Ermolaeva Valentina.

Information campaign to promote inclusive education "Children need to learn together"
The purpose of the campaign - to inform the public about inclusive education, the need to include all children with disabilities in educational activities and promote an inclusive education (1) in Russia. The broader goal of this campaign, in my opinion, is to change people's consciousness, the opponents of the development of inclusive education (in this case, parents, students and teachers of secondary schools).
Awareness campaign to promote inclusive education "All children should learn together" started in May 2007 inRussia and continued until September 2009. The project was implemented by the organization "Perspective" in conjunction with regional partners in 16 cities of Russia.
Actors campaign
This campaign involved only Russia, but on the whole issue of inclusive education covers the entire international community. The principle of inclusive education was adopted at the World Conference on Education of persons with special needs: Access and Quality (Salamanca, Spain, 1994). It was reiterated at the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in 2000, and supported by the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. Linking inclusion to broader development goals contributes to the reform of education systems in different countries around the world in the fight against poverty, the achievement of the Millennium Development (2). As part of an information campaign to promote inclusive education by World educational campaign, one of UNESCO's partners, organizes every year Global Action Week. In addition, the world's leading experts regularly held round tables on issues of inclusive education, and other activities.
Today in most western countries there is some consensus on the importance of integrating children with disabilities. State, municipal and school receive budgetary funding for children with special needs, and, accordingly, are interested in increasing the number of students who are officially registered as disabled.
The terms of the actors of this information campaign in Russia is quite broad:
* Civil society organizations - "Perspective".
* TV companies - interact with civil society organizations through the dissemination of informational materials for the campaign.
* The legislature (the Federation Council, the State Duma, Moscow City Duma)
* Parents of children with disabilities
* Department of Education, teaching centers, universities, and professional centers of excellence;
* Pre-school, educational and rehabilitative (special) institutions (teachers at these agencies);
* Centers for Psycho-pedagogical correction and rehabilitation, as well as parental and community organizations.
To date, inclusive education in Russia is governed by the RF Constitution, federal law "On education, the federal law" On social protection of disabled persons in Russia, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Protocol № 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
In 2008, Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Article 20 of the Fourth Convention states that in order to realize the right to education, member states shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and learning throughout life.
April 28, 2010 the third reading of the Moscow City Duma passed a law envisaging a possibility for disabled children in Moscowto study in ordinary schools (3) (although originallyMoscow City Duma planned to pass a bill on education of persons with disabilities in Moscow before the end of 2009). In my opinion, this shows the success of this campaign. Nevertheless, a similar federal law is still lacking, which requires continuing active outreach work in this direction.

