March 14, 2002 Minutes

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Minutes of a Regular Scheduled Meeting of ANC 3B

Thursday, May 9, 2002

The regular, monthly, public meeting of ANC 3B was called to order at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, 2002 at Guy Mason Recreation Center.

Commissioners present and constituting a quorum were; Christopher Lively (02), Secretary; Melissa Lane (03), Toni A. Ritzenberg (04), Treasurer and James C. Lively (05), Chair. Charles L. Howe (01), Vice Chair, arrived at 7:45.

Police Report:

Lt. Brian Bray, PSA 205, reported that for the month of April 2002, Glover Park saw a drop in crime in all areas except for theft from autos. Year to date, PSA 205 crime rate has dropped 14 %. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) has instituted “Watch Your Car” program. Residents can sign up with MPD and receive a sticker to affix on the inside of the rear window. If the vehicle is operated between the hours of 1:00 am and 5:00 am, an officer will stop the vehicle to see that the driver is authorized to use the vehicle.

Commissioner Ritzenberg asked that Officers monitor their speed and exercise caution at intersections.

Again, thefts from autos continue to be the leading crime problem in PSA 205.

Old Business:

Update on the Ward Three Traffic Policy Committee (TPC)

Commissioner Christopher Lively reported that truck traffic and speed continue lead the community concerns raised at the TPC meetings. A report on Traffic Calming Measures (TCM), prepared by Howard University, was released as a draft is currently being reviewed.

Parking Update – Regulated Residential Parking in the 2700 Blk of 42nd St.

Commissioner Christopher Lively reported Larry Brown, District Department of Transportation; Ward Three Parking Specialist, has reviewed all work orders issued for the replacement and relocation of Residential Parking Program (RPP) signs and will follow up on unfinished orders. The installation of parking meters on 37th Street next to the former Amoco gas station as well as adjusting the time restrictions on the commercial loading zones on Wisconsin Avenue and 37th Street to increase the available on street parking spaces and increase turnover has been delayed in order to complete the installation of new RPP signs due to redistricting.


FY 2003 Budget for The District of Columbia

Office of The Mayor – Ms. Deborah Gist

Ms. Deborah Gist

Ms Gist explained that the Mayors budget included a balanced plan for spending and improving the existing agency programs in response to community input from the Citizens Summit. Areas that will receive additional funding include the Department of Public Works to hire and Train additional parking control officers, The Department of Motor Vehicles to streamline the registration process for automobiles.

Ward Three Councilmember Kathy Patterson

Councilmember Patterson explained her vote against the Council budget for FY 2003 as she felt that it included too much government growth. She went on to say that the Council approved her proposal for %350,000 in the Department of Parks and Recreation capital budget to plane and design a new Stoddert Recreation Center in Glover Park. In addition, funds for the improve playing fields in Ward 3 and renovate the swimming pool at Wilson High School.

Roadway Reconstruction in Glover Park

District Department of Transportation (DDOT) / Ft. Meyer Construction

Muhammad Khalid, DDOT introduced Gary Burch, Consultant with McWilliams and Jorge Rivers with Ft. Meyer Construction. The current construction schedule projects roadwork to begin at the end of June. Questions were raised on the reclassification of some streets in Glover Park from reconstruction to repaving as well as the types of lights that will be installed.

Mr. Khalid will schedule a meeting with Commissioner Christopher Lively in June to review the schedule and scope of work.


Approval of Minutes

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of March 14, 2002 meeting of ANC 3B (5-0-0)

Approval of January – March 2002 Quarterly Report of DC Auditor

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the 1/02-03/02 Quarterly Report of ANC 3B (5-0-0)


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Minutes approved on June 13, 2002 by a vote of ______


James C. Lively Christopher James Lively

Chair Secretary