Student speak: YEAR 10 HUMANITIES: WORLD WAR TWO. Demonstrating an understanding of the causes of World War II

AusVels: / Level 7 / Level 8 / Level 9 / Level 10
Research / -  I understand and can use a range of historical terms and concepts from WW2 to that of a good standard.
I can identify different kinds of questions about the past to inform my inquiry and ask a range of standard who, what, when, where, how and why questions to that of a good standard.
I can identify and locate some valuable sources using ICT and other methods for my research to that of a good standard. / -  I can use historical terms and concepts correctly
I can identify and select different kinds of questions about the past to inform my inquiry, can evaluate and enhance these questions, thus present and answer both standard and complex who, what, when, where, how and why questions.
I can process, analyse and synthesise information from a range of primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer investigative questions. I can accurately identify and used both source types.
Creating Texts / I can plan, draft and publish information filled texts, picking bits of information and facts on the topic and to present this information and ideas through text at a satisfactory standard. / I can create information filled texts that raise issues, report events and explain different people’s opinions, through a well worded piece of writing or ICT product to a good standard. / I can create informative texts that present a point of view and make or show clear arguments about the topic to a very good standard. / I can create highly organized texts for information purposes, and that thoughtfully discuss challenging and complex issues.
Editing / I can edit my work by removing repetition, re drafting my ideas, reordering sentences and adding or substituting words for a better piece of work. I can do this to a satisfactory standard. / I can experiment with text structures and different words to fix and make clear my ideas, whilst making my text more effective. I can do this to a good standard. / I can double check and edit my own and others’ texts to improve its control over information, organisation, paragraphing, sentence structure and vocabulary. Creating a very good piece with 1-4 minor errors. / I can double check and redraft/ up skill my own and others’ texts for control of information, organisation, sentence structure and vocabulary. Thus a very well organized piece with 1-3 minor errors.
Visual aids
(Explanation and communication) / I can develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations that use evidence (facts and quotes) from a range of sources that are acknowledged. I can use a range of evidence types and identify them in a bibliography. Books: Title and author of book identified. Website: title and URL identified.
I can use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, such as an organized powerpoint or Prezi, or other…mixture.
Sources: 1-2 Satisfactory, 3 Good. Remember to have a good mix of primary and secondary sources. / I can develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations that use evidence (facts and quotes) from a range of sources that are properly referenced to a very good or excellent standard. Range of evidence types used and a bibliography provided and formatted: book: Surname, First name, title of book, published by, where published, date published. Website: title, URL, date accessed from internet.
I can select and use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies flexibly and imaginatively to publish texts, such as a very well organized powerpoint or Prezi, or other…mixture.
Sources: 4 Very Good, 5 Excellent. Remember to have a good mix of both primary and secondary sources.
Presentation skills / I can interact/engage with my audience to a satisfactory standard when presenting ideas and information, and when facing my audience, clear voice and using music and sound to create interest and meaning. / I can interact/engage with my audience to a good standard when presenting ideas and information, and when facing my audience, clear voice and using music and sound to create interest and meaning. / I can interact and engage with the audience in presenting my discussion and ideas through very well selected persuasive language, varying voice tone, pitch, and pace, and through using elements such as music and sound effects. / I use skill, voice and language conventions to a high standard in presenting a point of view. I speak clearly and present a flawless presentation that through thoughtfully imagery and language keeps the audience engaged throughout and draws thoughtfully questions at the end.