Life’s Mate Check List

by Mark Hendrickson
Ask yourself about these areas of your prospective mate

Dwelling Place Ministries

11011 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 943-8813

Email: Web:


Track record of development

Speech habits

Conduct habits




Spiritual Condition

Family life style

Pedigree / heritage

Stability in family members

Do you have favor with them

Parents / mentors - yours & (his or hers)Do you have their permission

What are their sentiments

Is accountability in place

Established “Guard-rails”

Personal spiritual heart condition

Is she / he “On fire”

Engaged / Active in God

Life’s callings / Destiny

What are his / her callings

Are their destiny/callings obvious

Are they compatible with yours

Incidentals / prompters from people

Dreams from other people

Has it “popped up” in conversations

One-on-one interaction


Comfortable / easy

Does it feel right

Is there “chemistry”

Feelings / Affections

What does your heart say

What does your head say

Is lust a motivating factor

Does it just “feel right”

Is there peace Isa 30:18

God’s will – ultimate priority

What is He saying

Have you had any prophetic dreams

Prophetic words over you

Do you have 2 or 3 confirmations?

From people who don’t know you


Are they ‘hot’ and high maintenance

Easy going / teachable

Laid back / too compliant / boring

Is their personality compatible with yours

Can he / she communicate

Too much / too little

About things that matter

Length of time

How long have you know him / her

How long on your heart

General wisdom issues

Is he / she in God’s schooling process

Are they complying with God’s strategy

His / Her preparedness for marriage

Are circumstances in place for marriage

Job / Schooling

Income / Financial planning


Physical appearance

Does he / she look good to you

What will he / she look like in the future

Family features / familial traits & genes

Size / shape / weight / health

Pre-marriage discussion topics

There are four areas in which you and your fiancé should be in agreement before you walk down the aisle. These are religion, children, parents, and money. Studies show that couples who agree on these issues prior to marriage have a much better chance of experiencing a successful marriage and spending long, happy lives together. Unity creates romance, whether you're talking about holding hands or handling money. And it's not just about coming to an agreement, either. It's about sharing your innermost thoughts, goals, and dreams, and mapping out a life together that will make you both happy!

Dwelling Place Ministries

11011 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 943-8813

Email: Web: