Humans vs. Apes (Comparing Features)
Purpose: Compare the size and shape of various body features of humans and apes.
1. Examine the provided diagrams comparing apes and humans.
2. Complete Table I and Table II below by identifying the differences between the listed characteristics of humans and apes.
3. After completing Table I and II, answer the conclusion questions using the data collected on Table I and II.
Table I: Comparison of Quadraped and Biped CharacteristicsCharacteristics / Apes / Humans
Type of Locomotion
Shape of Lumbar Region
Leg & Arm Length
Position of Hind Legs
Position of Center of Gravity
Shape of the Pelvis
Location of Upper Body Weight on the Femur
Arches of Feet
Position of Big Toe
Table II: Comparison of Ape and Human Skulls
Characteristics / Apes / Humans
Cranial Capacity
Length & Size of Jaw
Facial Profile (prognathism)
Supra-orbital Ridge
Dental Arcade (lower jaw)
Number of Teeth (lower jaw)
Size of Canine Teeth
Gaps in Teeth
Conclusion Questions:
1. How has the position of the big toe on bipedal humans helped as a successful adaptation?
2. If the center of gravity is located above and in front of the pelvis of an animal, the animal has a tendency to fall over when standing on only two legs. Which animal in this investigation (humans or apes) might have this problem? Explain.
3. Explain why longer arms than legs is a successful adaptation for quadrapedal apes?
4. How does the curved lumbar region help humans to walk upright on two legs?
5. Suppose the fossil bones of three humanlike animals were discovered. Using the observations from Table I, indicate if each of the animals was bipedal or quadrapedal.
a. Animal X – longer arms than legs: ______
b. Animal Y – vertebra of the lumbar region are straight: ______
c. Animal Z – outside edge of knee joint (below the femur) more worn than the inside edge: ______
6. Why do you think an ape’s dental arcade is different from a human?
7. How are supra-orbital ridge, facial slope and jaw size related to cranium capacity?
8. How does the skull structure provide evidence of an ape’s intelligence compared to a human’s intelligence?