Lacombe Minor Baseball Annual General Meeting

January 15th, 2013

Location: Lacombe Memorial Center

Meeting Attendance: Sonja Dykslag, Lyle Lorenz, Brad Wolansky, Gary Sinclair, Ashley and Sheldon Klessens, Nicole Michalski, Ed and Tanya Bast, John Douglas, Shawn Rice, Kevin and Laurie Bresee, Al Wyndham, Chris Giffen, Dave Braun, Denny Pannenbecker, Stacey Bell, Cam Swomien, Lisa and Dean Otto,Linda and Trevor Masko, Greg Pallister, Blaine and Shona Dushanek, Heather and Robin Fischer

Introduction of Association and Meeting Agenda

Additions to the Agenda – Brad Wolansky from AB Baseball

Crystal Introduced the 2012 Season Executive

Brad Wolansky brought greetings from Alberta Baseball. He opened up to questions and did note some changes to the names of the divisions and leagues (ie. No longer performance, community competitive levels, they are going with A, AA, names etc.) Also Baseball Alberta was awarded the provincial body of the year by Baseball Canada. New bat regulations will be in place for 2013.

Presentation of the 2012 AGM Minutes

Vice President’s Report (in absence of President) Crystal Zens – Coaching applications, registration fees will be determined ASAP and will be posted online. See attached report.

Highlights include:

  1. Fence Advertising Program was new and a success
  2. Rally Cap Program newly introduced – we have discovered the benefits of the program but do see areas for improvement.
  3. Pee Wee Numbers very high
  4. Volunteers make the program a success and thank you to those coaches and executive members
  5. Strong year financially so we were able to order 2 new sets of jerseys for the Misquote and Pee Wee teams, and have two more sets on order for the Midget and Bantam programs.
  6. Community Pee Wee Provincials hosted and it was a great success despite the weather.
  7. 2 of our current players and 1 Alumni player won Baseball Alberta awards

Areas for Growth:

  1. Improve our Rally Cap program by providing more volunteer support for the coaches and the program.
  2. Rookie program and the Rally Cap program each need their own director; this year’s executive spread themselves too thin to be effective to support these programs effectively.
  3. Continue to develop or Fence Advertising Program

Treasurer’s Report – Heather Fischer

YTD Review – Profit from the year $3684.01, bank balance $15,221.19 (this reserve will put Lacombe Minor Baseball with the money to make the necessary upgrades needed – more new uniforms, new bats to meet the new regulations, new equipment, etc. )

Motion to Accept the 2012 Financial Report – Blaine Dushanek, seconded by Lyle Lorenz, passed.

Registrar’s Report

Dave Braun reported that the season’s numbers were down, 41 less registered players than the previous season. The decreased numbers can be explained by losing a team at the Bantam level and lower numbers in some other areas. See attached report for the numbers at each level.

Election of Board Executive

Registrar - Nominated Heather Fischer

Equipment Manager – Nominated Kevin Bresee and Shawn Rice

Fundraising Rep –NominatedLinda Masko

Coach Mentor – Dean Otto agreed to continue his term

Vice President – Nominated Robin Fischer

Treasurer – Nominated Nicole Michalski

President – Nominated Gary Sinclair

Lisa moved to let the names above stand for the new vacant executive positions, seconded by Dave Braun, passed.

Returning Executive for 2013

Secretary – Sonja Dykslag

Webmaster – Lisa Wyndham

Coach Mentor – Dean Otto

Election of Director’s

Tournament Director – Nominated Al Wyndham

Rally Cap Director–Nominated Matt Michalski

Rookie Director – Vacant

Community Director – Vacant

Competitive Director – Nominated Ed Bast

Dean moved to accept the above nominated, seconded by Heather Fischer, passed.


  1. Questions about community vs. competitive numbers. Whyis our competitive numbers borderline? Is it commitment, cost, length of season? We feel as an executive it was not cost, it was the virtually every weekend commitment that is required at the competitive level which is difficult on families with our short summers. It was suggested that we better advertise the schedule for the competitive levels because there is a bit of a myth around the requirements and commitment. There is a belief that it is every weekend all summer, that is not the case.
  2. We asked Brad how to get the word out to encourage our numbers to grow at all levels.
  3. It was suggested that we look at the AGM to be earlier and we also need get the coach selections in place earlier than March.

Free Registration Draw – won by Dave Braun

Big thank you to Crystal Zens who did an AWESOME job of stepping to replace our president that had to step down expectantly. She did a great job as President.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05

First executive meeting date planned for January 21st, 2013 at Ecole Lacombe Upper Elementary School.