Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective Exhibiting Agreement

Exhibition Title: 2016 Spring Sculpture Prize

Exhibition Dates: Saturday 15th October - Sunday 30th October 2015

Opening: Saturday 15th October 2-5pm

Lot 19 bar & kitchen will be open for purchase of drinks & food

Gallery hours: Sat & Sun 12 – 5pm

It is the responsibility of the artists to sit the gallery during the exhibition – a roster is included at the end of this agreement for you to fill in your available times.

Art Works

Drop off: Art works are to be dropped off at Lot 19 Gallery (McShannags Lane off Langslow St Castlemaine) onSunday 9th2-5pm or Monday 10thOct between 4-6pm

If you cannot drop off your works on these days or wish to be present for the installation of your works please make arrangements for an alternative time with Mark or Ashley.

Please note works must be exhibition ready – if you have any specific or additional requirements for the hanging or installation of your work please contact Mark or Ashley before Sunday 10thOctober.

Each work needs to be accompanied by a $30 entry fee, $5 for school aged childrens’ entries, payable on drop-off. There is no eftpos at Lot19

Pick up: Collection of art works is to be on Sunday 30th Octoberbetween 5-6pm or by other arrangement with Mark or Ashley


Lot 19 will provide:

Design and printing of DL flyer – an email version will be sent out to Lot 19 email list (over 1000 contacts) and a print version distributed around Castlemaine;

Information included on the Lot 19 website;

Listing on Mass Culture web site;

Press release to Castlemaine Independent, local radio arts show Art Swank and local print newspapers;

Lot 19 will send the email version of the flyer to participating artists to forward to their own networks. Print versions will be available for artists to take away and distribute when they drop off their art works (or earlier by arrangement).

Lot 19 contacts

Mark Anstey 0427 724 149

Ashley Mariani 0421 467 222

Terms & Conditions

The final curation of the exhibition will be decided by the Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective curators. Please note that in some instances we are accepting works based on verbal description, photographs or initial sketches, therefore we do reserve the right to not include works on the day for the total cohesion of the show.

Transport & Handling of Artworks

Artists are responsible for the transportation of their artworks to and from Lot 19 and for removing all packaging materials from the site

Artists must adhere to the times and dates specified for installation and removal of works to facilitate the coordination and installation of the exhibition

Insurance and Risk

Insurance of all artwork is the responsibility of the artist. Lot 19 is covered by a public liability insurance policy but does not have insurance to cover artworks on show either inside or outside of the gallery.

All risk in the exhibition of an artwork remains with the artist at all times, irrespective of whether the work is being handled by anyone associated with Lot 19 or the Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective. By signing this form artists authorise the manager or curator of Lot 19 or the Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective to move their artworks for any reason, including but not limited to public safety, damage or potential damage to the artwork, or for the cohesive curation of the overall exhibition

CV / Artist Statement

The artist will provide a current CV as well as an artist statement and/or any other notes, material relating to the current show for display in the gallery.

The artist is also welcome to bring in any other promotional material or previous catalogues etc for display in the gallery

Photography of art works

The artist agrees to photographs of art works being taken during the exhibition for the promotion of both the current exhibition & Lot 19 gallery in general

Art Sales

A 30% commission will be payable to Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective on any sales of works over the duration of the exhibition

Gallery Sitting

Lot 19 Gallery Arts Collective requests exhibiting artists be available for ‘gallery sitting’ during the exhibition. This may not be possible for all artists due to work commitments or living too far away from Castlemaine but it is important that we have someone in the gallery at all times to talk with visitors and to facilitate sales.

On the next page is a table divided into 2.5 hour blocks, please mark when you are available and we will let you know the times that will be allocated to you. It may be necessary to sit twice so please mark more than one time block if you can.

12– 2.30pm / 2.30 – 5pm
Sat 15th October / OPENING 2 - 5PM / OPENING 2 - 5PM
Sun 16th October
Sat 22ndOctober
Sun 23rdOctober
Sat 29th October
Sun 30th October

Information required for artwork labels & listings:

Please attach a sheet with this information for each artwork if you are showing more than 1 work.


Medium/ Materials:


Price (we will add on 30% commission):

I agree to the above terms and conditions, which I have read and understood


Signed: Date:

Contact phone number:

Please bring this completed and signed page with you, and you entry fee/fees when you drop art works off at Lot 19 on Sunday 9th2-5pm or Monday 10thoct 4-6pmEither cash, or please tag direct deposits with your name“Lot19 gallery arts collective” bsb 633000, acc 145536892