Page 1Town of Plymouth Minutes from theAugust28, 2017 Select Board Meeting
Town of Plymouth
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Plymouth Town Hall
Plymouth, NH 03264
August28, 2017
Members Present: Mr. John Randlett,Chair, Mr. Bill Bolton, Mr. Mike Ahern, Mr. Bryan Dutille
Members Absent:Mr. Neil McIver
Others Present:Mr. Paul Freitas
6:00 pm. Mr. John Randlett called the meeting to order and Mr.Bryan Dutilleled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approve Minutes:
- Select Board Non-Public and Work Session August 14, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr.Ahern to approve these minutes. All in favor.
- BOS meeting August 14, 2017: Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to approve these minutes. All in favor.
- The Select Board will meet on the following dates:
Regular meetings – 6:00PM: Monday, September 11th & 25th, 2017.
- Work review sessions prior to the regular meeting will start at 5:00PM.
All of the above meetings will be held in the Town Hall, unless otherwise posted
- Citizens wishing to be listed on the Select Board’s Agenda should notify the Town Hall before 12:00 PM the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
- Plymouth State University (PSU) student move in for Freshmen begins Wednesday, August 30th and Thursday, August 31st. Upper class move in is Labor Day, Monday, September 4th, 2017.
- Town Offices will be closed Monday, September 4, 2017, in observance of Labor Day.
- New members are needed for Planning Board and Zoning Board positions. If interested, please submit a letter of intent to the Plymouth Select Board’s Office 6 Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH 03264.
Chairman’s Comments:
- Mr. Randlett read a letter from Dick Hage (attached) asking the Select Board to send a letter to Commissioner Sheehan requesting that Northern Pass Transmission provide formal and detailed establishment of ROW widths along the proposed NPT route. Letters from the Town of Bethlehem and Commissioner Sheehan’s response to them were also included (attached).
- Related to this, the Grafton County Commission asked the NH Site Evaluation Committee to suspend its Northern Pass proceedings until the company submits accurate plans and resolves uncertainty about rights-of-way for the burial of lines under state highways.
- After a brief discussion, Mr. Bolton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Dutille, to send a letter to Commissioner Sheehan in support of Grafton County Commission. All in favor.
New Purchase Orders:
Updates and Recommendations:
Committee Reports:
- Mr. Bolton announced that the Energy Commission met regarding the progress for the solar array project which has been proposed for the Recycling Center. They are waiting for a response from the Town Attorney. A long term contract to purchase power is involved.
- Plymouth Energy Commission (PEC) member, Grace Garvey is workingwith the Town Administrator and the Selectmen to address solar energy in the Town.
- Discussions have ensued with Durham regarding their 20 year power purchase agreement with IGS Solar, the same company working with the Town to provide solar energy.
- Mr. Bolton announced that the Pemigewasset River Local Advisory Committee meets tomorrow night at 7:00 PM at the Pease Public Library.
- Mr. Bolton also attended a site visit of the Bristol-Pemi Trail. This will go from the Newfound Hydro-Electric plant in downtown Bristol to Profile Falls in Franklin. It will ultimately tie in with the trail system that runs to Lebanon.Snowmobile clubs and volunteers are assisting and benefit from this project, along with the Town of Bristol.
- There was a Planning Board work session meeting to discuss the near completion of the Master Plan. A quorum wasn’t met, which drives the need to get more volunteers for the Planning and Zoning Boards.
- Mr. Ahern attended a Chamber of Commerce outing on Big Squam Lake. They had a tour and some loons were seen. The next meeting will take place September 13th at 8:15 AM.
- Mr. Dutille and Mr. Randlett attended a Campus Community Council meeting. Earlyplans for student move in were discussed.
- Mr. Randlett stated that it was a good meeting. They went over the fall schedule, the schedule for home football games and different festivities and openings for the new hall. He stressed that the community is always welcome to attend. These meetings are conducted for the community’s benefit and input.
Unfinished Business:
Public Comments:None
Adjourn: 6:13PM
Mr. Randlett asked for a motion to go into Non-Public.Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to go into Non-Public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a thru i). All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Roach