ms. Omaira Paez Sepulveda / Plataforma Colombiana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo / Colombia
20 / Mr. Mario Céspedes / Red de Control Ciudadano / Costa Rica
21 / Mr. Sotiris Themistocleous / Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology / Cyprus
22 / Mr. Tomas Tozicka / Ecumenical Academy Prague / Czech Rep.
23 / Mr.Daniel Rezene Mekonnen / Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights / Eritrea
24 / Mr. Jens Martens / Global Policy Forum Europe / Germany
25 / Ms. Danuta Sacher / Terre des Hommes / Germany
26 / Ms. Ruth Aba Grant Antwi / NETRIGHT / Ghana
27 / Ms. Deborah Tayo Akakpo / NETRIGHT Secretariat / Ghana
28 / Mr. Helmer Velásquez / Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas - CONGCOOP Guatemala / Guatemala
29 / Ms. Norayda Arabella Ponce Sosa / Coordinación de ONG y Cooperativas - CONGCOOP Guatemala / Guatemala
30 / Mr. Matyas Benyik / Hungarian Social Watch Coalition / Hungary
31 / MrAshok KumarSingh / Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra / India
32 / Mr. Himanshu Jha / Social Watch India / India
Name / Organization / Country
33 / Mr. Wahyu Susilo / International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) / Indonesia
34 / Ms. Hanaa Edwar / Iraqi Al-Amal Association / Iraq
35 / Mr. Jason Nardi / Social Watch Italy / Italy
36 / Mr. Edward Oyugi / Social Development Network (SODNET) / Kenya
37 / Mr. Philip Thigo / Social Development Network (SODNET) / Kenya
38 / Mr. Sungjin Park / Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice / Korea Rep.
39 / Mr. T Rajamoorthy / Third World Network (TWN) / Malaysia
40 / Ms. Areli Sandoval / DECA Equipo Pueblo / Mexico
41 / Ms. Diana Mocanu / Center “Partnership for Development” / Moldova
42 / Ms. Undral Gombodorj / Democracy Education Center / Mongolia
43 / Mr. Said Tbel / Espace Associatif / Morocco
44 / Mr. Salvador Nkamate / Liga Moçambicana dos Direitos Humanos / Mozambique
45 / Ms. Ana Karina Cabral / Liga Moçambicana dos Direitos Humanos / Mozambique
46 / Mr. Octavio Ortega / Fundación de Desarrollo Municipal de Rivas / Nicaragua
47 / Mr.Luke Chukwu Chukwuka / Social Watch Nigeria / Nigeria
48 / Mr. Aamir Latif Siddiqui / Civil Society Support Programme / Pakistan
49 / Mr. Sartaj Abassi / Root Work Foundation / Pakistan
50 / Ms. Samah Ibrahim Alghouj / Palestinian Nongovernmental Organization’s Network (PNGO) / Palestine
51 / Ms. Cecilia Moreno Rojas / Centro de la Mujer Panameña / Panama
52 / Mr. Patricio Dobree / DECIDAMOS, Campaña por la Expresión Ciudadana / Paraguay
53 / Mr. Héctor Béjar / CEDEP / Peru
54 / Prof. Leonor Briones / Social Watch Philippines / Philippines
55 / Ms. Marivic Raquiza / Social Watch Philippines / Philippines
56 / Ms. Monika Kalinowska / All Together for Dignity Poland / Poland
57 / Ms. Catarina Cordas / OIKOS - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento / Portugal
58 / Mr. Valentin Burada / Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile / Romania
59 / Mr. Seydou Ndiaye / Social Watch Senegal / Senegal
60 / Mr. Abdulkadir Khalif Sh Yusuf / Somali Organisation for community Development Activities / Somalia
61 / Mr. Alexander Dadia Nayve / Fundación-IPADE / Spain
62 / Ms. Ana Bustinduy / Plataforma 2015 y más / Spain
63 / Mr. Lalith Abeysinghe / MONLAR / Sri Lanka
64 / Ms. Gitanyali Girjasing / Women's Rights Center / Suriname
65 / Ms. Martina M. Kabisama / SAHRiNGON Tanzania Chapter / Tanzania
66 / Mr. Pakorn Lertsatienchai / Social Agenda Working Group / Thailand
67 / Ms. Ranee Hassarungsee / Social Agenda Working Group / Thailand
68 / Mr. David Obot / Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations / Uganda
69 / Mr. Aldo Caliari / Center of Concern / USA
70 / Ms. Barbara Adams / Global Policy Forum / USA
71 / Ms. Tanya Dawkins / Global-Local Links Project / USA
72 / Mr. Rafael Uzcategui / PROVEA / Venezuela
73 / Mr. Marko Lovrekovic / VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Vietnam / Vietnam
74 / Ms. Laila Hussein Ali / Human Right Information and Training Center (HRITC) / Yemen
75 / Ms. Lumba Siyanga / Women for Change(WFC) / Zambia
76 / Ms. Emily Sikazwe / Women for Change(WFC) / Zambia
Special Guests and Funders
Name / Organization / Country
77 / Dr. Célestin Murengezi / European Commission / Belgium
78 / Mr. Wolfgang Obenland / Global Policy Forum / Germany
79 / Mr. Jagadananda / Orissa Information Commission / India
80 / Ms. Chee Yoke Ling / Third World Network (TWN) / Malaysia
