MAY 2001


The purpose of this document is to present an evaluation of the two new web sites for the DPS program at Pace University. This specific evaluation is based on something I developed in 1997 and have used since termed the INT quotient[1] for web sites. (Please see footnote for more details on this model and for functional definitions) INT stands for identification, navigation, and transaction. The idea is that a high INT quotient is desirable at any point, creating a more usable, effective and efficient web presence. Please contact me if you need further clarity about anything mentioned in this evaluation.[2]


Overall, the external DPS web site is a disappointment both from an information architecture, as well as a visual design and a technical execution standpoint. It offers limited functionality, a puzzling graphic look and feel, a close to non-existent navigational schema and an absence of standard web design and architecture features.

The internal DPS site as a starting point of links – a “portal” of a sort fares much better than the External DPS web site in all the categories of assessment. Therefore, most of the comments refer to the external DPS site.

Yet both sites can use improvement. Several such improvements suggestions are outlined below.

The most obvious and efficient starting point for a redesign would be to consider what would be the purpose of accessing the web site from the user perspective.

The external site looks like it was thrown together in a couple of hours and demonstrates an outdates back to 1996-1997 web design standards and this is not the look a respected DPS program should portray. My honest feeling is that the external DPS site needs a redesign to better reflect the realities of the program and to be more appealing to prospective students; especially the targeted sophisticates professionals from the computer science fields.

It needs a new navigation mechanism, improved branding, consistent with the realities of a progressive university, and a new look and feel.



Purpose of the sites

From the very start it needs to be understood that the two sites have two completely different purposes and audiences. One is pretty functional, serving the needs of the students already in the program; the other is aimed at attracting perspective students.


Again the dividing lines are pretty clear. The needs of the prospective student do not appear properly served by the external site. It is confusing trying to find what one is looking for.

Branding Considerations

The outside DPS site needs a better branding consistency. It is not properly branded within itself or within the schema. To make matters even worse, the identifiers shift location between the initial and the secondary pages. (from left to right) As a Pace alumni, respect and I like the Pace University colors and do not understand why they were not properly used. Also this site is part of the larger Pace network and it needs to reflect its brand identity. In addition to branding a great opportunity to cross-reference with the greater Pace knowledge management ecosystem has been missed.

In addition at any moment a user needs to have a clear path both backward and forward within any site.

Missing elements:

The external DPS needs to display the following on the bottom of every page – Copyright notice and a link to the Pace University Privacy, Net Policy statement.

It needs to have a way to go BACK/Home without having to scroll down to the end of the page. These can be easily achieved through the use of a template, CSS (cascading style sheets) or through a simple server side include script.

Information Architecture

Information Available, Editorial Copy

Obviously a great part of the mission for the external site is to (in consistency with their E’s) – EXCITE, ENTICE, ENROLL – and unfortunately it fails to do all that.

The text itself is well written, however poorly presented visually on the page. Graphic design: The choice of the color scheme is quite puzzling. I guess the black and white is supposed to give an antiquated thus more ”academic” look yet the green and the other color are just strange and do not well with one another or with anything else.


The second level pages virtually have no navigation except for the back to top buttons. There is not even a HOME button on the page except at the very end of long scrolling. Navigation mechanisms are essential for successful usability.

It needs imagery consistent with the realities and aspirations of the information

Technology/computer studies professional in the 21st century.

The External DPS web sites – while intended to serve prospective students makes it almost impossible to apply. After one locates the apply online button one gets side tracked through a secondary screen and only then if one manages to find the link is the online application accessible. While the overall metaphor of building the site along the three tiers of “emerge, evolve, embark” has a good promise, its realization through the arrow navigation mechanism has failed. The navigation on the site is counter user intuitive; it

breaks with standard, established and tested navigation rules. The font needs to be changed the links on the bottom are confusing and not intuitive.

More Comments on the Internal DPS site:

It is intended as a collection of links pointers and as such it does work. My suggestion for improvement is to introduce a visual design element/treatment of the front page. Also there is no need to repeat the links from the left into the center space of the page this redundant. Internal site – the log in screen needs to be modified. It appears to be built in a way to functionally grow and evolve in the future.

This site could immensely benefit from extending its functionality and adding features such as grades online, and others.

NOTES: Please note that this evaluation was based on viewing the sites only at optimum performance at a high speed connection with latest version browser. I didn’t test loading time and page sizes under restrictions this needs to be checked as well.

QUESTIONS: The following questions are aimed at improving the efficiency of the sites:

  • How is the sites’ usage measured? WebTrends log analysis? Other methods?
  • What type of usability testing was conducted for both or either site?
  • How is the site marketed to search engines? (External site only)
  • How often and how are the sites updated?
  • What is the disaster recovery procedure? Also archival methods?


[1]Identification – all web pages need to be branded consistently, accordingly to the purpose and the audience, also required elements are such as copyright notices, clear path to home. At all time a web site user should know where he or she is.

Branding – asserting the corporate or organizational identity is a cornerstone of the identification factor.

Navigation - a clear path through the site leading the user to the needed information effectively and efficiently.

Transaction – what can I do on this site? Not only financial but also forms submittal searches, etc.

[2] Contact info –