Candidate Information


Thank you for your interest in Intercultural Montessori Language School. Our goal during the admissions process is to get to know each child as best we can. The following questions will give you an opportunity to tell us a little more about your child. Please feel free to use additional paper if necessary. Return your completed form to the office of admissions.

Does the candidate have prior Montessori education? Yes No

If yes, please describe

If your child has prior Montessori education, how do you help make your child’s environment conducive to the Montessori method? Please describe.

Does the candidate have prior language education or knowledge? Yes No

If yes, please describe

Language(s) spoken at home (check all that apply):

mandarin / japanese / spanish / english / other

Please describe other exposure your child has had to any language:

Please describe what exposure you and the rest of your family have had to any language:

What are the first three words that come to mind when describing your child?

1. / 2. / 3.

For Primary School Candidate Families:

1.  Describe your child’s personality:

2.  What are your child’s interests?

3.  Is your child involved in organized programs? Please describe.

Family Questionnaire

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4.  What opportunities does your child have for playing with children outside of home/school? Describe with whom, where, how often, etc.

5.  How does your family spend time together?

6.  Who cares for your child when you are not available (day care/nanny/au pair/relative)? How often?

7.  How does your child handle frustration?

8.  What method of discipline is your child accustomed to?

For Elementary Program Candidate Families:

1.  Describe the role that your child plays in your family including “responsibilities” as a family member.

2.  Tell us about your child’s creativity, imagination, and intellectual curiosity:

3.  Describe your child’s interests outside of school? What does your child do in his/her free time?

4.  How would you rate your child’s self-esteem?

5.  What do people like about your child’s personality?

For Both Primary and Elementary Program Candidate Families:

1.  If applicable, what are your reasons for seeking a change in schools at this time in your child’s life? How do you see Intercultural Montessori Language School service the particular educational needs of your child and family?

2.  Have there been any significant changes in your family that may have had an effect on your child?

3.  What do you consider to be your role in your child’s education?

4.  We are a school that requires parental participation. Each family contributes a minimum of 10 hours annually. Describe any previous volunteer duties that you, your partner, your family has been involved in and what skills, hobbies or expertise might you share with Intercultural?

5.  I am familiar with Montessori:

Not at all Some basic idea A fair amount Professional level knowledge: Educator/Administrator/Other

Montessori educated (circle highest accomplished): Primary Elementary High School)

6.  What does a Montessori education mean for you, your family and your child?

7.  What does a dual language education mean for you, your family and your child?

8.  What other schools have you considered for your child?

9.  What benefits do you see with the following types of education for your child?

Public school
Religious school
Montessori school
Other private school

Intercultural’s Programs

How important are the following aspects of Intercultural’s programs to you? Please rate them using the following scale.

5: Extremely important 4: Very Important 3: Important 2: Somewhat important 1: Not important / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 /
A.  Getting a head start before Kindergarten
B.  Fulfilling Pre school and Kindergarten requirements
C.  Fulfilling Pre school, Kindergarten and Elementary requirements
D.  Childcare
E.  Montessori curriculum and educational philosophy
F.  Acquisition of a second language
G.  Social and emotional development
H.  Development of reading, writing and math skills
I.  Convenience of location, schedule, etc.
J.  Tuition, financial considerations
K.  Parent participation in school
L.  Communication and information with teaching staff

Views from the parent(s)/guardian(s)

Please rate the statements using the following scale.

5: Strongly agree 4: Agree 3: Somewhat agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly disagree / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
A.  An effective teacher must be able to tell a child to sit down and be quiet so that everyone can follow the lesson.
B.  It is important that one never allows one’s child to experience any stress or anxiety.
C.  It is important for children to do things the right way.
D.  It is important for parents to model respectful and constructive behavior if they expect their children to be respectful and constructive in resolving issues with others.
E.  Parents who are combative and disrespectful in their relationships with other adults can fully separate this approach from their relationships with their children.
F.  Children tend to be willful and need to be reminded of their place when they forget.
G.  I expect the best from my child.
H.  I expect to know from time to time how other children are doing in comparison to my child.
I.  In the real world, there is a great deal of competition and I expect my child to compete and do well starting at preschool
J.  It is important for parents to be respectful of their children’s school learning environment.
K.  Parents must make their voices heard on how classes are facilitated.
L.  Parents must make their voices heard about the quality of support and information received from the administration.
M.  I would not feel comfortable in a school where I cannot enter the classroom as often as I feel I need other than observing from the observation window or scheduling periodic classroom observations.
N.  How a school is run is a matter of public interest.
O.  My child’s teacher should be accessible to me as needed aside the scheduled conference times.
P.  Volunteering time and fundraising initiatives are unreasonable expectations for busy parents who are paying tuition.
Q.  Parent education nights are important to my child’s education.
R.  Teacher feedback about my child’s progression is important.
S.  The school administration, teachers and the board of directors are a cohesive team that works toward the best interest of the entire student bodies’ education and safety.
T.  I may not agree to every school policy but as long as my child is getting a superior education, progressing well, happy and safe I am supportive of the school’s overall mission.
U.  Understanding the Montessori approach and implementing it at home is not really necessary and/or useful when we have our child enrolled in a Montessori school.
V.  I need to know everything that is going on with my child’s school from the Board of Directors, from the administrators and from the teachers.
W.  Parents have the right to sit on their children’s school’s Board of Directors in order to monitor the school’s business management and advocate specific changes within the school.
X.  Parents have the right to attend the Board of Director’s meetings.
Y.  Parents who have children enrolled in a school have a greater investment in the school than the teachers and administrators. After all, it’s the parents who pay the bills.
Z.  It is my responsibility to receive and review all communication given from the school.

I/We acknowledge all answers given within this questionnaire are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge as of this date.

Parent/Guardian #1 (print name) / Parent/Guardian #1 (signature) / date
Parent/Guardian #2 (print name) / Parent/Guardian #2 (signature) / date

Intercultural Montessori Language School has been and continues to be committed to the principles of equal opportunity.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ancestry, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation or mental or physical disability in violation of the law.