1Kings1-4 - Daily Study Questions – A New Beginning

1. 1 Kings 1:1-37. A) Describe David’s condition at this time (v1-4). B) Who was Adonijah, what did he do and how did he accomplish this (v5-10)? C) How did Nathan and Bathsheba make the king aware of the situation and what was his response (v11-37)? / A) David has now become an old man. He is now probably in his mid-sixties at least. That may not be very old now but at that time it would have been a significant age. Life spans had shortened dramatically since the days of Joshua, Caleb and Moses. He was weak and apparently having significant health issues involving severe lack of blood circulation (not being able to keep warm indicates this). It was not at all unusual to use the body heat of a healthy person to help keep an unhealthy person warm and, because he was king, it made sense that they would find a young virgin for the job. (side note: it is possible that this is the Shulammite that is spoken of in Song of Solomon later). Many say that the lack of sexual contact by David is proof that he has become too old to do so. I would put forth that maybe he has finally learned the dangers of such lack of self-control (Bathsheba). B) Ironically, Adonijah’s name means “Yahweh is Lord” in Hebrew. He was David’s fourth and oldest surviving son after Amnon and Absalom. Following in the footsteps of his brother Absalom, Adonijah obtained chariots, horses and horsemen. This gave him a look of authority as well as the fact that he was very handsome. David had given Adonijah no discipline, just like Amnon and Absalom. However, his rebellion was as much or more against Yahweh as David because, at Solomon’s birth, Yahweh had declared Solomon as David’s successor. He also got Joab and Abiathar on his side giving him access to major power and the army; then he was declared king. C) Nathan got together with Bathsheba and they both brought the news of his rebellion. Bathsheba went first and then Nathan followed providing two witnesses of the treason that was occurring. Bathsheba was also concerned because customarily the rest of the family would be executed following a coupe. David arranged for Solomon to be crowned king (co-regent with David until his death) by Zadok and Nathan. Benaiah son of Jehoiada, commander of the king’s bodyguards, also supported this. He would later become Solomon’s commander of the armies.
2. 1 Kings 1:38-53. A) How was Solomon made king (v38-40)? B) What was Adonijah and his entourage doing when they heard the news (v41-42) and who brought the news (v43-48)? C) Describe Adonijah’s reaction and how Solomon responded (v49-53). Apply to your own life. / A) The priest Zadok, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah commander of the kings bodyguards and the king’s bodyguards all took Solomon down to the Gihon Spring. Being on David’s mule would signify the royalty that Solomon was being bestowed with. The olive oil poured on Solomon’s head was from a specific container kept in the Tabernacle for this express purpose. In fact, it was probably the same oil used to anoint David. The people’s shout of “Long live King Solomon!” was so loud that it actually shook the earth. What an amazing sight and sound that must have been. B) Adonijah and his guests were still finishing their own celebration banquet (often these banquets would last days, even a week or more) when they heard the noise. Jonathan, the son of Abiathar the priest who had joined Adonijah, came with the news of what the noise was about. Jonathan had been a spy for David when he was forced out of Jerusalem by Absalom. What a reversal of loyalties! Adonijah assumed the news would be good because Jonathan “was a good man.” However, the news was not good, not for Adonijah anyway. C) The party for Adonijah, understandably, quickly disperses after the news of Solomon’s anointing as king. Adonijah actually shows arrogance by going to the altar and grabbing its horns. This is because such would be done by an innocent person seeking refuge to be heard before unlawful punishment. Adonijah knew full well he was in rebellion. However, Solomon shows wisdom and mercy. Mercy because he gives Adonijah his freedom when asked for it. Wisdom in that to kill Adonijah outright might instill more fear than trust in the rest of the people. In our own lives, we should not immediately react to situations but pray and think them out so we may respond wisely.