81 / Ms. Lydia Alpizar / AWID / Mexico
82 / Mr. Jos van der Zanden / Oxfam Novib / Netherlands
83 / Mr. Imad Sabi / Oxfam Novib / Netherlands
84 / Ms. Hanneke van Eldik Thieme / 11.11.11 / Philippines
85 / Ms. Aurora Corazon A. Parong / Amnesty International / Philippines
86 / Ms. Gigi Francisco / DAWN / Philippines
87 / Mr. Seonghoon LEE / Korea Human Rights Foundation / South Korea
88 / Ms. Nayra Bello O'Shanahan / Consultant - ROM Mission / Spain
89 / Ms. Susan Randolph / Department of Economics University of Connecticut / USA
90 / Ms. Juliette Majot / Independent Evaluator / USA
91 / Mr. Taurai Chiraerae / African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) / Zimbabwe
92 / Mr. Jiaen Pan / PeaceWomen Across the Globe-China Office and China Contemporary Rural Reconstruction Movement / China
93 / Mr. Aimé Bakila Lakuma / Jeunes associés pour le Développement Intégral (JADI) / Congo
94 / Ms. Karolin Seitz / Global Policy Forum / Germany
95 / Mr. Emile Brutus / PAPDA / Haiti
96 / Ms. Ruchika Panesar / India
97 / Mme Touré Yaba Tamboura / Plateforme Droits Economiques Socio-Culturels (PS-DESC) / Mali
98 / Ms. Jiyoung Hong / GCAP Korea / South Korea
99 / Mrs. Chaleemas Thansuthepweerawongse / Bureau of Public and Private Participation. National Health Security Office / Thailand
100 / Mrs. Achara Charassing / Bureau of Public and Private Participation. National Health Security Office / Thailand
101 / Mrs. Sudajarn Sukata / Mahasarakham Hospital / Thailand
102 / Ms. Tafadzwa R Muropa / Gender Alternatives Trust (GAT) / Zimbabwe
Social Watch Secretariat
103 / Mr. Amir Hamed / Social Watch IS / Uruguay
104 / Mr. Daniel Zabaleta / Social Watch IS / Uruguay
105 / Mr. Roberto Bissio / Social Watch IS / Uruguay
106 / Ms. Ana Zeballos / Social Watch IS / Uruguay
Social Watch Philippines
107 / Ms. Jessica Concepcion Cantos / SWP Convenor / Philippines
108 / Mr. Rene Raya / SWP Convenor / Philippines
109 / Ms. Alvelyn Joy Berdan / SWP Alternative Budget Initiative - Education / Philippines
110 / Ms. Flora Arellano / SWP Alternative Budget Initiative - Education / Philippines
111 / Ms. Mercedes Fabros / SWP Alternative Budget Initiative - Health / Philippines
112 / Ms. Merci Ferrer / SWP Alternative Budget Initiative - Health / Philippines
113 / Mr. Roger Birosel / SWP Alternative Budget Initiative - Environment / Philippines
114 / Mr. Dante Bismonte / SWP South Luzon / Philippines
115 / Mr. Carlos Magtolis / SWP Visayas / Philippines
116 / Mr. Renante Lingcong / SWP Visayas / Philippines
117 / Mr. Joseph Gloria / SWP Mindanao / Philippines
118 / Ms. May-I Fabros / GCAP (Urban poor) / Philippines
119 / Mr. Dave Diwa / National Labor Union (NLU) - KAAKBAY / Philippines
Name / Organization / Country
120 / Ms. Ana Maria Nemenzo / Women Health / Philippines
121 / Ms. Ma. Theresa Guia Padilla / ANTHROWATCH (Indigenous Peoples) / Philippines
122 / Mr. Jolly Lais / ASSALAM BANGSAMORO / Philippines
123 / Ms. Easterluna Canoy / Kitanglad / Philippines
124 / Ms. Dayang Jumaide / ACDI/VOCA / Philippines
125 / Mr. Eduardo Tadem / UP Asian Center ARENA / Philippines
126 / Ms. Helen Mendoza / Philippine Network on Climate Change / Philippines
127 / Ms. Ma. Luz Anigan / Action for Economic Reforms / Philippines
128 / Mr. Ricardo Reyes / Freedom from Debt Coalition / Philippines
129 / Ms. Eileen Discar / Foundation for Disabled Persons (FIT) / Philippines
Philippines Secretariat
130 / Ms. Janet Carandang / SWP Secretariat / Philippines
131 / Mr. Ressie Benoza / SWP Secretariat / Philippines
132 / Mr. Alce Quitalig / SWP Secretariat / Philippines
133 / Mr. Alain Pascua / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
134 / Ms. Elaine Guyguyon / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
135 / Mr. Jonard Gabrino / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
136 / Mr. Homer Silva / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
137 / Mr. Vic Santos / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
138 / Mr. Marcelino Jimenea / SWGA PH Secretariat / Philippines
139 / Mr. Merwin Salazar / SEPO-Senate / Philippines
140 / Mr. Bong Malonzo / SSS QC/KFI / Philippines
141 / Mr. Rolly Galen / Freedom from Debt Coalition / Philippines
142 / Mr. Victor Morillo / Freedom from Debt Coalition / Philippines
143 / Mr. Ronaldo Milan / Freedom from Debt Coalition / Philippines

Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the

European Commission and Oxfam Novib