Project Plan for development of Software Common Architecture Core Assets

Release / Date / Author / Description
0.00 / 1/08/2009 / JCB / Rough Draft
0.01 / 1/22/09 / JCB / Changed to account for portfolio requirements
0.02 / 7/9/09 / JCB / Updated for milestone 2

Schedule: Timeline.vsd (visio) Timeline.gif (Picture)

Phase 1: Inception

Work Products:

·  Vision

·  Requirements/Scope

·  Risk Analysis

·  Architecture Alternatives

·  Architecture Analysis Plan

·  Project Plan (This document)

·  Configuration Management Plan – draft

·  SQA Plan

·  Executable Prototype

·  Dictionary

·  Presentation 1

Inception Phase Presentation

Date: May 1, 2009

Participants: Dr. Hatcliff, Dr. DeLoach, Dr. Robby

Presented Documents: index.html

Presented Demonstration: Inception\Presentation1B.ppt

Action Items:

ü  Create narrative for tester implementer.

ü  Create detailed project plan

ü  Add vision of how things work with a PL in Vision Document

ü  Demonstrate Testing Infrastructure

Phase 2: Architecture

Work Products:

·  Phase 1 Artifacts

·  Action Items

·  Vision

·  Project Plan

·  Formal Requirements

·  Architecture – Formally Defined

·  Feature Mapping

·  Test Plan

·  Prototype (Executable Architecture)

·  Formal Technical Inspection Checklist/Results

Elaboration Phase Presentation

Date: Anticipated completion July 15, 2009

Participants: Dr. Hatcliff, Dr. DeLoach, Dr. Robby

Presented Documents: Architecture\Presentation2.ppt

Presented Demonstration: Architecture\CommonArchitecture\CommonArchitecture\bin\Release\CommonArchitecture.exe

Phase 3: Construction

Work Products:

·  Artifacts from phases 1 and 2

·  Action Items

·  AF Document (End User Instructions-Core Asset)

·  Implementers Guide – Draft

·  Detailed Design

·  Product Baseline

·  Test Results-Assessment Evaluation

·  Project Evaluation

·  References

·  Formal Technical Inspection Letters

·  Future Release Opportunities List

Construction Phase Presentation

Date: TBD – Anticipated completion August 4, 2009

Participants: TBD

Presented Documents: TBD <Insert link to presentation page>

Presented Demonstration: TBD <Insert link to completed product>

Phase 4: Deployment

This phase may be beyond the scope of the capstone project however the software will be used in a production environment where it must be deployed carefully.

Work Products:

·  User Manual – Implementer’s Guide

·  Deployable Library

·  Beta Test Plan/Results

Construction Phase Presentation

Date: TBD – Anticipated completion September 30, 2009

Participants: TBD

Presented Documents: TBD <Insert link to presentation page>

Presented Demonstration: TBD <Insert link to final product>