North Olmsted City Schools

4267 Dover Center Rd.

North Olmsted, Ohio 44070

Phone: 440.779.3536

Fax: 440.779.3618

Terese A. D’Amico, Principal

May 2, 2012

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As our school year heads into the month of May, thoughts of the changes that lie ahead are on the minds of our sixth graders. Typically, the children from all three intermediate buildings make a trip to the middle school before the end of the year to become acclimated to the building set up and extracurricular activities that are available.

This year, the format is different. The children will be eased into the middle school with the help of an eighth grade mentor who has been trained through the W.E.B. program (Where Everybody Belongs), instead of spending a morning at the middle school in May, as they had done in the past.

The following will happen:

·  The principals and a counselor from the middle school will come and talk with the sixth graders the week of May 14th, to let them know what to anticipate. They will also distribute a survey to the children to help the mentor, and the principals, learn more about the children before they arrive in August.

·  A personal post card from the children’s mentor will be mailed to all of the sixth graders by the middle of June.

·  A phone call of welcome will be made by the mentors to the students in their group a few days before orientation.

·  A formal orientation will be held on Monday, August 20th, 2012. The W.E.B. teachers and mentors will lead the sessions. There will be time for parents to meet with the principal of the school with general questions they may have.

The philosophy of this child-centered program is one that recognizes the unique characteristics of children at this age. It is an exciting opportunity for a meaningful transition process for the students.

Feel free to call me with any questions you may have.


Terese D’Amico