Error! No text of specified style in document. / Page 1 / 1st August 2017
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What / Who / When
Issue Date / 1st August 2017
Meeting Date and time / 5thJuly2017 at7pm / Location / Village Hall
Councillors Attending / Lynnette Frame (LF), Karen Thompson (KT), Lynda Wilkinson (LW), Chris Hayes (CH), Pete Beveridge (PB), Ray Fussey (RF), Liz Hobson (LH) and Mike Kaynes (MK).
Apologies for Absence / Ian Burgess
County and District
Binbrook Parish Council
1st August 2017 / Page 1
What / Who / When

1.INTRODUCTOry items

  • Chairman’s Welcome
Vice Chairman Councillor L Frame welcomed fellow Councillors to the meeting.
  • Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given
Apology for Absence was received from Councillor I Burgess. There is still one vacancy for a Parish Councillor.
  • Receive Declarations of Interest on any Item on the Agenda
Declarationsof Interestwere received from Councillors M Kaynes and L Wilkinson with regard to Finance.
  • Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting heldon 5th June 2017 were approved and signed.
  • Actions Arising from the Minutes will be dealt with in the appropriate section of the Agenda.
  • Parish Council Vacancy An application to join Council was received from Mrs H Pawsey: the application will be included on the August Agenda.

2.FINANCE: - Financial Year-end paperwork: -

  • Mrs B Preston, Salary, £250.00
  • Binbrook Newsletter, donation towards printing cost Binbrook Flyer, £30.00
  • Binbrook Queens Hall, donation towards room rent for BANC, £28.00 per month
  • H Fry,5 weeks cleaning - public conveniences, £52.50, bus shelter, £26.25 = £78.75
  • Binbrook Scout Group, donation towards rent of Reading Room £28.00 per month
  • Tudor Grounds Maintenance, April invoice, £255 + VAT £51 = £306.00
  • Dr M Edwards, playground inspection, £50.00
  • Mr T Wilkinson, Grimsby Road Steps handrail, £336.62
  • Anglian Water, DD, £45.56


East Lindsey District Council
Primitive Chapel–Councillor I Burgess had secured an extension regarding the application for 1st registration of the land in front of the Primitive Chapel to allow input from Richard Fry for and behalf of Binbrook Parish Council.
Planning Permission had been granted to Mr Barnet for the extension to his Orford Road Bungalow.


  • 1914 – 18 Memorial update: - Councillor I Burgess was not in attendance.
  • Council had been quoted c. £500 for levelling and re-surfacing the entrance to the old park plus the path by the new steps. Councillor LWilkinson advised that road planings would be cheaper. Councillor LFrame would revisit her source. Councillor CHayes suggested that the areas should be treated with weedkiller before re-surfacing took place.
  • Councillor I Burgesshad contacted Fire Brigade personnel regarding the defibrillator. They had advised that if the unit was free then it was a good idea, however LIVES would not donate them to communities and First Aid/CPR training courses would be more beneficial. Councillor MKaynes was trying to arrange a course for the Scouts via BBC sponsorship – could this be opened up to villagers?
  • Councillor CHayeshad spoken to the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service who was keen to support the idea of a walks board at the bottom of grass hills and he would endeavour to find out who owned the land (there were two potential sites).
  • Councillor L Hobson advised that street signs/finger posts etc around the village were looking grubby. Could K Wilson wash them? Councillor LFrame wondered if a volunteer cleaning crew could be organised through The Flyer.
  • Councillor K Thompson would ask Dr Firkin if he would be available to switch the Christmas Tree lights on this year. Councillor MKaynes had secured the loan of Sutton Estates’ trailer for the children to sit/stand on for the carol singing.
  • Councillor CHayes would collect the bluebell bulbs from Councillor KThompson and plant them in the autumn.
  • Mount Pleasant/Drury Close - there had been no progress with street signage: The Clerk is to chase this up.
  • Grimsby Road - the second handrail at the Grimsby Road steps had been installed.


  • Latest edition of Binbrook Flyer has been published: spare copies are available at Manor View Stores.
  • Binbrook Parish Council web site:-
  • Binbrook Parish Council Facebook page: -


  • Wolds Minibus Project Committee: no comments.
  • Village Hall Committee: Councillor I Burgess had arranged for the car park to be treated with weedkiller but this has not been effective. Councillor I Burgess or the Clerk will raise this with the gardening contractor.
  • Parish Plan Implementation Group: no comments.


  • East Lindsey District CouncilCouncillor R Fry was not in attendance.
  • Lincolnshire County Council – Councillor Marfleet was not in attendance.


  • Play equipment RoSPA Inspection –Dr Edwards had carried out the safety check on the play equipment and made some recommendations. Council felt that fencing the entire area would be too costly but agreed to install signage to alert motorists/car parkers.
The play equipment needed to be washed (K Wilson to be asked?). Trees belonging to the neighbouring property were overhanging/the fencing was damaged. Clerk to write to owner?
The skateboard ramp had also been inspected with the recommendation to supply a litter bin in the vicinity.
There were concerns regarding “questionable legality” regarding Dr Edward’s qualification to carry out the inspection/Is he RoSPA affiliated? There was noevidence of this on his report/invoice.
  • The rubber matting in the Playing Field still awaited removal. The Clerk would have wordswith Paul Tuplin to arrange this.
  • Grimsby Road – the drains have now been repaired.
  • Louth Road/Market Place corner grate has now been repaired.
  • Mount Pleasant walnut tree – Drury Close resident, J Johnson, has contacted East Lindsey District Council regarding the over-hanging walnut tree which obscures the street light: feedback is awaited.


See last page.


The hedging at the school still needs cutting (and North Halls). Councillor CHayes advised that birds would have finished nesting so work could be carried out now.
The 8% gradient road sign had still not been fixed – Clerk to chase.
Rectory Close weed problem – the Clerk would enquire re ownership/responsibility.
The hedged walkway between the High Street and Back Lane was overgrown and Hawthorn hedging on Louth Road was encroaching onto the pavement – owners would be informed.
There were concerns regarding the abandonment of the building plot on the Grimsby Road and ELDC/R Fry’s advice would be sought.
The car left open most days and nights on the corner of North Halls was an eyesore and a potential traffic hazard although it was felt that there was little the Parish Council could do - consider asking the Police/PCSOs to intervene?
Councillor MKaynes advised Council that the School were losing one teacher and one Teacher Assistant.
Councillor LHobson commented that the Church Bells did not seem to be pealing.
District Councillor RFry commented that there had been loud music being played in the playing field recently.
Discussion re Swinhope Planning Development – it was agreed that Binbrook Parish Council would support the objections based on the concerns regarding the potential increase in traffic coming through Binbrook (as Brookenby Parish Council had done) only. / Clerk

Correspondence received: -

East Lindsey District Council new Code of Conduct - Binbrook Parish Council adopted the previous version

GLL District Mobile Library Changes from 1st July 2017

Co-operative Bank plc May/June statements

Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service Annual Report 2016 – 17

East Lindsey District Council alterations to the electoral register

Anglian Water Business transfer of water account

Binbrook Parish Council