3. I Kings 2:1-18. A) Paraphrase David’s exhortation to Solomon (v1-3) and why he gave it (v4). B) What instructions did David pass on to Solomon concerning Joab, the sons of Barzillai, and Shimei (v5-9)? C) How long had David ruled when he died (v10-11) and what was the condition of the kingdom (v12)? D) Who did Adonijah approach and what was his request (v13-18)? / A) David is now approaching or has reached the age of 70 years old. He exhorts Solomon to follow the Law of Yahweh, also called the Law of Moses. If he does so, David tells him he will be successful in all he does. David also adds that God will fulfill His promise of keeping a man from the line of David on the throne if Solomon follows Yahweh’s commands. B) Unfortunately, David continues to pass the buck concerning certain of his responsibilities. He had never brought justice to Joab for his murder of Abner or of Amasa so he left the dispensing of justice to Solomon. He also told Solomon to make the sons of Barzillai permanent guests at the king’s table for the help they had provided David during his flight from Absalom. Finally, he called for Solomon to wisely dispense justice to Shimei for the treatment he had given David on his way out of Jerusalem during the incident with Absalom. C) David had ruled Israel for 40 years and, although there had been a few rocky moments (Absalom’s rebellion most notably), David had firmly established the kingdom through war and bloodshed. Solomon was inheriting a strong kingdom and would continue to strengthen it from the standpoint of diplomacy and wisdom. D) Adonijah approached Bathsheba with a request. Her initial response was one of suspicion because of who he was and his earlier actions. To approach her with a request for the king showed cunning because of the special regard Solomon had for his mother (see Proverbs 31). Adonijah wanted to have Abishag the Shulammite as his wife. This was the woman who had taken care of David at the end of his life. Although there was no official relationship and no sexual contact, she would have been considered a part of David’s official harem of wives and concubines. To ask for her hand was an extreme affront to Solomon (expounded further in next question).
4.I Kings 2:19-3:2. A) What was Solomon’s reaction to Adonijah’s request (v19-25)? B) How did Solomon choose to deal with Abiathar? Why (v26-27, also see I Sam. 2:27-36)? C) Summarize Joab’s fate in v28-34; who replaced Joab and Abiathar (v35)? What happened to Shimei and why (v36-46a)? D) Describe the condition of Solomon’s kingdom following these events (2:46b-3:2). / A) Solomon, whose initial reaction to his mother’s presence is great respect and honor (he loved her very much), responds in great anger to the request for Abishag’s hand in marriage. If Adonijah was to take her, it would give him a foundation for another attempt at the throne. Because she was a member of David’s, and now his, harem this would be symbolically like him taking possession of that harem in some people’s eyes. With the support of Abiathar and Joab, along with his position as next oldest son, he would have a strong chance at taking the throne. Solomon orders Benaiah to execute him for this treasonous act. B) This incident with Adonijah is the catalyst that urges Solomon forward in his dealing with the entire rebellious group that supported him. Next on the list is Abiathar the priest. Solomon pardons him from execution for his faithful service to David and for carrying the ark. However, he is removed from service as a priest, fulfilling Yahweh’s prophecy of judgment against Eli in I Samuel 2:27-36. This was the end of Eli’s line of descendants in the priesthood. C) Joab, seeing the inevitable, runs to the altar to seek refuge from death. Solomon commands his execution anyway because of the senseless murders he had committed. He was blight on the house of David and had to be removed. Benaiah to his place as commander of the armies and Zadoktook Abiathar’s place. Shimei was given an opportunity to live but Solomon expressly forbade him from leaving the city of Jerusalem. This would keep him from making contact with his fellow Benjamites and stirring up more trouble. This worked for a time but Shimei chose to ignore Solomon’s decree and leave Jerusalem in pursuit of some lost slaves. For this, Solomon has him executed. At first glance it may seem harsh but the act was direct disobedience that was totally unnecessary. He could have sent anyone to get the slaves rather than directly disobey Solomon. D)Following this, Solomon mad an alliance with Egypt through marriage to the Pharoah’s daughter. This was actually a sign of Israel’s power as a kingdom. Normally Egypt would be receiving other kingdom’s princesses in marriage. To give one away indicates that Egypt was acknowledging the power of Israel and the wisdom of having them as an ally instead of an enemy. The kingdom was now firmly established, although the people were still without a temple to worship from.
