Dear Friends,


Every 2-3 years we take a four month furlough to California and London. It’s hard to believe it’s been more than 3 years since we last visited America as a family. Even though we don’t arrive in the States until early November, our journey has already begun.

Tonj Bore Hole!

Sabet took a last minute trip into Tonj to escort a team visiting from the States who were hoping to drill a bore hole for us and to distribute some clothing. Unfortunately due to bad weather we were unable to move the drilling machine from one area in Sudan called Kerial over to Tonj. So the team rearranged their trip, spent less time in Tonj and more time in Kerial. Sabet though didn’t have peace about traveling to Kerial as it was likely with the weather that the plane might be delayed bringing him out. Thankfully he made the right decision as the team was delayed in Sudan and Sabet would have missed his flight to leave on our furlough if he’d stayed.


The excitement of visiting California is overshadowed with the daunting journey ahead. It’s such a long way to go with two children, time changes and huge travel expenses. Normally we fly on British Airways, taking advantage of their missionary discounts, but all our past experiences with them have been terrible, from lost luggage to unauthorized strikes, so this time we decided to fly on Egypt Air to London and then on Delta to CA, saving us $700!! This seemed like the perfect solution, Sabet’s brother was displaced by the war and living in Cairo, so we got Sabet an Egypt visa and planned a 2 night stop-over in Cairo on our way to London. Sabet hadn’t seen his brother for over 10 years and this was the first member of Sabet’s family Suzy was to meet. The stop-over would also help with the time change and break the long journey up for the kids.

On arrival at Cairo airport, Suzy and the kids cleared immigration very quickly but Sabet was detained for further security checks despite previously being checked in Nairobi when obtaining his Egypt, UK and USA visas. Suzy decided to go through and meet Dominic, Sabet’s brother, who was waiting outside. While they were taking coffee an immigration officer came out and asked for Suzy’s passport. We thought nothing of it. Then an hour later they wanted to talk to Suzy so she went back inside with the kids. It was now 4 hours after we arrived. Basically no one would tell us anything; they kept Sabet separated and locked up. Suzy tried to get information but ended up having to call the British Embassy for help, who informed her no-one has a right to take her passport or keep her once she has cleared immigration. She begged the senior officer for her passport and to let her wait at the hotel with the children, who were tired and hungry but he refused. The British Embassy was told NO British or Sudanese passengers were being held against their will. Finally after 9 hours and no explanation, they allowed us to leave. We had left Nairobi at 3am and it was now 6pm! Not a great start to 4 months of traveling but a reminder that YOU are truly blessed to be born in a country where your US or EU passport gives you such freedom. We felt the enemy all around us trying to discourage us and divide us in that 9 hours but more so we felt God’s presence and knew HE would be victorious. When we saw each other at 6pm we rejoiced and could still praise Jesus together for Sabet’s release and the opportunity for Sabet to see his brother again after 10 years. We’re not surprised by satan’s attempt to discourage us at the beginning of our furlough but he failed. We had a fabulous time with Sabet’s brother and despite everything, really enjoyed our short stay in Egypt. We arrived, without incident in the UK and are now visiting Suzy’s family.

Sabet, Suzy, Hannah and Dominic in Egypt

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19

Prayer Request!

v  Pray for an easier entry into America, we fly on November 2nd.

v  Pray for the kids as they adjust to new surroundings and time zones’

Trusting Jesus,