Spaghetti Graphing/Dancing Spaghetti Group Lab
Quiz grade
· To determine the relationship between mass and length
· Practice Significant figures and Scientific notation
· Understanding the steps of Scientific Method
· Introduction to Chemical Reactions
Materials: spaghetti (different lengths), balance beam, metric ruler, graph paper, colored pencils/markers, 100 mL Beaker, 100 mL graduated cylinder, vinegar, baking soda, stirring rod, paper towels and water
Part I. Spaghetti Measuring and Graphing
· Get in 6 groups: Each group obtain 5 pieces of spaghetti of widely varying lengths
· Predict the trend of mass vs. length of spaghetti (Hypothesis) and then measure each piece of spaghetti and write down these measurements in the Raw Data section
o Measure the length of each piece of spaghetti with a metric ruler in cm and mass with balance beam in grams
· Make a data table: include title, each mass and length measurement and write down the number of significant digits/figures and then scientific notation for mass and length-put in result section
· Use your data table to make a line graph of mass and length (label the x and y axis, indicate independent vs. dependent variable, and include a title)
Part II. Dancing Spaghetti
· Stay in your same groups and predict what you think will take place in this part of the experiment.-Need to read procedure to determine Hypothesis
· Using the 250 mL beaker measure out 75 mL of water.
· Using the 50 mL beaker measure out 10 mL of Baking Soda.
o You will need a spatula to obtain Baking Soda-Do not put excess Baking soda back into the original box
· Place Baking soda in 250 mL beaker with the water. Stir the mixture thoroughly with stirring rod.
· Put the 5 small pieces of spaghetti into the same beaker and wait (about a minute) for them to settle to the bottom.
· Next, put some paper towels under the 250 mL beaker.
· Measure 20 mL of vinegar in a graduated cylinder.
· Next, pour vinegar into the same beaker as mixture and spaghetti and watch what happens. Will need to watch for at least 5 minutes. Record what happens under the Observation section.
Write up: Must me handwritten as neatly as possible and must be in the following order
1. Title part: Center the title on the top line of paper and Partners Names should be centered right under the title 6 pts
2. Purpose (in your own words) 8 pts
3. Hypothesis (Part I and II) 10pts
4. Summarize Procedures for Part I and II and include materials 10 pts
5. Raw Data –original paper work in this section 10 pts
6. Observations-What you notice during Part I and Part II 10 pts
7. Results: Worth a Total of 36 points
a. Part I-Chart to include: Title, Length and Mass measurements, and Significant Figures and Scientific Notation for length and mass (15 pts)
b. Part I-Graph to include: Title, Line graph with all parts properly labeled (15 pts)
c. Analyze Questions:
Part I (2 pts)
Ø What was the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable?
Part II (4 pts)
Ø What caused the spaghetti to float?
Ø What caused the spaghetti to sink?
8. Conclusion: 10 pts
Part I
Ø What is the SI unit for length and mass?
Ø What can you infer about the length of the spaghetti to its mass?
Ø Was your hypothesis right or wrong? Explain.
Part II
Ø Was your prediction right or wrong? Explain.
Ø Summarized what took place in Part II.