2004 General Assembly

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

Church World Service

November 9-11, 2004

St. Louis, MO

General Assembly

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

Church World Service

Young Adult Stewards Program

Stewards Program

An Ecumenical Experience for Young Adults

(sponsored by the Ecumenical Young Adult Ministries Team

of the Education and Leadership Ministries Commission)

The next meeting of the General Assembly of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCC) and Church World Service (CWS) will be held Tuesday, November 9, through Thursday, November 11, 2004, at the SheratonCityCenter in St. Louis, Missouri.

The General Assembly is the annual gathering of more than 250 delegates from the thirty-six (36) member communions for legislation, worship, fellowship, and ecumenical sharing.

YOU could be one of a group of young adults from across the country participating in the Assembly as stewards and benefit from the opportunity to:

Network with other young adults

Discover particulars about different denominations

Encounter a rich multicultural environment

Worship in an ecumenical setting

Experience the church at work, living its unity in Jesus Christ

Interact with national church leaders

(Check out the web sites: and

The Stewards Program offers a unique opportunity for young adults, ages 18-30, to encounter one aspect of the ecumenical movement from the inside. Ecumenical formation involves learning ecumenical theology and sharing the excitement and joy of worship and fellowship with others in the ecumenical movement. NCCC/CWSW invites young adults to the General Assembly to serve in the background and to observe up close the deliberative work of ecumenism.

Main areas for steward assignments:

2004 General Assembly

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

Church World Service

November 9-11, 2004

St. Louis, MO



General Assembly office

General Assembly newsroom

Platform assistance


2004 General Assembly

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

Church World Service

November 9-11, 2004

St. Louis, MO

Stewards will participate in a one-day event on Monday, November 8, designed for young adults.

General Assembly Highlights

Sunday, November 7Steward orientation

Monday, November 8Pre-Assembly event for young adults

Tuesday, November 9NCCC Executive Board meeting (morning)

General Assembly opening plenary, 2:00 pm

Member communion lunches

Worship at ChristChurch Cathedral (Episcopal)

Young Adult Caucus

Wednesday, November 10Business sessions

Racial/ethnic breakfast

Women’s Caucus

Awards luncheon

Thursday, November 11Business sessions

Special Event

Friday, November 12Travel home

All expenses, except personal expenses, will be covered by the General Assembly. The Stewards Program is made possible by special donations from supporters of the NCCC/ CWSW. These donations support expanded opportunities for young adults to take leadership in future ecumenical endeavors. You could join with these sponsors by sending your check to: The Steward’s Program, NCCC, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY10115-0050.

The selection of stewards, which follows the NCCC’s guidelines for diversity of gender, race, and denomination, will be based on the application form. Only applications that are fully completed and submitted on time will be considered. Deadline for applications is August 2, 2004.

Stewards Program Application Form

Deadline: August 2, 2004

Name: ______

Address: ______


Telephone: ______Email: ______

Gender: □ Male □ Female Marital Status: □ Single □ Married/Partnered

Race/ethnicity: ______

Date of Birth (day/month/year): ______

Communion/denomination: ______

Name of church in which you are a member: ______

□ Ordained□ Lay

Profession/Occupation (if student, which field): ______

Special needs (physical disability, diet, or medical condition): ______

On a separate piece of paper, please answer the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in the ecumenical movement/being a steward for the General Assembly?
  2. Describe your involvement in young adult work at a local or national level.
  3. Describe your involvement in antiracism efforts.
  4. How can you further ecumenical young adult efforts in your local situation?
  5. Which of your skills will be most valuable in your role as a steward?
  6. Describe yourself in five lines.

Please attach a letter of recommendation from a leader in your church.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Return this form with the attached answers and the letter of recommendation no later than August 2, 2004 to:

Patrice L. Rosner

Associate General Secretary for Education

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

475 Riverside Drive, 8th Floor

New York, NY10115-0050

Fax: 212-870-3112


All applicants will be informed of their status by August 16, 2004.