5. I Kings 3:3-15. A) What did Solomon do to show his gratitude to Yahweh (v3-4) and what was Yahweh’s response (v5)? B) Paraphrase Solomon’s request of God and why it was a wise one (v6-9). C) What was Yahweh’s response to the request (v10-13) and what was the premise to be upheld (v14)? Solomon’s response (v15)? Apply to your life. / A) The worship in the high places was not according to the Law of Moses. They were to only offer sacrifices at the Tabernacle, so technically Solomon was disobeying the Law of Moses by sacrificing at this altar. However, as Yahweh so often points out, He looks at the heart not just the actions. Solomon’s heart was truly grateful and Yahweh was pleased with that. For that reason, He came to Solomon in a dream telling him to ask for whatever he wanted. B) Solomon begins by expressing his awareness of the grace and greatness of Yahweh to David for his faithfulness to Him. He also acknowledges that his position as king is because of Yahweh’s work, not his own. Solomon realizes his inability to govern Israel on his own, that the task is too much for any man. He asks God to give him wisdom for the proper rule of the people of Israel. C) Yahweh was very pleased by Solomon’s request. His heart was completely unselfish and others centered as well as very humble. For this reason Yahweh not only granted his request for wisdom but also gave him much more besides. Solomon would be the wisest, richest and most honored king of all time! Yahweh also promised him long life, if he walked in obedience as his father David had. In our lives we should always seek to be surrendered to the Lord as we face the life before us. It cannot be done without His help and, with His help, the life before us will be so much richer, if we walk in His footsteps.
6. I Kings 3:16-28. A) Summarize the case that was brought before Solomon (v16-22); Have you ever faced a dilemma like this? B) What was Solomon’s response and what solution did he offer (v23-25)? C) How did the women react (v26) and what determination did Solomon make? Why (v27)? D) How did the kingdom respond (v28)? / A) Two prostitutes approached Solomon with a very difficult dilemma. They both lived in the same house and had given birth to babies within days of each other. In the course of sleep one night, one of the prostitutes rolled over on her child and smothered the baby. She then stole the other’s child and laid her dead child in the other’s arms. Now they want Solomon to settle the dispute because the one being accused says that the other is lying. Although we might not face exactly the same situation, there are times when we face what seem to be impossible decisions. God can give us the wisdom to resolve them. B) Solomon points out that this is one person’s word against another with no real way to prove who is telling the truth. The solution he gives is to bring a sword and cut the child in half giving each woman a half. C) The real mother cries out for the child to be given to the liar because she would never want to see her child harmed. The other prostitute says to go ahead and kill the child. Solomon orders the child be given to the prostitute who desired the baby live because only the real mother would say such as that. This was proof of the great wisdom Yahweh had bestowed on Solomon. D) The entire kingdom was in awe of the wisdom of Solomon’s handling of the situation. They realized that Yahweh was really with him and given him great wisdom to administer justice.
7. I Kings 4:1-34. A) Who were the officials of Solomon (v1-6)? Do you notice a pattern in his choices? B) How many deputies did he have and what was their job (v12-19)? C) What were the conditions in Israel and Judah (v20)? D) Summarize the size and riches of Solomon’s kingdom (v21-28) and his wisdom (v29-34). E) Why is all this info included in Scripture? / A) Solomon’s high officials were all men who had served David well or were related to men who had served David well. Their loyalty to his father made them wise choices for Solomon’s officials. They or their relations had shown that they would be there when he needed them and would follow his leadership. B) He had twelve deputies who were the equivalent of what we would today call governors. They were responsible for bringing in the taxes of food and provisions for Solomon’s household each month, one tribe per month. Interestingly, Judah is not listed among the tribes taxed. This may have helped foster further resentment in the future between the northern and southern regions of the kingdom. C) The population was expanding rapidly in both Judah (south) and Israel (north). Everyone was content and had plenty to eat and drink. There was great rejoicing throughout the kingdom. D) Solomon’s kingdom was widespread and his influence was huge. His rule extended from the Euphrates River to the border of Egypt. Although they were not a part of Israel officially, all of the kingdoms within those borders that were outside of Israel proper were under Solomon’s dominion and paid tribute to him. He received huge amounts of livestock and agricultural tribute as well as gold and silver. He had 12,000 horses and a city specifically built for them and those who took care of them. His wisdom was greater than all the men of that time and his fame spread accordingly. He composed 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs as well as did vast scientific research in botany and zoology. E) Why all this information? Well, Yahweh had promised to not only bless Solomon with great wisdom but also great wealth. This chapter shows just how fully Yahweh fulfilled those promises. When He promises to do something in our lives, Yahweh alwaysfulfills them.