Your first nine weeks project will be to write a math story book. We will be reading books in class that were based on math concepts that you have learned in school, now it’s your turn! Below is a checklist to help you write your book. Also, attached is the rubric I will use to grade your project. The project will count for two test grades in Math, & one test grade in Reading. This project is due October 12, 2009.

Suggested Process (Taking these steps will help your book writing process.)

Step 1) Pick a Math topic: Anything you have learned in any math class. The options are endless!

Step 2) Create your characters: Create your main characters & supporting cast, give them a name, & a personality.

Step 3) Make a Story board: Make a general sequence of events that will happen in your math story. Write maybe one summary sentence for each page of your book.

Step 4) Create the outside cover: Now that you have your characters and a storyline, create a front & back cover for your book that reflect what your book is about.

Step 5) Pictures paint a thousand words: Create a picture that reflects the main events that occur on each page of your book.

Step 6) Flesh out your book: Write in the full story in place of the summary sentences you had in your storyline.

Step 7) Put it all together: Place the full story on the book pages with the pictures.

Step 8) Turn it in: Take a second, third, & fourth look at your finished product, and turn it in to be graded!

Grading Rubric for Math Story Book

Possible Points / points received
25 / Story line makes sense and follows a steady stream of thought, with no grammatical or spelling errors, has complete sentences, with at least 5 sentences per page. / ______
20 / Storyline reflects things you have learned in math over the years. / ______
15 / A representative picture on every page using different mediums such as magazines, crayon, marker, colored pencil, computer graphics, etc. / ______
10 / Story is a minimum of 14 pages. / ______
10 / Story shows creativity & original thought. / ______
10 / Back cover includes short summary of what happens in the book, and price of the book. / ______
5 / Main character has a name & personality, and a supporting cast. / ______
5 / Cover includes, title, “Author & Illustrator” credits, and a picture that reflects the general idea of the book. / ______
100 / total points earned / ______