The urgency of the problem
Inclusion in education is a major issue forRussia's social policy: regarding both the number of problems that converge in the subject of integration, and the need to implement measures to strengthen the mechanisms for the inclusive education. According to the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova in August 2009, the number of disabled children in Russia is 545,000 people, 12,2% of them currently live in institutions and boarding. Number of children for the first time as disabled - 67 121 people. 23,6% of children with disabilities suffer from diseases of various organs and metabolic disorders, 21,3% - mental disorders and 23.1% of children with disabilities have motor disorders. According to Tatiana Golikova, if in 2006 to 10 thousand population of Russia accounted for 199.6 children with disabilities, while in 2008 this figure had fallen, and already was 191.8.
According to the Ministry of Education, in the 2008-2009 academic year in ordinary schools were attended by 142.659 thousands of children with disabilities, remedial classes in mainstream schools - 148.074 thousands of children with disabilities. In schools and correctional boarding schools - 210.842 thousands of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.
In Moscow, according to the Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov to September 2009, home to some 26,000 children with disabilities, of which 1,2 thousand - is hard of hearing or deaf children.
According to the head of the Department of Education Olga Larionova, in educational institutions of the capital studying 19,000 children with disabilities (as of May 2009). Half of them - in secondary schools, 35% - in special correctional, 5% - in colleges and universities, 11% - in kindergartens. Thus, about one and a half thousand children with disabilities receive a general secondary and further education at home –via distant learning (4).
The Ministry for Education and Science, in 2008 - 2009 years implemented the inclusive education model on an experimental basis in educational institutions of various types in several regions of the Federation: Archangel, Vladimir, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Samara, Tomsk and other areas.
The problem is really urgent, because in the same Moscowonly 47 schools from more than one thousand five hundred practice inclusive education. Based on the statistical data, it can be concluded that inclusive education is just beginning its development in Russia. In my opinion, this information campaign, and others like her, played a significant role in the promotion and development of inclusive education.
To date, the problem of development of inclusive education in Russia is under scrutiny not only of parents and educational community, but also the entire community. Not by accident the year 2009 was declared the Year of Equal Opportunities, then recognition of this problem is carried out at the state level.
It is the parents of disabled children who insist on their inclusion in the usual children community. First of all, this is due to the fact that an established system of correctional (special) education, though finely honed by decades on how to teach children with developmental problems, had poor social integration system of disabled children in the real world - it is isolated from society. Of course, that children with special adapt to life and socialize in secondary schools than in institutions. Particularly noticeable is the difference in the acquisition of social experience. Able children also benefit from the improved educational opportunities -they develop tolerance, activity and independence.
But still the issue of implementing the process of development and learning disabled children in regular schoolremains open. The main problems in the development of the process relate to the specific techniques, lack of trained personnel, lack of specialists, etc.
Modern Western studies of social problems operate on the theme of "context": what relates to the problem in connection with some other more general problems or nearby it. Inclusive education does not exist in isolation. At least there are three important contexts:
* Development of education in general and the whole complex of changes that affect both the general education, and the inclusive education;
* Development of a system of social rights, and in particular the right to education;
* Social marketing of the ideas for advanced organization of society (the foster family, volunteering, co-education of people "normal" and with a special version of development).
The studied materials reveal the following main issues of inclusive education in Russia:
* Architectural inaccessibility of schools
* Children with special educational needs are often recognized uneducable
* Most of the teachers and principals in schools are not enough aware of disability issues and are not ready for inclusion of disabled children in the learning process in classrooms
* Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend the rights of children to education and experience fear of the education system and social support
Misconceptions about the inclusion:
* the presence in the school itself is enough
* The notion that it is normal to let the child and its parents cope on their own
* Focusing not on the aims, but on the actions
* When the main focus of services is a training program, rather meeting the individual educational needs of the child

*The notion that simply “being there”–amount to participation and inclusion
Action of actors
"Perspective" conducted this campaign under the motto "All children should learn together" , inviting to "join the movement for inclusive education". A series of video and radio spotswas recorded and 3 different posters were designed to carry out the purposes of the campaign.
At the end of February 2009 the federal and regional TV channels launched social advertising campaign under the slogan "Children should learn together!". The campaign was developed by the Laboratory of social advertising who provided service to the regional public organization of invalids "Perspective". It involved two videos and three audios. Clip "New Talent" is aimed at teachers of junior and middle classes shows that they should not be afraid to teach children with disabilities. Clip "Shakles", which tells about that sooner or later the children will face the fact that their world - is different, and people are different, was sent to parents. The earlier the children begin to perceive people with disabilities as the norm of existence of society, the more likely that in adulthood they will be more sociable with each other.
As the film director George Molodtsov said, these videos were not created simply as a contract service for organization of people with disabilities, but the clients participated in the program actively. Volunteer with various disabilities worked alongsidethe main production crew.
In the opinion of the head of the Laboratory PSAs Gyuzelly Nikolaishvili, in less than two years since first campaign on the inclusive education system in Russia , there was a very big shift in the promotion and awareness of this phenomenon. The term began to be used and understood, there are more schools with a coeducation of disabled children and normal children, and parental attitudes began to change toward the approval of inclusiveness (5). Video clips "New Talent" and "Shackles" were distributed to regional organizations of the disabled, and later they hit broadcast television and were presented in 30 and 15 second timing.
With the support of Moscow Government and the Committee's information, advertising and presentation of the Moscow organization of "Perspective" has placed advertisements in the subway, on the LED screens in the streets, as well as on TV Channel "TV Centre." From 15 to 31 October in Moscow subway trainshad 2 types of stickers with the slogan of the campaign "Children need to learn together." From 15 to 25 October the electronic board had the 10 second long videos.
In my opinion, these informational clips played a significant role in the evolution of consciousness of the public. However, despite the success of this campaign (which, in my view, evidenced by the adoption of the law of 28.04.2010 Moscow City Duma), inclusive education is just beginning to develop in Russia. In general, for the public the idea of inclusive education continues to be unacceptable. Furthermore, as already mentioned, the main obstacles to wide dissemination of this process are specific techniques, lack of training of personnel, lack of specialists in this field. This may explain the duration of the campaign and the need for its further continuation.

