Search Advisory Committee (SAC) Chair Checklist

In order to maintain a fair and equitable search process, please remember the importance of all SAC members participating in all of the responsibilities of the search process. This includes the applicant review, the consultation of the SAC of who to invite to interview, being present at all the interviews for the whole time a candidate is interviewed by the SAC, and submitting the strengths/weaknesses of each candidate from the interviews to the SAC chair. If a SAC member cannot fulfill these responsibilities, then they should be excused from the SAC. Additionally, the SAC chair has the responsibility of maintaining a fair and equitable search process and provides assurance to the university and college that the process was conducted using fair hiring practices. The rule to follow is to treat those who apply as you would like to be treated if you were an applicant or candidate for a position, fairly and equitably.

Checklist for the Hiring Process

☐ / SAC committee members are appointed and/or approved by the Vice President of the area.
☐ / Committee members and committee chair attend SAC training.
☐ / SAC pre-screens applicants using the pre-interview screening criteria form. Please include strengths and weaknesses for each applicant, and check whether acceptable/unacceptable for interview.
☐ / SAC chair writes a memo for AA officer and your Vice President to review, including the names of the applicants (in alphabetical order) and their strengths and weaknesses. AA officer will forward this list to the Vice President of your area for review and approval.
☐ / After AA and your VP have reviewed and approved the applicants, the SAC chair will be notified and may schedule interviews. Please ask each applicant to bring 2-3 references (from current or former supervisors) to their interview.
☐ / After interviews have been conducted, SAC chair writes a memo for AA and your VP, listing each applicant (in alphabetical order) and their strengths and weaknesses. AA officer will review the strengths/weaknesses of each applicant and check EEO information, and then will forward the memo to your VP, who will review the information and make the final hiring recommendation.
☐ / HR will contact references, as per the VP’s recommendation for hire.
☐ / Once SAC chair is notified of the approval, please call HR to discuss and determine start dates and rate of pay.
☐ / Complete Classified Personnel Document and route for required signatures, located on the HR website under Forms.
☐ / After applicant has officially accepted the position, SAC chair contacts all other interviewees to notify them that the position has been filled. (HR will contact all who were not interviewed.)
☐ / Return ALL paperwork from this search to Human Resources. This includes: notes, résumés, interview sheets, reference names.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or call 218-755-2501.

1500 BirchmontDr NE #1, Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 | 905 Grant Ave SE, Bemidji, MN 56601-4907

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