• When the Doxology starts, the ushers proceed forward to the front of the church, where they stand in front of the minister(s) holding the plates until the Prayer of Dedication is complete.
  • The minister(s) will take the plates from the ushers.
  • The ushers may return to their seats.

At the end of the service, the greeters open the doors and remain in the vestibule to say goodbye to anyone leaving by the front doors and to invite visitors to join us again.


There are two Deacons on duty for each service. The Deacons get the church ready for worship prior to the service and close it up at the end. If you have any questions about your responsibilities, please speak with one of the Deacons.

You have agreed to serve on ______

as a  greeter  lay reader

Please remember that this is Worship,

Not performance!

On behalf of the ministers and the congregation, thank you for your service to God.

Roxbury Congregational Church

Lay Participation in the

Worship Service

Our worship service is enhanced by the participation of members of the congregation. Each week volunteers serve in the following capacities:


Two Greeters welcome people at the door prior to the service. This can also be done as a family. Greeters should be ready to greet 15 minutes before the service begins.

Responsibilities include:

  • Ring the bell 15 minutes prior to service and again when the service is about to begin.
  • Greet each person warmly with a handshake.
  • Give each person a bulletin.
  • Assist those who might need help with the steps or the doors.
  • At the beginning of the service, shut the doors.
  • Be watchful for visitors-describe the church school, direct where to sit, explain bulletin.

Lay Reader

Sharing God’s word is one of the great privileges of our worship. One person is responsible for the Responsive Reading of a Psalm and the Old Testament Reading. The Church secretary will call you during the week with the readings. We use the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Please practice your readings before Sunday. If you have any questions, please call one of the ministers.

Responsibilities include:

  • Practice your reading ahead of time. Make note of any gaps in verse numbers and plan accordingly.
  • The Deacon will mark the passages in the large-print pulpit bible for you. If you would like to practice from the pulpit ahead of the service, please arrive early.
  • The pulpit bible will be open to the first reading. The second reading is marked with a red ribbon. The start and finish of each reading is marked in the bible.
  • Approach the pulpit at the completion of the Gloria Patri.
  • Make sure the microphone is positioned for your height. It should be even with your mouth.
  • Speak clearly and distinctly. Scripture is central to our worship. You are sharing God’s sacred word. Go slowly. Read one word at a time.
  • For the first reading, the responsive psalm, tell the congregation what it is (Psalm 23) and where to find it in their pew bibles (page 501). Give them a moment to locate it. Tell them that you will read the odd verses and ask them the respond with the even numbered verses. Note if there is a jump in verses.
  • For the Old Testament reading, tell the congregation what it is and where to find it in their pew bibles. Pause for a moment to give people a chance to find it.
  • Read clearly and distinctly.
  • At the end of the reading you may simply stop or you may say,

“Here ends the reading.”

  • Please go back to your seat after the reading.

Receiving the Offering

  • At the time of the offering (after the pastoral prayers, when the minister says, “The morning offering will now be received) the greeters come forward – one down each aisle – and stand in front of the minister(s).
  • The minister(s) hand the collection plates to you.
  • The plates are to be passed to each pew (halfway to center).
  • After the collection is complete, the greeters stand at the back of the aisles until the Offertory music is complete.