Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council of Eynsford, held on

Thursday 19th May 2016, at the Parish Office, Priory Lane, Eynsford, at 8pm.


Members Present

Mrs S Boyle (Chair)

Mr A Cooke

Mrs A Cornwell

Mrs F Haxby

Mr G Kirby

Mr M Richardson

Mr P Ward

Other Officials Present

Mr M Horwood (District Councillor) 9.42 – 9.55pm.

Clerk in Attendance

Mrs H Ivaldi


Mrs T Durrant

Mr R Gough (County Councillor)

Mr T Darling (PCSO)


Mrs Boyle thanked Clerks and Councillors for helping to make the Annual Parish Meeting a success.

Mrs Boyle recorded congratulations and best wishes to ex-councillor and chair Dr J Harris on his recent wedding which she and other councillors had attended.

Mrs Boyle noted that the next surgery would be held on Saturday 28th May from 9am-11am.

Mrs Boyle also noted that Eynsford in Bloom had been nominated for a Community Award and that the public could vote via the Sevenoaks Chronicle website.




a) Declarations of Interest


b) Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of the last full council meetingthe 21st April 2016,were presented for approval.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are accepted as a true and complete record,and that the recommendations are approved.

c) Finance Notes

The clerk submitted a list of accounts, and a budget report, for April 2016, as per Appendix A.

RESOLVED: Thatthe accounts are approved and payments made.

d) Outstanding Actions

Councillors discussed items listed that had been outstanding for three months or more.

  • It was agreed to chase Mr Horwood about the Speed Watch pamphlet.
  • Mr Richardson agreed to check the house numbers at Riverside re street signage.
  • It was agreed to invite a representative from DRiPS to the June committee member.
  • Mr Bint had provided a quote for £50 to remove the dead tree from Riverside. The Clerk is permitted to go ahead with this under delegated powers.
  • Information about prices for LED street lights and details of available grants or loans would be presented to the next meeting.

RESOLVED: That all of the outstandingactions are pursued.

e) Annual Return and Governance Statement

Councillors were asked to approve and sign the Annual Return and Governance Statement for 2015-16 which had been signed by the Internal Auditor.

RESOLVED:That the Annual Return and Governance Statement for 2015-16 are signed.

f) Signatories and Authorisation for Co-operative Bank Account

Councillors were all asked to complete and sign the relevant forms so that they could be signatories on the council’s bank account. Mrs Boyle and Mr Ward were asked to sign the section giving authorisation to Mrs Wolfe to speak to the bank on the telephone about matters relating to the council’s account.

RESOLVED: That councillors sign the relevant forms to become signatories and to allow Mrs Wolfe to carry out telephone banking.


a) Planning Committee 3rd May2016

Minutes of the above meeting were circulated to all councillors for approval, as per Appendix B.

RESOLVED: Thatthe minutes are accepted as a true and complete record, and that the recommendations are approved.

b) Notifications of Planning Consents/Refusals Received from Sevenoaks District Council

SE/16/00965/AGRNOT – Home Farm, 3 Riverside, Eynsford – Prior Approval Not Required.

SE/16/00443/HOUSE – The Pines, 45a Pollyhaugh, Eynsford – Granted

SE/15/02997/FUL – Meadow View, Lullingstone Lane, Eynsford – Refused

SE/16/00456/HOUSE – 4 Upper Austin Lodge Farm Cottages, Upper Austin Lodge Road, Eynsford – Granted

SE/16/00507/HOUSE – 50 St Martin’s Drive, Eynsford – Granted

SE/16/00557/HOUSE – September Stables, Upper Austin Lodge Road, Eynsford –Granted.

c) Planning Application SE/16/00217/LBCALT – Bridge over the River Darent, Riverside, Eynsford

Councillors considered an application for the replacement of the existing parapet fence.

RESOLVED: That councillors support the application.

d) Planning Application SE/16/01091/HOUSE – 46 Pollyhaugh, Eynsford

Councillors considered an application for the erection of a two storey side and rear extension with the inclusion of dormers, the conversion of the existing garage into a habitable space and the connection to the proposed extension, plus internal alterations to the layout.

RESOLVED:That councillors object to the application with regard to the Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document, as follows:

  • The design is unbalanced and significantly dominant to the original building. The large and overbearing scale would be harmful to the street scene and take away the open aspect of the scene.
  • The two story extension appears less than one metre from the boundary creating unacceptable in-filling between properties.
  • Councillors also have concern for the effect on light to neighbouring properties.


a) Old Mill Close Lighting

Councillors were informed that a resident of Old Mill Close had asked whether, if they could raise the required funds, new LED lighting could be installed to five of the lights in the section of the close containing retirement housing. The estimated cost for this would be around £1000 and the suggestion was that the council could pay back the residents when the rest of the village was converted to LED lighting due to savings in electricity.

RESOLVED: That the resident is thanked for their suggestion of financing a change to the street lighting in Old Mill Close, but that this is refused on the basis of legal and procedural issues around such a donation or loan. That the resident is informed that the council is continuing to look into introducing LED lights in the village and will keep them informed.

b) Crockenhill Lane, 30mph sign.

