The Project Format
(A Summary sheet for Team Leaders and Teachers)

The Project is split into 6 BLOCKS.

The students will be divided into two teams of six.

Each team will be allocated a block or part of ablock which they discuss in syndicate with their team leader before coming back and agreeing the whole block with the other team.

We find that sessions of 45 minutes are about right. These can be made up of:

10 minutes - / March Foundation Team Leaders explaining the block (see sheets for each block).
20 minutes - / The teams (separately in syndicate) working out their answers – supervised by March Foundation Team Leader (brain-storming).
15 minutes - / Each team presenting their ideas to the rest of the group and agreeing their answer.
Some blocks may need two sessions – one of which could be off-site.

The Team Leaders will try to make sure that all students in the team make a contribution in the syndicate discussions. They will also try to involve everyone in putting forward the team’s answers.

A balance has to be arrived at between making it all sound too complicated and being too simplistic and patronising.

By prior arrangement, we suggest that at least three of the blocks are conducted off-site using another organisation or location as a thought-provoker to help each team to answer the questions. We also feel that some timeshould beset aside for the children to take some exercise!

What will the Team create?

Basically they will create a small viable business based on the location of the Project

(eg. “The TylneyWildLifePark”).

The framework for this business will be made up of the following “BLOCKS”……

BLOCK 1 / THEIR VISION of what the organisation will do for its customers.
BLOCK 2 / THE PEOPLE they will employ to achieve this and how they will be looked after.
BLOCK 3 / How they will MARKET the business (in some detail).
BLOCK 4 / THE MONEY arrangements they will need to make so that it prospers in the long term.
BLOCK 5 / The HEALTH, SAFETY andENVIRONMENTAL policies they will have in place.
BLOCK 6 / The PRESENTATION back at School incorporating all the agreed ideas.
