Volume 22 Issue 97 Oct-Nov-Dec 2008

Maynard’s Ramblings:

Kent City days for 2008 are past and what a day it was – rain, rain and more rain. It sure put a damper on things that took place outdoors and it certainly cut down on the number of people attending our open house. Overall we faired pretty good as we had a fair attendance. We did real well on our quilt drawing and are real pleased. The winner of the drawings were: Doris Eadie for the quilt, Kim Randall for the afghan & pillow and Philip Brott for the rug. Thanks to all of those persons that bought tickets for the raffle. It’s really appreciated. Thanks goes to everyone of our members that cooperated and worked so hard to put our room together for the open house. We had a deadline after moving from the township office building to the old town hall but we did it. A big thank you goes to Nellie Afton for making and donating the quilt, afghan, pillow and rug for the raffle. Thanks goes to Karen and Troy Swanson for their hard work of cleaning up the landscape around the building. How nice it looks! Jerry & Merry Malfroid donated two file cabinets, Carl Anderson donated a picture of the old Kent City Band of about 1930 Circa. He made a beautiful, one-of-a-kind frame for it that looks nice. Lowell Johnson donated an oxen shoe and many others brought in items the day of the open house and we thank them all.

On Oct.18, 2008 at 2:00pm our Historical Society along with Algoma and Sparta are sponsoring a music and story-telling program about the Civilian Conservation Corps by Bill Jamerson. This is a very special program and I encourage everyone that can to come. Let’s show them that we from Kent City/Casnovia can get out in full force. A full article about this appears in this issue.

Looking over the ads from the old KentCity paper of May 10, 1905 from Saur’s Store, I came across the following: 16# Granulate sugar $1.00, 6# prunes 25cents, 2 dozen lemons 25cents and (1) bar of Jaxon soap 3cents. I noticed in many of the old ads that prunes are listed. No doubt these were eaten during the winter months when fresh fruit and veggies were not available to keep them regular. But look back at the price of lemons. Recently my wife bought one lemon and paid 79cents for it. Back in those days you could have bought 6 ½ dozen for that price. Talk about inflation! Also in this issue I noticed that John Taylor’s horse is recovering from its lameness.

Please mark your calendar for thenext 3meetings at 1:00pm

Oct 14th, Nov 11th, Dec 9th

At the Oct 14th meeting, Mike Rexford (township fire chief) will speak to our group. He has many interested things to talk about. We hope to have a good turnout.

This article is taken from the Tyrone Township news of July 2008. If it wasn’t for Ione our Society would really be struggling. She has been instrumental in getting us established as a working group and moved into our permanent place in the old townhall. Thanks Ione.

Another piece of history written by Mr. Wylie.

Today the Speedway Gas Station stands where Peter Cavanaugh’s Hardware was when the previous article was written.

A laugh for today-contributed by

Nellie Afton