Councillors were told that a resident had asked whether the 30mph sign on Crockenhill Lane be moved from its current location (outside Brooklands, half-way down the lane) to a point before the housing begins (before Sunhurst) for traffic coming into the village. This would be to try to ensure that traffic slows down before reaching the residential area.

RESOLVED:That the council asked Kent Highways to consider moving the 30mph road sign to a new position on Crockenhill Lane before the residential area begins.


a) Community & Environment Committee 3rd May 2016

Minutes of the above meeting were circulated to all councillors for approval, as per Appendix C.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are accepted as a true and complete record, and that the recommendations are approved.

b) Police Report

PCSO Darling had provided a report which was read out by the Clerk. PCSO Darling had planned monthly property marking events with the first being on 3rd June. He reported that he had been investigating reports of fish poaching around Lullingstone. A crime had been reported at Eagle Heights, the theft of a chainsaw from a trailer.

RESOLVED: That the information is noted.

c) Access Survey

Mr Richardson presented a survey aimed at finding out what provision local businesses had in terms of access for those with physical, sensory and other disabilities, together with a covering letter.

RESOLVED: That Mr Richardson make some changes to the covering letter clarifying the aim of the survey and how the results will be used. That this is brought back to the next committee meeting. That the Clerk researches the powers of the council in relation to improving access to buildings, and investigates possible grants for this kind of work.

d)Funding for Defibrillator

Councillors were informed that the Clerk had identified potential funding for a new defibrillator from the British Heart Foundation.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk pursues funding from the British Heart Foundation for a similar defibrillator to the one at the village hall.

e) Donation to the Public Art Trail Project

Councillors were asked to consider making a donation to Eynsford Village Society’s Public Art Project.

RESOLVED: That a donation of £300 is made towards publicity and consultation costs from the Ad Hoc Donations budget (Section 137).

f) Donation to Anthony Roper Primary School

Councillors were asked to consider making a donation towards the costs of creating a fairy garden in their woodland school area. The project would cost £650-£700 and councillors were shown a breakdown.

RESOLVED: That a donation of £200 is made towards the fairy garden from the Ad Hoc Donations budget (Section 137).

g) Membership of Kent County Playing Fields Association

Councillors were asked to decide whether to renew their membership of Kent County Playing Fields Association at a cost of £20.

RESOLVED: That membership of Kent County Playing Fields Association is renewed at the cost of £20 from Regular Donations (Section 137).

h) Citizen’s Advice Bureau Articles

A representative from Citizen’s Advice Bureau Swanley & Sevenoaks has asked whether they could include a regular article in the parish newsletter to promote their opening times and services.

RESOLVED: That an article is included where relevant. That the details of Trident are passed to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau for a more regular advert.

At this point, 9.28pm, the meeting was opened up to questions from the public (Appendix Q).

The meeting resumed at 9.31pm.


a) Allotment Vandalism

Councillors were informed that an allotment holder had reported vandalism on their plot with sticks and other debris being strewn about. A tree had been painted with letters on an adjoining plot and part of the boundary hedge had been destroyed. The police had been informed about this incident.

RESOLVED: That a letter is written to all allotment holders advising them of the vandalism and asking that any other acts of vandalism are reported to the council and will be reported to the police. That allotment holders are reminded about the terms of their contracts.

b) Allotment Parking

Councillors were informed that some allotment holders are concerned that the allotment car parking spaces are being misused by vehicle owners not working on the allotments. It was noted that some allotment holders may have use of more than one vehicle and that it would be useful to keep a register.

RESOLVED: That a letter is written to all allotment holders about the parking spaces, and that they are asked to supply the registration numbers of the car/s they use whilst using the allotments. That this letter is combined with the previous one. That clerks carry out periodic checks of the allotment car park spaces.

Mr Horwood arrived at this point, 9.42pm.

c) Allotment Maintenance

Councillors were informed that Mr Cooke had co-ordinated a work party to cut back some of the overgrown trees and shrubs around the boundary of the allotments and between the plots. Mr Cooke was thanked for his work.

RESOLVED: That the information is noted.

d) Horses at Riverside

Councillors discussed a recent incident at Riverside where a large group of people came to Riverside with around fifty horses and traps. The horses were allowed to walk up and down the river and on Riverside. Some members of the public reported that they felt that they had to leave and small children were prevented from playing in the water. This also contributed to congestion on Riverside and surrounding roads. The police later informed the Clerk that this was an organised meeting and that parish councils had been informed. However, Eynsford had not been informed. Police had been present and had helped with traffic management. It was noted that several of the council’s byelaws had been contravened. These are enforceable by any officer of the council or constable.

RESOLVED: That the police are asked to enforce the council’s byelaws if this occurs again.

At this point, 9.50pm, the meeting paused to take questions from Mr Horwood (see Appendix Q).

The meeting of the council closed at 9.55pm


Chairman: 16thJune 2016