James E. Taylor High School

English I Pre-AP/GT

Mrs. Jenny Brunsell, Room 9123


Phone: 281-237-9220

Conference: 3rdperiod

Tutorials: Wednesdays 2:40-3:10, or by appointment

Welcome to Taylor High School and to English I! I am so excited to have you in my class, and I can't wait to get this year started! The following is a list of our classroom expectations for success:

Required Supplies

  • Binder or folder for notes and handouts
  • Composition book (Mead, bound) OR Spiral notebook (1 subject, wide rule)
  • Pencils (No. 2 lead)
  • Pens (Black or blue ink)
  • Notebook paper (college rule)


You will be issued a Literature book to keep at home. Make sure your name is on the inside cover, and keep the book in good condition. You will bring it to school for semester book checks, and you will return it at the end of the school year.


Daily and weekly activities and assignments are listed on the chalkboard. Please read this information every day and make note of the daily homework and approaching due dates, quizzes, and tests. If you need clarification, please ask me. "I didn't know" will not be an acceptable excuse for anything, as everything that you need to know will be on the board. You will also find assignments on the teacher web of Taylor’s website.

Make Up Work

YOU are responsible for collecting, completing, and returning assignments that you miss during an absence. For every day that you are absent, you will have TWO SCHOOL DAYS to make up the work. It is your responsibility to arrange to take makeup tests and quizzes before or after school.

  • If you miss a class because of a field trip or extracurricular activity, ALL of the work for the day that you miss is due at the next class meeting.
  • Work that is assigned before your absence is due on the day that you return (unless the date has not yet occurred). This includes tests!!!

Late Work

Work is considered LATE if it is turned in at any time other than the class period that it is due.

  • Late homework checked in class = ZERO
  • All other work:
  • 1 day late = minus 30 points
  • More than one day late = ZERO

Grading System

I will return your work and/or notify you of the grade you earned on individual assignments in a timely manner. Please remember that your paper/test/assignment is not the only one that I have to grade!

Grades will be classified and calculated in the following manner:

Daily...... 10%

  • Homework
  • Class work
  • Participation

Minor...... 30%

  • Quizzes
  • Other specified assignments

Major...... 60%

  • Compositions
  • Projects
  • Oral Presentations
  • Test

The Honor Code

“Cheating is giving or receiving information.” Do not look on the tests or quizzes of your fellow students AND do not allow them to look at your test.

Do not copy homework.

A grade of zero will be awarded for cheating, you will receive an “N” in conduct, you will not be able to exempt my final, and your parent will be contacted.

Assignment Procedures

Homework will be due at the beginning of the period; it is considered late if turned in any time after assignments have been collected.

All computer assignments must be printed before you get to class.

Unless otherwise specified, all assignments should have the following information in the top right corner of the first page:


English I- Class Period


Class Expectations

Enter our room prepared for success:

  • with all supplies
  • ready to do your best

Be respectful:

  • to each other’s ideas and property
  • to our room by not bringing in food or drinks

Actively participate

Cell phones are to be put away, unless you have teacher approval


If you arrive to class after the tardy bell rings, you will be considered tardy. Quietly sign the tardy sheet by the door and take your seat. You are responsible for remembering to serve your detention. After School Detention for tardies (ASD) will be held in Room 100 A/B (Main Campus Commons).


I do not anticipate any problems; however, if you make inappropriate choices, I will take one or more of the following steps:

  • Give a verbal warning
  • Assign 15 minutes of after-school detention
  • Assign 30 minutes of after-school detention
  • Contact parent(s)
  • Submit a discipline referral to grade-level principal

PLEASE do not hesitate to talk with me about any questions, problems, concerns, or good news that you might have!

Please share this with your parents, and keep this with your English handouts.

Here’s to a great year! 