Minutes of the Ashwater Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 11 July 2012


Lindsay and Lucy Robinson addressed the meeting. They are working for Summerleaze and Lindsay has been appointed the forester to look after Forda-Haye and three other forests in the area. They hope to be able to live at the lodge at Forda-Haye and a planning application has been made for a variation of condition to change from holiday accommodation to living accommodation. Lucy hopes to set up a forestry school. AB thanked them for attending the meeting.

There was also a representation from several residents who live at Henford who attended to comment on the proposed Hollow Panson wind farm. They requested that the parish council start a campaign to object to the proposal at this early stage. Although the proposal is not in Ashwater, the parish would be affected should the project go ahead. At the public consultation recently held, many people completed the questionnaire provided and raised several points but the majority stated that they objected to the proposal. By having wind turbines on the land it would spoil the view from the parish hall and the noise would echo and they would also have an effect on the culm grass, wild life, animals and peoples home life. The proposal is the largest wind turbine farm to be submitted to TDC. At present EDF are asking permission for an anemometer to be erected. The residents requested that the parish council should set up a meeting at this early stage with local parishes that would be affected by the application. AB thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

The Parish Council Meeting commenced at 8.10 pm

9.3 / Present: Alex Beynon, Pete Jennings, Trevor Moon, Graham Hockin, Mary Gliddon,
Lawrence Langston, Pat May, Philip Luxton, Eric Burnill, Barry Parsons and
Sheila Myers (Clerk)
Apologies for absence – Graham Hockin
Approval of the minutes of the last meeting – PM advised that he thought that 5.2 was incorrect and that the wording of “approved PM, seconded MG” should be removed as this was incorrect. The minutes were then approved MG, seconded LL.
Matters Arising from the minutes
The question was raised regarding the purchase of Neighbourhood Watch signs but as GH was not able to attend the meeting, SM said that she would follow this up.
Declaration of Interest of any Agenda - none
New two storey extension and minor alterations to existing building Roseworthy – approved, proposed PJ, seconded PL
Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission 1/0102/2011/FUL – Forda-Haye Lodge – representations were made as above. After a considerable discussion it was decided that the parish council would comment to TDC that they had decided not to support this application and that the property should remain as holiday occupancy only, however this was not a unanimous decision. Proposed PJ, seconded PL.
BP commented that he has issues with Enforcement and the department is being looked at.
Refurbishment of redevelopment West Langaford Cottage and Ron-Jen, Ashwater – approved, proposed PJ, seconded PL.
Wind turbine at Whitecroft farm, Clawton - noted
Hollow Panson Farm, St Giles on the Heath – as discussed earlier, the parish council has agreed that they should arrange a meeting with Clawton, Boyton, Virginstowe, St Giles, Tetcott and Broadwood. SM said that she would get some dates when the hall is free for the beginning of September and then contact the clerk’s for each parish to find out availability and then organise a meeting for parish councillors. At this stage it was felt that it would not be necessary to have the general public attend the meeting.
Church Walk footpath – has now been trimmed.
EB advised the meeting that a new gate has been put in at Grendisworthy, and at Henford two more gates are needed on the Larkworthy footpath. There are also nettles on the footpath. Tim Freeman has asked Andrew Moon to cut them down.
There is £600.00 available in P3 funds.
Hire of Hall for June meeting - £12.00 – approved, proposed MG, seconded PL
Printing of newsletter at Ashwater School - £25.00 – approved, proposed MG, seconded PL
VAT refund – SM has sent off a form for a refund of £565.15 paid in VAT.
Jubilee coins – LL went through the lists and distributed the final last coins. As there has been a lot of interest in purchasing coins, it was suggested that SM order 40 more so that anyone wishing to purchase these can do so, proposed LL, seconded PJ. So far £90.00 had been received from people who had purchased the coins in the shop. The money will be put back in the parish council’s bank account.
The bank balance at 30 June 2012 was £8,398.12
Correspondence / Communications
Meetings Attended – none
Community Benefit from renewable energy – noted – it was felt that there needs to be a policy for community benefit.
Parish Plan – AB brought a copy of a printed draft questionnaire to the meeting, MG commented that he had done an excellent job. He asked if there were any amendments necessary. It was suggested that perhaps there should be a question on Neighbourhood Watch and other minor points. It was decided that the next step of printing the questionnaire should be taken and AB will organise. BP advised that he would be able to meet the costs from his budget. As in previous years, the questionnaire will be distributed by the parish councillors who will advise residents that it is vital that all households complete the form which they would collect within a few days of being delivered.
Highways and Traffic Management Winter Service Review 2012 Questionnaire – passed to PM to complete.
Street lighting – there are strong views as to whether or not a street light is needed between the parish hall and the village green. It was decided that a note would be placed in the newsletter and that residents should speak to any councillor to give their views.
Code of Conduct – it is vital that all parish councillors complete the new register of interest forms so that SM can forward them to Ken Miles at TDC. SM said that she will pass a set of forms to all councillors and ask TM to distribute. These forms need to be returned to SM urgently.
Any Other Business
SM had received a poster about re-cycling batteries, a copy of the poster will be placed on the notice board.
Website – now up and running, SM is still waiting for individual passwords for the various organisations so that they can edit their own pages.
EB mentioned that there would be a fund raiser for the church at his home on Sunday 15 July starting at 11.30am. The cost would be £2.50 with all proceeds going to the church. / SM

The meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.

The next parish council meeting will be on Wednesday 8 August 2012 at 7.30pm.

Signed ...... Date ......