As practice shows, the development of inclusive education is a complex, multidimensional process, demanding scientific, methodological and administrative resources. Teachers and administration of educational institutions, embraced the idea of inclusion, especially in dire need of assistance on the organization of the teaching process, working out the mechanism of interaction between all participants in the educational process, where the child is a central figure. Inclusive space implies openness and accessibility, not only for children but for adults. The more partners the educational institutions has, the more successful its students are.
In my opinion, inclusive learning environment is formed by the teacher, not just a teacher but a whole team of educators and professionals - a team, working in interdisciplinary cooperation. The development of inclusive educational environment now includes the primary school teachers, subject teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, physiotherapists, and tutors. In this regard, for the development of inclusive education in Russiawe need to change stereotypes about the professional position of a teacher in an inclusive space. Here the great role is played by training, interdisciplinary consultation, teachers’ workshops, internships, master classes. By holding public events teachers of inclusive educational institutions can demonstrate professional growth, to outline future objectives. And it is these campaigns, in my opinion, that really help to draw public attention to issues of access to education of children and youth with disabilities, and to tell about possible introduction of inclusive education both to the teachers and parents of disabled children.
In my opinion, the society still is not ready and not able to accept these children. For the development of inclusive education, we must first create special programs for children with disabilities for teachers and other children who attend these schools and their parents. We need to teach them a different attitude towards children with disabilities. If we do not, then children with disabilities will most likely suffer from such a system. NWithout special preparation of society, we can not just put children with disabilities successfully into one space with ordinary children. Therefore, the development of information campaigns to promote inclusive education has a lot of sense.
For the development of inclusive education at the state level, we must create a special commission or agency for the implementation of inclusive education in Russia at the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as inter-regional action team which will oversee its work. Thus, it is necessary to unite efforts of all stakeholders: parents, teachers, professionals and community organizations, the need for public education and dissemination of already existing experience in the field of inclusive education. Society must get rid of the stereotype that all persons with disabilities are just "sick", and should treat each disabled person as an individual. Teachers need to overcome their prejudices towards children and young people with various disabilities. Teachers need to know the peculiarities of communication with children who have some form of disability. After all, the teacher can educate future generations in the spirit of tolerance towards "different" person. As an example, the Arkhangelsk region, where the idea of inclusive education is actively developed. In December 2009, volunteers of the Young Guard, together with volunteers of the leading universities of Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk Youth Council took part in a seminar on "Inclusive Education" (6). Arkhangelsk began an active campaign to promote the idea of inclusive education.In preparation for this campaign, volunteers received a short course of work with disabled people, watched the film on inclusive education, but also set out key areas of joint work in this direction with other youth public organizations of Arkhangelsk. The nearest plans of volunteers include holding pickets, distributing of literature on inclusive education among local residents. They started building a base of volunteers participating in the project ("I am a volunteer”), who are capable at any moment to help the disabled. It is worth noting that Arkhangelsk already has a unique system of inclusive education, which could serve as a model for other regions of Russia

In my opinion, inclusion means the disclosure of each student through the educational program, which is consistent with his or her abilities. Inclusion considers the needs, as well as special conditions and support necessary for students and teachers to achieve success. In an inclusive school each person is treated as important member of the collective. Students with special needs are supported by peers and other members of the school community to meet their special educational needs.
Recommendations for the development of inclusion:
o Develop a philosophy that supports the appropriate inclusive practices
o A comprehensive plan of inclusion
+ engage teachers, administration, and parents in the process
o Building awareness of disability among employees (school, kindergarten) and students
o Education of all school staff (including guards, cooks, etc.)
1. Moskovsky Komsomolets, Moscow. Oleg Fochkin. One line. April 29, 2010.
2. Inclusive Education in Russia and Moscow. Statistics and reference materials. / /
3. The value is each. April 18, 2008.
4. On Russian television, launched a campaign in support of inclusive education, children should learn together! " 17.02.2009 / /
5. The site "Perspektiva". Basic principles of inclusion / /
6. The site "Perspektiva". Information campaign to promote inclusive education "Children should learn together»
7. Site "Perspektiva". The materials on inclusive education / /
8. C.I. Sabelnikova. The development of inclusive education / /
9. RIA Novosti news agency. Inclusive Education. Help. 17/09/09 / /
10. Schmidt VR Inclusive education - a vague object of desire? or How to give a clear social movement in favor of integration / /